Welcome back to WWAC! We are nearing the end of our story! :'( Things are gonna get revealed and sad shit is gonna happen. Be prepared and please enjoy!
"Sukari?" Bishop called to the 14-year-old child. Sukari appeared out of the kitchen and walked slowly over to her master.
"Yes, sir?"
"I wanted to tell you that I'm sending you to high school," Bishop said. Sukari's eyes widened and she sat down. "The turtles are going there, disguised as humans, and I need you to collect information about them."
"But, Master," she said quietly and carefully, "I don't know anything about high school or who the turtles are. I wouldn't know what they look like at all." Bishop leaned towards the girl.
"Find out," he said. "I'll tell you what; if you can collect enough information so I can bring them down, I'll set you free." Sukari looked at him in shock.
"O-okay," she said. "I'll do it."
Sukari walked towards the school slowly, backpack and book in hand. Her long hair was back in a ponytail and she had a couple earrings in. She walked in and all she saw were teenagers running around hurriedly towards their classes. Sukari walked in and went towards where her locker was. When she got to it, she saw a boy and a girl kissing in front of it. Sukari bit her lip and tried edging towards it, but was cut off when the girl pushed the boy onto the locker.
"E-excuse me," Sukari said quietly. The boy opened his eyes, which were a light amber color, and tapped his girlfriend. The girl, who had long blonde hair and blue eyes, turned over to Sukari with a glare. "That's my locker."
"We're busy," the girl said in a snooty voice and turned back to her boyfriend. The boy, who was tall with black hair and amber eyes, put his hands on the girl's shoulders and pushed a little so they moved from Sukari's locker.
"Thank you," Sukari said. The boy nodded once and the two walked away together.
Sukari was walking through the halls again, completely lost. She stared at the floor and sighed, continuing her way through the school. She saw a group of boys who were rough-housing and laughing with each other. Sukari bit her lip, continuing, but when she needed to get past the boys, one of them blocked her way. He was tall with sandy blonde hair and dark gray eyes. He was wearing faded jeans and a dark purple shirt. He was wrestling with one of the other boys, the one with red hair. Sukari looked up at him and sighed. "May I get by please?" They didn't seem to hear her, though.
The blonde boy suddenly cocked his fist back, accidently elbowing Sukari in the nose. She cried out and fell backwards, holding her now bleeding nose. The boy turned and looked at the girl with his eyes filled with concern. "Shit. Hey, you okay?" He waved his friends away and helped the girl up. "Hey," he called softly, taking her hand away from her nose. "Damn. I didn't mean to do that." Sukari opened her eyes, which were blurry from pain-tears.
"I'm alright," she mumbled. "Thank you." The boy sighed and picked her up, surprising her, and he took her to the nurse's office. She tensed, not used to being touched this gently, and swallowed nervously. "Y-you don't have to do this. I'm really okay."
"It's fine," the boy said. "I'll feel bad if I don't." When he got to the nurse's office, he put Sukari on the cot, grabbing some wet wipes, and started dabbing at her nose. "Look, I'm really sorry about this. I didn't even see you behind me. What's your name anyway?"
"Sukari. What's yours?"
"I'm Josh Mason."
Sukari woke up with a start from her dream and sat up. She looked over to her right side and saw Danielle snuggled with her mother's tail. Sukari smiled a little and lifted her baby gently. She held her close and pet her hair.
Sukari suddenly heard footsteps in the hall outside her room and felt her scales rise. She would know those footsteps anywhere. She tightened her grip on her baby and stared in fear at the door. When it opened, Sukari flinched and shook.
Bishop walked through the room slowly, staring at his daughter with anger in his eyes. She stared back in a mixture of hate and fear. When Bishop got within a foot of the young woman, he narrowed his eyes and struck her cheek, making her cry out. She felt Danny wake up and start whimpering and she bounced her a little, despite her situation. "So, this is the child?" Bishop asked with bitterness in his voice. Sukari looked at him again and nodded.
"Y-yes," she whispered. Bishop sneered and gripped Sukari's hair suddenly.
"It's almost as pathetic as its mother." Sukari heard this and bared her teeth.
"Her name is Danielle," she spat at the man. Bishop glared and tightened his grip on her hair. Sukari spit in the man's eye, making him let go of her hair and wipe it away. He soon gripped her throat and lifted her off the bed, causing Danielle to start crying and Sukari to kick out at him. Bishop lowered her and carried her off to his lab, where he threw her to the ground and reached towards the baby.
"No!" Sukari screamed, tightening her hold on Danielle. "Don't touch her!" It was hopeless as Bishop grabbed the baby and kicked Sukari back down. He carried the crying child away towards a small cage and locked her in. Sukari got up and ran towards her baby, desperate, but Bishop clothes-lined the girl, picked her up, and shoved her onto an experimentation table, locking her limbs in metal cuffs. Sukari eyed her father carefully and struggled in the cuffs. Bishop pulled out a large needle filled with a light orange liquid and Sukari froze in terror. She knew that liquid. Bishop used to use it whenever he'd take her blood.
"Now," Bishop said with a smile of insanity, "be a good girl and little Danielle won't get hurt." He sunk the needle into Sukari's arm and she screamed at the intense burning sensation from the evil liquid. Bishop chuckled and put the syringe away when it was empty and sat down. In a few minutes, Sukari's eyes lidded and she groaned, staring at her father with glassy eyes. "Now then, where should I start? Ah, yes; let's start with the very first mistake you made. The first mistake you made was when you lacked the intelligence to inform me about the turtles. Why didn't you tell me, Sukari? I do recall us having a deal."
"I… c-couldn't," Sukari stammered. "T-they didn't… deserve… w-what you were p-planning."
"And who are you to decide that, Sukari?"
"I know them," Sukari said silently. "T-they w-were… kind to me. R-Raphael… Raphael…" Bishop scoffed and stood, walking towards his radio-communication mechanism. He put the speaker to his mouth.
"Bring the girls here now," he ordered lowly.
"All of them, sir?"
"No, just the Spaniard, the blonde, and the black-haired one with green eyes," he said.
"Yes, sir."
Sukari pulled weakly against the restraints again and groaned. "N-no… no…" Bishop walked back over to her and gripped her jaw.
"You should never have walked home with that creature. You wouldn't be in this situation."
"What the fuck do you mean you're my father?!" Mona shouted. She kicked the man away from her and pulled against the cuffs again. "If you really are, then I'll kill you! You killed my mother!" Alan sighed and flung his hand, striking the girl across the face and silencing her. She suddenly let out a sob and pulled her legs back. Alan looked confused as he watched the girl cry in front of him. "W-why did you do it? My mother was a good woman! She died because of you."
"I only did what I was ordered to do," Alan said, catching Mona's attention. Alan sighed again and knelt in front of the teen again.
"Before you were born, I-," the door suddenly opened and a few guards walked in. They moved Alan away from Mona and un-cuffed her wrists. They dragged her up and she watched as they picked up Carolie's unconscious body and carried her towards the door.
Raj looked awful. Her clothes were completely stripped off and she was covered in red and white substances. Every inch of her was in pain and she could barely breathe.
She heard the door open suddenly and she flinched. She looked up at the men, guards this time, and shook. "What do you want?" she spat, her accent thick. The men stared down at her and one of them reached for her cuffs.
"Agent Bishop wants to see you," he said. The other guards were collecting her scattered clothes and, once she was free, they dressed her and lifted her, carrying her to the lab.
Sukari was still in her drift from the drug. She felt so odd, but it was also bliss, for there was no pain in her body. For once, everything seemed absolutely tranquil. That is, until she felt another slap from Bishop. She groaned again and looked at him with her hazy eyes. He glared down at her and began moving the bed so she was sitting up.
He soon heard a struggle outside his lab and looked towards the door. He saw his guards carrying in two non-moving teens and one guard struggling with a black-haired beauty. He smirked and walked over to the girl and grabbed her by the hair, grinning down at her and causing her to yelp in pain. "Nice to finally meet you, Monique. Won't you sit down?" He threw her to the floor and the guards attacked, attaching her to a chain that also connected to her friends. She looked up at Sukari and her eyes widened.
"Sukari! Sukari, wake up!" she shouted. She then looked over at Bishop. "Where's her baby?!" Bishop rolled his eyes and pointed to the small cage which still held a now sleeping baby.
"If you're finished," Bishop said, "I really need to get started." He walked over to Carolie and thumped her on the forehead, jolting her awake instantly. She blinked and looked around and, when she saw Bishop, she screamed and kicked her foot out, giving Bishop a cause to catch it and lift her by her leg. "I missed you, Caroline," he said with a dark chuckle. She stared at him in genuine fear and struggled as she was held upside down. Bishop suddenly dropped her and reached towards her throat, undoing the collar. Carolie didn't move.
Raj stared at Bishop in hatred and attempted to sit up. "Why did you bring us here?" she asked bitterly. Bishop smirked and sat down in his chair next to Sukari.
"I just thought you'd all be interested in knowing your purposes in this situation, Rajein. Surely you know that you all have been part of a highly thought out plan." Mona furrowed her brows at this and Carolie gulped.
"What do you mean?"
The guys were all still locked in the large cell. Mikey had eventually managed to stall the pain and move closer to his brothers. Raphael had also woken up and was panicking. He didn't know if Sukari was okay. He didn't know where his baby was. He didn't know, and it pissed him off. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Leo trying to comfort him.
"She's gonna be okay, Raph," he said quietly. Raph nodded a bit and sighed, moving around again.
"I have to know if she's safe, Leo," he whispered in a pained voice. He was so terrified for his family.
The door suddenly opened and the guys all looked towards it, all wearing shocked or angry expressions. Josh stood in the doorway, looking nervous as hell. Raphael turned to him and gnashed his teeth. "What the hell do you want?!" Josh sighed and leaned against the doorway.
"I wanna help ya," he said silently. Leo narrowed his eyes and struggled in his chains.
"Why the hell would you want to help us after you're the one who put us in here?" he asked bitterly. Josh winced.
"I don't wanna help ya, personally," he said, "but if it helps Sukari than I'll do it."
"Oh," Raph said, getting even angrier, "so the guy who beat, raped, and nearly killed Sukari wants to save her at the last minute? Well, that makes a ton of fucking sense." Josh glared a little.
"I have my reasons," he said quietly as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the keys. "I'll make you a deal. If I let you out and help you free Sukari, you gotta let me live. To be honest I don't care whether or not you survive, but I got shit to do before I die. Deal?" Leo glared again and sighed.
"Fine," he said. "Let us free and help us save the girls and you live." Josh nodded once and walked towards Raphael's chains, beginning the unlocking process. Raphael never stopped staring at the man before him and, when he was finally free, he stood.
His fist suddenly flew into Josh's face so hard that his knuckles hurt. Josh cried out in pain and fell to the floor while Raphael shook his hand out. "That was for everything. Now we're even."
Josh groaned and stood up again, wiping blood from his face. He glared at Raphael, but sighed and continued unlocking the others. Once they were all free, Josh looked at them with a hard stare. "Bishop took all the girls except for Sukari's sister, so we need to go get her."
"Where is she?"
"This way." Josh led them to the other cell and unlocked it to find Ninalia and Wren still sitting on the floor. Wren was curled up in the corner and Ninalia was sharpening her nails on the wall. The girls looked over at the door and Wren's eyes widened.
"J-Josh?" she asked quietly. Josh looked down at the girl and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Wren?" he asked. "You're alive?" He walked over to her and grabbed her wrists and pulled out his keys. She flinched and edged away from him, but he ignored it. Once she and Nini were both free, Nini bared her fangs and stood ready to attack the man before her.
"I should kill you now for everything you've done to this family," she growled lowly, her accent thick. Josh stared at the woman and shrugged.
"You do that," he said, "and you'll never be able to get to your sister." Nini's glare grew and she clicked her nails. Slash suddenly walked up to her and held her shoulders.
"We have to trust him, Ninalia," he said. "He's going to lead us to Sukari and the girls." Nini's eyes went from the guys to Josh a few times before she nodded once.
"Fine," she said bitterly, "but if he betrays us, I'll kill him."
"What plan?" Mona asked wearily. Bishop smirked and got up, pacing around the girls.
"To create an advanced team for my benefit," he answered. "Think about it. "In my ownership, I now have a shape-shifter, a psychic, a girl with incredible strength, and a dragon with endless powers."
"Wait," Raj suddenly said. "Who has incredible strength?" Bishop grinned widely.
"You didn't tell them, Monique?" he asked the girl whose eyes were now pointed at the floor. She looked up at her two friends and sighed.
"I have strength that allows me to lift exactly one thousand times my weight," she said. "I was born with it, but I don't know how."
"Oh, I can answer that," Bishop smirked. Mona glared up at the man as he walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a vial that held a clear-blue liquid. "This was injected into your father, who in turn, gave it to you when you were conceived. A perfectly thought plan, don't you think?" He put the bottle in front of Mona's face and touched her nose with it. She turned her face away and Bishop turned his attention to Raj. "And you, princess, are quite the interesting one, aren't you? A little psychic from Spain, sent here during a war. You didn't quite make it here for a while though, did you?" Raj gritted her teeth and pulled against the chains. "You crash-landed on an island just south of Cuba, correct? Though, sadly enough, your parents didn't survive the crash."
Raj swore at the man in Spanish and received a heavy smack to the face in return. Bishop pulled her face back and grinned evilly. "Do remember what your place is, Rajein, dear."
"You are a lowlife bastard and you will die," Raj said bitterly. Bishop rolled his eyes and pushed her onto the floor again.
"Good luck," he said. He then turned his eyes to Carolie, who trembled in fear and scooted backwards. "And you my dear," he growled lowly, insanity written on his face, "know perfectly well of your gift. Tell me, have you been practicing?" Carolie looked away and Bishop grabbed her hair, which she in turn transformed into spikes. Bishop brought his hand back, which was now covered in cuts. "I'll take that as a yes." Carolie stayed silent and looked over at Sukari, who was still in her daze. Bishop followed Carolie's eyes and looked at his daughter. "Don't worry about her," he said with a chuckle as he straightened. "She only got a minor dosage." He walked over to the dragon and stroked her hair. "She'll be fine once her memories are erased." Raj looked up suddenly and struggled in her chains.
"How would that make her okay?!" she screamed. "You've given her more scars than you can count and you think that suppressing her memories will make it better?!"
"She won't know!" Bishop shouted back. "Once she's been suppressed, she will know nothing but of to serve me."
"You've tortured her all her life, giving her less freedom than a caged fighting dog, and you still will not stop?! How much more do you think she can take before she snaps?!
"She will take as much is as given!"
"She's already killed multiple because of you! How could you be so soulless?! She's your daughter!"
"I fucking know she's my daughter!" Bishop screamed in frustration and smacked Raj so hard her head collided with the floor. He suddenly heard a stirring and turned to see Sukari staring back at him.
"So," she said quietly, "you'll finally say that. You'll finally admit that I'm your daughter." Bishop furrowed his brows and walked over to the girl.
"You always have been, Sukari," he said quietly. "The only reason I've raised you like this is so your instincts will be impeccable. It shouldn't have been like this, though. You weren't meant to have a child."
"What are you planning for her?" Sukari asked weakly. Bishop sighed.
"I'll allow you to raise her," he said carefully, "but not as your daughter." Sukari closed her eyes and Bishop noticed her fists clench.
"Do you really think," she started, opening her eyes and revealing a red circle around her corneas, "that I'll allow that? I've dealt with you for so long, Bishop." She suddenly sat up in the bed, breaking the straps that held her down. "I've kept my peace, held my tongue, and let you do horrible things to good people. Why should I allow you to withhold my baby and suppress my family?"
"Sukari," Bishop said slowly, reaching into his pocket to grab the small remote, "I'm only doing this for our benefit. You'll have a better life. You'll still even be with your friends and your daughter. Don't you want the bad memories to go away?" Sukari suddenly chuckled and grabbed Bishop by the throat and she opened her eyes again.
Sukari's eyes were frightening. They had become completely blood red around her corneas and all the way through. She opened her mouth and her teeth were all sharp and her tongue was longer and forked. "You piece of worthless filth. Don't you understand yet?" She got up out of the bed and held Bishop's throat tightly while he fought with her. "You say you tried to keep my instincts intact?! That didn't work! All I've ever been was afraid! You did that!" She gripped tighter and Bishop grabbed her hair, making her anger grow. "The only ones who ever taught me anything besides fear and obedience are the people you're hurting!" With force in her hands, she threw the man backwards, landing him on a control panel. She walked over to her friends and tore the chains in half. Once they all stood, she turned towards the man again and snarled. "Why couldn't you just leave me in that forest?! Why didn't you just kill me then?!" She grabbed his throat and dug her claws into his skin.
She was suddenly yanked off of the man by Mona, who held her arms above her head tightly. Sukari struggled violently, gnashing her teeth as her friends surrounded her. "Sukari!" Mona shouted as Sukari began to claw at her. "Su! Stop it!" Carolie suddenly threw her arms around the dragoness and held her firmly.
"Sukari, it's us," she said desperately. "Please calm down!" She felt Sukari raspy breaths and rubbed her back softly. "It's okay." Sukari sighed and hugged the blonde back, with tears down her face. "It's okay… he's unconscious… we can go. I'll go grab Danny, okay?"
Sukari's eyes began to fade as she nodded slightly. Carolie walked over to Danny's cage and reached for it.
"Step away!" a loud male voice said to the side of the blonde. She flinched and looked over to see a commando pointing a gun at her. "Get away from the creature or I'll shoot!" Carolie glared and snarled with newly sharpened teeth.
"Don't you touch her," she growled. The soldier growled and aimed his gun directly at Carolie's head.
"Care!" Mona cried as the man went to pull the trigger.
There was suddenly a sound of gushing as the man went rigid. He fell forward to the ground, dead, as the girls noticed a knife sticking out of his throat. Mona looked up and saw, with a chuckle, Slash. He was sitting on a ledge, looking irritated.
"Do you girls really not know how to start a fight?" he asked in a bored tone as he stood and jumped down. "Rule one; no mercy whatsoever. Honestly, you're all rookies at this."
"Ah, shut up, Slash," Mona chuckled as Carolie finally got Danielle out of the cage. Sukari smiled in relief, but was suddenly grabbed by Bishop and pulled against his chest.
"None of you will be leaving here alive," he growled in her ear as he pointed a gun at her friends. "Sukari, dear, why not watch them die?" Sukari struggled with all her might, but Bishop held firm as he pointed the gun at Raj. "You first, Princess."
A gunshot was heard, followed by a shrill cry of anguish from Sukari. Raj flinched, but noticed that she felt no pain. Sukari opened her eyes and saw that Bishop's gun had been shot out of his hand. She looked to the side and her eyes widened when she saw Josh standing there, looking anxious but ready. Bishop growled.
"I suppose you wish to die too, then?" he snarled. Josh lowered his gun and glared back. "What do you plan to gain from your insubordination?"
"I want my fucking life back," Josh growled. "You took it. I'm taking it back, you son of a bitch." Sukari shuddered at Josh's glare. She'd seen it too many times to not know that he was ready for any outcome.
"How do you plan on winning?" Bishop spat. "You think you'll defeat me? You're nothing but a coward, Joshua, just like your worthless parents." Josh took a step forward and raised his gun again.
"How 'bout you find a fucking weapon before I kill you and ruin the fun?"
"You and what fucking army?"
"Well isn't dat nice?" Everyone suddenly heard. Bishop released Sukari and looked up and around. "Hey, Leo. Told ya he wouldn't notice us."
"That you did, Raph. Nice call."
"Dudes, check out Bishop's hand! It really got blown clean off!"
Bishop growled again and went for his gun before a challenge dart with a purple ribbon suddenly pierced through the barrel of it. "Ah, ah, ah… you shouldn't play with guns." The four finally came down from their hiding spots and circled around Bishop. Raph glared viciously when he saw Sukari's eye. The team circled around the crazed man, baring their weapons. "You've been on a power trip for a long time, Bishop. I think it should end here," Donny growled. Josh and Slash joined the circle and Bishop laughed, pulling out the small remote from his pocket.
"I don't think so," he said, pressing a button.
Sukari suddenly let out a shrill scream and fell to the floor, arching her back. She grasped her head and screamed louder.
"Maybe she forgot to mention the microchip in her neck," Bishop sneered. "It was a backup plan in case the bracelet came off." Sukari kept screaming and Raj ran to her side and glared.
"Turn it off!" She yelled as loud as she could. Bishop laughed and hovered his thumb over the increase button.
"Lower your weapons! If you don't, I'll make it worse!" Josh fired his gun again, this time hitting Bishop in the leg, making him drop the remote in surprise. Leo immediately picked it up and tossed it to Raj, who hurriedly turned off the shock. Sukari went limp and curled up in pain. Bishop stood up again and growled, slamming a button on the panel behind him. All of the doors around them suddenly opened and guards ran in with their guns. Raj helped Sukari up and Carolie grabbed Danielle. They ran to a safe corner as a huge fight began to break out. Josh moved to a position so he could easily take shots. He immediately shot down five guards and began to reload. Leo and the others fell into action, taking down as many guards as possible. Carolie and Mona were protecting Sukari, Raj, and Danny, as the two girls were too injured to fight. Danny buried her face in her mother's chest and Sukari shushed her gently.
Carolie had shifted into a large snake and was slithering around the small area, biting as many guards as she could and watching them drop dead. Mona had managed to get her knife from Slash and was fighting brutally.
Slash was taking on Bishop and was close to losing. He fought valiantly, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wren being cornered by five guards. He growled and sliced at Bishop's chest then ran over, killing all five men with his sword. He helped Wren up and jumped off the wall, landing on the top balcony. "Stay here, alright? You'll be safe." Wren nodded and Slash jumped back down. At the moment, Bishop was occupied by Raphael.
Raj saw this and her eyes widened. She saw the violence in both of their eyes. She saw the exhaustion on Raphael. She saw Sukari notice this as well. Raj's vision was coming true... She wasn't prepared for Sukari to suddenly hand her Danny and get up. "Sukari, no! Don't!" Sukari didn't hear her. She ran at full speed towards her mate as he was pressed against a wall.
Everything went in slow motion. Raphael saw her coming and yelled as she shoved him to the side. She felt the blade pierce her chest and her breath went short. Raphael's eyes widened as he witnessed his mate being run-through. He yelled in anguish and jumped up, tackling Bishop away and stabbing his through his spine with a sai.
Everything stopped. The last guard had gone down and now everyone was looking at the awful sight. Sukari was on the floor with a katana through her chest. Ninalia ran up, almost in hysterics and dropped to her knees beside her sister. Raph took the other side, already in hysterics.
"No..." he was saying. "No no no no! Sukari! Baby, wake up! Please!" Sukari's eyes fluttered open slightly and she slowly looked at him.
"R-Rapha...el... I-I'm sorry..." She touched his face weakly and Raph grabbed her hand. He looked up at Nini.
"Please," he begged her. "Please tell me you can heal this!" Ninalia shook and carefully pulled the sword out and put her hands over the wound.
"I... I don't know..." she whispered, terrified. Everyone began to gather around in horror at the scene. "Raphael, if she was run in the heart... I can't..." She kept trying and sobbed out, taking her hands away. "It's not working!" Raph looked at Sukari again desperately.
"Baby, you can pull through this," he said hoarsely. Sukari stared at him then let out a tiny smile.
"Raphael... I just... I w-want you... to know..." She was breathing heavily and shaking. "I love... you... please... take c-care of... Danny." Her eyes were getting glassy as she coughed. "R-Raph...Raphael..." Her breath went out. Raphael's eyes widened as he clutched her hand.
"Sukari... Sukari!" He picked her up into his arms and hugged her close. "Please, no! Wake up! Sukari!" He sobbed onto her shoulder and screamed his pain. Josh and Raph's brothers were all watching in disbelief and grief.
Raj was watching, Danielle sleeping in her arms. Her tears were flowing down her cheeks as she looked down at her friend. Mona was hugging Carolie and crying. Raj looked around and then made a choice. "Innocent blood for an innocent life..." she muttered as she made her way through the small crowd. She handed Danny to Ninalia and looked at Raphael.
"Raphael," she whispered to him. He shook his head and clutched his mate tighter. Raj touched his head softly. "Raphael, give her to me. Please. I... I think I can help." Raph looked up at her, his eyes puffy and red with tears and he loosened his grasp. Raj put Sukari's head into her lap and lovingly pet her hair. "You are innocent, loyal, and truthful. This is not your time. If there was ever anything I could've done for you, this is it." She pulled out her small pocket knife and looked up at Leonardo. "Leonardo, before I do this, understand that I love you. Please. I am entrusting you with my family." Leo's eyes widened as he realized her intention. He put his hand on her shoulder, but was shook off. "I'm doing this by choice. Danielle needs her mother." Leo knelt down and pulled Raj into a kiss.
"You are the strongest, most amazing woman I've ever met," he whispered to her. She smiled as he stood back up and pushed everyone back gently to give her space. With care, she ran the blade down her arm and put the cut over Sukari's mouth, muttering in Spanish. As she spoke, her tattoos began to glow. Her blood flowed down Sukari's throat and Raphael watched as the wound was closing. Raj wrapped her other arm around Sukari as fangs sunk into her flesh.
"I love you, Sukari," she whispered with a tear rolling down her cheek. Sukari's eyes suddenly flung open and she released the arm from her mouth and sat up, letting Raj fall. She looked around frantically and her eyes set onto the woman on the ground next to her.
"R-Raj?" she whispered. She looked at Raphael and tears filled her eyes. "She...?" He nodded sadly. Sukari sighed with a low sob and was pulled into Raphael's arms as Leo picked up Raj's body. "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry." Mona moved over to her and hugged her as well.
"She did it for all of us," Mona said in between tears. Carolie was yanked into a firm and shaky hug from Mikey and Donny touched Mona's shoulder, pulling her close to him as well. Leo carefully picked up his katana and walked over to a twitching Bishop. As he supported Raj's body with one arm, he wasted no time in separating Bishop's body from his head.
It was done.
The service in honor of Rajein Genera was over within hours two weeks later. Sukari and Raph were dressed in black and Sukari was cradling Danny. All of their friends were there. Even Josh and Amy had been invited. Sukari and Amy were talking to one another, Amy giving her condolences and apologies for everything she had said and done at school. Sukari looked as though she had forgiven her ex foe.
Raph noticed Leo sitting by himself and walked over to him. "Hey..." he said softly. Leo looked up at him and sighed.
"You okay, bro?"
"I guess... I mean... no not really." Raph nodded and, shockingly, pulled his brother into a hug.
"I'm sorry man..." he said in all sincerity. Leo hugged him back and soon, Raph felt a small wet spot on his shoulder.
As everyone was getting ready to go home, Sukari was making last-minute conversation. She was talking to Josh and smiling as he patted her head gently. She reached up and kissed him softly on the cheek then said her goodbyes. She walked back over to Raphael and he planted a kiss on her lips passionately.
"Can't we ever just have a day when we ain't havin' near-death experiences?" Sukari giggled and shook her head.
"Not in this lifetime," she said. She gazed into her mate's eyes and held her baby lovingly. For once in her entire life, she finally knew everything was going to be okay, thanks to everyone who had helped her. Aside from losing her closest friend, she was finally truly happy.
We finally reached the end?! Oh my goodness! Thank you to everyone who supported me and reviewed to help me!