The moment they had arrived in Paris, Jane felt relieved. She needed fresh air; the plane had left her feeling slightly claustrophobic. However, Maura definitely ameliorated the flight immeasurably. Jane's reaction to Maura's bite had been overwhelming and in that second Jane wanted nothing more than to take her then and there but she wanted to wait at least of couple of days before they got intimate. Ever since the driver interrupted them before they had left Maura's place, Jane had had time to think and she wanted their first time to be special and perfect. However that didn't mean she didn't want to make out with Maura which is what she had done a lot. Maura had her feeling so romantic and Jane didn't mind it in the slightest.

After Maura tasted Jane's shoulder she had moved up along Jane's neck and bit at her pulse point. Jane moaned in response and she grabbed Maura and pulled her down with her so Maura could be on her lap. Jane kissed Maura vigorously and Maura's touch was all the fuel Jane needed. Maura ran her fingers through Jane's hair, reveling in the feel of the silky curls and getting lost in her scent. She was completely consumed by Jane. She didn't even notice her stomach grumble until Jane pointed it out to her and they had decided to eat.

Maura was enjoying using her French. Even though Jane didn't understand much of what Maura had said she still enjoyed listening to her. Jane didn't believe Maura could be sexier, that is until they had arrived in Paris. Maura had dragged her to the Eiffel Tower or la tour Eiffel as Maura calls it right after they got off the plane. They hadn't even unpacked yet and here they were. Maura was immediately demanding Jane pose in front of the landmark for pictures. Jane felt stupid at first. She didn't know how she should pose until she decided to mock the way she saw models do it. Maura loved it and didn't notice her sarcastic actions. Maura kept flashing away.

"Maur? Exactly how many photos are you taking?"

"As many as I want. Now turn so I can get your profile." Maura bent down to get a different angle. Deciding she wasn't low enough she lied down on the ground. She had the camera pointing up at Jane with the Eiffel Tower behind her and the blue sky all within one frame.

"Maura, this is kinda getting ridiculous," Jane whined. "Why are you on the ground? I never thought I would see you on the ground. Thought you would think it would be terribly dirty. Especially while wearing that dress."

"I'm on the ground because I can get an amazing photo of you. You're very beautiful and I've never had the opportunity to get pictures of you and I want to take this opportunity to get different angles of you. So I can see every side of you. Now stop talking, I see that side enough as it is." Maura teased.

"Ouch. You're mean in Paris."

"Only because I love you." Maura continued to take pictures until Jane stole the camera.

"Now I get to take an obnoxiously amount of pictures of you!" Maura tried to get the camera back. "I'm not done!" Maura yelled. Jane ran off with the camera and Maura chased after her. Jane managed to get a few shots of Maura running after her while she dangerously ran backwards. It was worth it.

"Stop Maura." Jane said out of breath. "Let me take pictures of you. It's only fair." Maura was inches away from Jane looking at her with a mischievous grin on her face. Her right hand reached for the camera in Jane's grasp. Jane did not move or let go of the camera. Instead she kissed Maura senseless and did her best to snap a picture of it. Breathless she said, "Maura, we're acting like lovesick teenagers."

"I know. I think it's because I was never given the opportunity to act like this when I was a teenager so I'm making up for it now." Maura replied matter-of-factly.

"Hmm. That makes sense. I didn't really have an opportunity either." Jane kissed her again then paused. "I still can't believe you are in love with me."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know…you've only been with men since I met you. I didn't think you would be attracted to me. I didn't want to risk our friendship, I thought that if I told you, you would reject me and then it would get really awkward and then we'd become distant. I just thought you wouldn't want me. Relationships are hard for me…" Jane's eyes found Maura's. In Maura's gaze, Jane found understanding and disbelief; conflicting emotions. Maura's understanding came from loving Jane for all she is. Her disbelief came from Jane's inability to see what Maura sees in her.

"I've never fully let myself get attached to people I've dated. I have never been that open with anyone…until I met you. I don't like relying on people because I can't trust that they will always be there for me. You, you have always been there for me. Most importantly, you have always given me what I needed. Through everything, you've let me be me. You let me use humor to deflect emotions that I can't deal with even if I know you want to tell me things and talk about it. You have a lot of trust in me; that has both terrified me and inspired me. I never want to disappoint you…Never want to give you a reason to leave me so I want to be better; worthy. I love you entirely." Maura looked at Jane soulfully with tears forming. She couldn't help it; Jane's words meant everything to her. She wanted to tell Jane how much but she was rendered speechless and in awe of Jane's honesty and openness. Instead she moved forward closing in on the space between them and gave Jane a very tender kiss.

After a minute, she finally found words, "I love you too, Jane. I always will." Maura looked into Jane's eyes and they continued staring at each other. "You can take pictures of me now." Maura smiled lightly, her dimples making an appearance. Jane chuckled softly.

"Thank you." Jane kissed her cheek and took Maura's hand in hers and led them back to the famous Parisian landmark that Maura was so fond of. "Ok, Maura, strike a pose." Jane demanded camera ready. "Say, 'fromage!'" Jane yelled. Maura looked at her slightly puzzled. "That's right; I know what cheese is in French!" Maura smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Fromage!" Maura said playing along. Her pose was serious; thoughtful and edgy. Jane had never seen her like this and she wondered what she was thinking about even though she knew Maura was just striking a pose. Or was she? Jane didn't know. Before she could ask Maura did another pose. This one was flirty and provocative. Jane zoomed in on Maura's face getting the perfect close up. Maura's eyes were very vibrant and strong. Jane moved to get a different perspective of Maura next to the Eiffel tower. This time Maura looked solemnly and her bright eyes were rimmed with sadness. Maura began to cry. Jane observed and continued taking pictures. She didn't really know why she was still taking pictures; she just knew that Maura was too beautiful. Jane changed her position again to try and get the sun in the frame with Maura looking down at the ground with her hair getting in her face. Maura wiped her cheek and Jane captured the moment. Jane stepped closer to Maura taking a final photo. "Maur?"

Moments passed by like the pedestrians on the streets. "She's dead, Jane. Gone." Jane took Maura's hands in hers. "I know, Maur. I'm so sorry." She squeezed Maura's hands before letting them go and wrapped her in comforting and lasting hug. "I was waiting for the day Naomi's designs would be available. I wanted to have something tangible that would remind me of her." Maura's eyes were full of unshed tears and she looked…lost.

"She'll always be in your heart and I know that's a place she'll never be forgotten. She knows how much you love her and you're doing everything you can for her now." Jane squeezed Maura closer holding her. "And don't be afraid to cry all over me. That's what I'm here for." Maura squeezed Jane back. "I love you." She whispered in Jane's ear and lightly kissed her neck before letting the pent up tears expel. "I love you too." Jane turned her head so she could kiss Maura's ear and neck more easily. "I love you so much, Maur." Maura continued to cry. She felt comfortable enough to let it all out in such a public place but with Jane beside her, she could do anything. It sounded so cliché in her head but it was the truth. Jane is her strength and her solace.

Maura pulled back slowly, "We should probably go unpack and I should call Violet. They've waited long enough."

Jane nodded. "Ok, Maura. Let's go." They walked with their hands intertwined together.

Maura busied herself around the suite. She couldn't stop pacing. Jane decided to take a shower when they got back. She wanted to give Maura some privacy to make the call to the Starks. Maura couldn't bring herself to make the call so she stalled by going to the bathroom. "Jane!" Maura yelled through the door before opening it. "Jane."

"Yes, Maur?" Jane asked while lathering her hair up with the fancy hotel shampoo. Maura walked to the sink and looked into the mirror. She started tapping her fingers nervously on the counter. She could see Jane rinsing her hair through the glass shower door.

"I haven't called them yet." Maura turned around so she was facing Jane. "I can't seem to calm down."

"Come 'ere." Jane opened the shower door. "Get in with me."

"Jane." Maura responded breathlessly. Hesitantly.

"Not like that. Just let me comfort you. I need to condition my hair otherwise I would get out to hold you. Plus…this way is just better." Jane grinned. Maura stayed still and bit her lip. She was still tapping the counter behind her. "Going once, going twice…" Jane said as she made the move to close the shower door.

"No, don't shut it yet." Maura said.

"I'm getting cold." Jane whined. "Hurry up."

Maura moved forward and took Jane's presence in. She could tell that Jane's nipples were hard. "Cold or aroused?" Maura glanced up to meet Jane's eyes and then back down again.

"Maurrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa. You're torturing me. Cold, Maura, cold." Jane said frustrated.

Maura examined Jane closer. "I think you're lying." She lifted her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra. "I haven't begun to torture you, Jane." Maura smirked. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall. Jane took in Maura's form. Maura loved how she could captivate Jane's attention and eyes. Maura stood in her emerald green lace underwear for another minute.

"Maur," Jane barely said since her mouth was dry. "Maura." She said louder.

"Yes, Jane?" Maura asked innocently.

"Get the fuck in here." She growled.

"Whoa, Jane, you're being quite demanding and I won't adhere to that type of language." Maura smiled loving the way she feeling: deliciously evil. Jane exhaled dramatically.

"Ooh, JANE!" Maura squeaked. Jane had gotten out of the shower and grabbed Maura. "Put me down, Jane." Jane tightened her grip around her as she inched closer to the shower. Maura continued to squirm in her arms. She started hitting Jane's arms and failed at containing her laughter. "Jane, Jane, I'll stop teasing you. Just put me down." Jane laughed.

"Yeah, right." Jane's breath tickled Maura's left ear. Goosebumps erupted all over Maura's body. Jane and Maura stood in front of the shower. "This time, you wanted the hard way." Jane opened the door all the way with her foot making the entryway easier to step into. Jane let Maura go when they were directly underneath the showerhead.

"You didn't even let me take off my underwear." Maura said as she removed them from her body. "They are soaked now." Frustrated, she threw them into the sink and shut the shower door all the way.

"I'll buy you some new ones, ok?" Jane said as she lathered up her hair with conditioner. She slicked her hair back to keep it out of the water. "Maur?"

"Yes, Jane." Jane took two and a half steps forward and she grabbed Maura's hand. She started drawing circles on her palm. Maura put her other hand on Jane's left shoulder. She met Jane's eyes and leaned forward. Jane's lips parted and met Maura's. Maura moaned into the kiss, her tongue swept over Jane's lips before she sucked on Jane's bottom lip. Jane deepened the kiss, tasting Maura she moaned. Maura cupped Jane's neck and her fingertips brushed over Jane's pre rinsed hair, she smiled and pulled back. "Need help rinsing?"

"No, but I do need you closer." Smirked Jane as she wrapped both her arms around Maura. Jane basked in Maura's arms letting the moment wash over her.

"I hope you know I'm going to get you back for dragging me into your shower."

"I count on it." Jane smiled while letting go of Maura. "I should rinse now."

"Want me to soap up your body for you?" Maura asked, biting her lip she waited for the answer.

Jane ran her fingers through her hair trying to make sure all the conditioner was getting rinsed out. "Uh, sure, Maura." No one had ever offered to wash her body before, Jane was slightly uncomfortable. Until Maura started. Soap had never made her shiver before.

A lot of feelings had never been felt before Maura.

After their shower, Jane held Maura's hand as she made the phone call to Violet. After three rings, Violet answered. « Allo? »

« Bonjour, Violet. C'est Maura. »

« Ah, j'attendais ton appel! Est-ce que tu peux faire l'autopsie demain? Dans la matinée ? »

« Oui, bien sûr. Comment ça va ? »

«Ça va, on s'accroche... Et toi ? »

« Je suis encore sous le choc. »

« Je sais. Nous sommes bouleversés. Ça ne va pas s'arranger de sitôt. »

« Je sais. Si seulement… »

« Je sais, Maura, je sais. On se parle demain. »

« D'accord. Au revoir. »

« Au revoir. »

Jane gently kissed Maura's cheek as Maura put the phone down. "You ok?"

"Yeah." She squeezed Jane's hand. "I am 'cause I have you."

Jane grinned. "And I have you."

"I'm doing the autopsy tomorrow morning." Jane nodded and gave Maura a side hug squeezing her close so her head was resting on Jane's shoulder. Jane rested her head on Maura's.

"You really like to squeeze me close." Maura verbalized the observation.

"I really, really do."