New Beginnings. Glee. Rachel and Brody.

Summary: Rachel's sick of being treated like she's a piece of toy and for once in her life, all she wants is to have fun and not care about Finn. Can one Brody Weston change that? Set after the 1st episode of series 4.

A.N. The song in this story is 'what if' by Ashley Tisdale in case you wanted to listen to it while you read this... in this story the song is sang by Rachel! Don't own anything, enjoy!

Chapter 1 - feelings

Rachel's POV

I was lying in bed thinking of everything that had happened in the last couple of days. Brody Weston was one cute guy, I'll have to admit, but Finn is my soul mate... we've been through so much together.

"You're thinking about him again aren't you?" Kurt asked sitting down next to me.

"Who?" I said because honestly, i was thinking about Brody as well as Finn.

"Finn," Kurt said and then continued, "And of course, Brody!"

I looked down, how did he know me so well?! Oh yeah, because he's my best friend. He knows me too well and sometimes, in a situation like this i hate him right now!

"N-No I'm not... I honestly don't know what you're talking about." I stuttered looking anywhere but Kurt.

"You're thinking about Finn but your mind is drifting to Brody as well, I know you Rachel. You're a bad liar."

"You're telling me you haven't thought a guy was cute when you're with Blaine?" I asked him.

"It's not just that though is it, Rachel? You talk about him all the time and it's clear that there is chemistry between you two whether your still hung up on Finn or not." Kurt explained and I realized that he was right but that doesn't mean that I'm going to admit it in front of Kurt.

This thing with Brody is probably just a girl crush nothing else.

"This thing with Brody is only a girl crush, I'll get over it soon enough."

"Rachel, you're spending the next 4 years with him and honestly, you can't wait for Finn to call you every minute."

I was gob smacked, "What? Finn's in the army that doesn't mean he's ignoring me and that i shouldn't wait for him."

Kurt sighed, "I have to tell you something and i don't think you're going to like it."

I waited for him to go on...

"If he's not ignoring you then why did he call me today? He never mentioned you, not a single word. I'm sorry Rachel." Kurt said having the need to comfort his best friend.

I looked down and felt like I had been smacked in the face. Finn, my supposed soul mate, had been ignoring me after all the texts and calls I had made for him and waited for him. He didn't care after everything we've been through. Did i mean anything to him in his life at all?!

"I am so sorry Rachel; I just thought that maybe you have the right to know." Kurt said and put his arms around me.

I buried my head in his shoulder and began to cry. It was a good job that I had my best friend here with me and that he was my roomie now, much better than that girl that sleeps with the whole school and it hadn't even been a week yet.

"It does... err...I mean I was going to find out at some point really. I'd rather find out from my best friend rather than finding out from Jacob's blog, you know?"

"Yeah. I just think maybe it's time for you to move on? Like, not straight away obviously but when you're ready." Kurt said offering a smile.

I smiled back,"Yeah. I might just do that."

"Almighty, well i have to go. I'm off shopping, can come with me if you want?"

"No, I'll be fine. I just want to have some time alone." I said slowly.

"Yeah, I understand. See you later then sweetie!" Kurt said grinning before leaving me alone. On my own, as always.

I stood up and walked over to the mirror, I had stained tears in my eyes and my mascara had run everywhere. I looked a state but right now, I didn't care. I wanted to express my feelings what I was feeling right now and I knew that the only way to do that was to sing, just like the old me did before Finn was ever in my life. I picked up my brush and pretended people were around me. Applauding me.

Don't speak, I can't believe

This is here happening

Our situation isn't right

Get real, who you playing with?

I never thought he'd be like this

You were supposed to be there by my side

When you say that you want me

I just don't believe it

You're always ready to give up

Whenever I turn around

What if I need you baby?

Would you even try to save me?

Or would you find some lame excuse

To never be true

What if I said I loved you?

Would you be the one to run to?

Or would you watch me walk away

Without a fight

I'm so sick of worrying

That you're gonna quit over anything

I could trip and you'd let go like that

And everything that we ever were

Seems to fade but not the hurt

Cause you don't know the good things from the bad

When I say that I want you

You know that I mean it

And in my hour of weakness

There's still time to try

What if I need you baby?

Would you even try to save me?

Or would you find some lame excuse

To never be true

What if I said I loved you?

Would you be the one to run to?

Or would you watch me walk away

Without a fight

Every time I speak you try to stop me

Cause every little thing I say is wrong

You say you're noticing but you never see

This is who I really am, that you can't believe

Makes me want to know right now

If it's me you'll live without

Or would you change your mind

What if I need you?

But What if I need you baby?

Would you even try to save me?

Or would you find some lame excuse

To never be true

What if I said I loved you?

Would you be the one to run to?

Or would you watch me walk away

Without a

Oh baby what if I need you? (what if I need you?)

Yeah yeah, What If I need you?

What if I need, what if I need you?

What If I need you? (Oh) What if I need you?

Yeah, what if I need you?

I need you, you, you

After the song had finished, I smiled to myself, I suddenly felt better. I realised through out that song that, I was going to be okay not running after Finn because he's an idiot and if he wanted to ignore me, he can go ahead because I am done chasing him around and I'm sick and tired of being someone I'm not just for the sake of him. I wanted to have fun for once in my life and chasing after Finn Hudson when he's not chasing me back is not having fun.

It was time for Rachel Berry to have fun in her life for once. I looked in my wardrobe for something to wear while getting undressed.

"What if I need you, baby..." I mumbled and started to look for my bracelet that I couldn't remember where I had put it.

"Well, if you need me you know I'm only right here." Someone said from behind me and I froze. What the fuck was Brody doing here?

"I was actually looking for my bracelet." I said smiling and turning around not even noticing I was naked with my dressing robe on.

Brody winked at me until I realised that I was in fact, naked and he was staring at me! He checked me out!


"Well, the door was open... you know you're supposed to lock them right?" Brody said raising his eyebrows.

"I know that, silly. Kurt must have left the door open, which by the way you shouldn't just walk in."

"Well, I did knock but I got no answer so I helped myself." Brody said smirking.

I turned around to get some clothes to put on but Brody pulled me back, "You've seen me pretty much naked, why're you so nervous?"

I blushed, why did Brody have to do this? Give me these weird butterflies in my stomach it made me feel... beautiful straight away. It was so weird. I looked at Brody really close, I could feel his warm minty breath on my face. I was about to speak but his finger was on my lips telling me to shush. I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes and I just did what he said. We had a moment like a continuous moment. Then somehow, we got closer and then we was a second away from the best kiss of my life, but something inside of me told me 'what are you doing.' I kept thinking of Finn and I know I need to get over him but I just can't move on that quick. I moved away.

He touched my waist and said "What's wrong?"

I smiled and said, "Nothing, just thought that you're not the type of guy that would kiss a girl when she's not dressed."

"I can be full of surprises, this is one of them." He winked and stepped forward. There was another part inside of me saying 'Don't step away'. I was confused but all I know is that Brody Weston has definitely got stuck in my mind 24/7.

I took a breath and stared at him… I really wanted to lean in but instead, Brody beat me to it, "Look I got to go, I'll talk to you later yeah?"

What the hell was he doing? How could he just do that and make me feel like that and then leave?! This isn't right. Why did I feel like Me and Brody had something between us, but me and Finn… it's like I can't let him go otherwise why would I have pushed Brody away?! This is so unfair. He came back in and said "Nice legs by the way." and walked out leaving me with a smile. What am I going to do?!

~End of Chapter~

A/N: How was it? Was it good? Did you like it? Dislike it? Please review, PM me for ideas. Is Rachel growing feelings for Brody or is she still hung up on Finn? Read more to find out! Thanks!