A/N: Holy hell, it's been over a year since I've updated. I am so, so sorry. It's an entirely different world from the last time I wrote a chapter for this.

So, here's the ending to Simple Complexity. Short, yes, but sweet.

It had been a solid five weeks since the memorial building had been opened to the public. Five weeks of slow, cautions attempts at feeling like a team again.

There had been false starts on occasions. Bruce Had returned, but was even quieter than usual. He had not made and discernable effort to act like part of a unit, which had only frustrated everyone. Clint especially, who could not find the worlds to explain why.

There was a small incident over dinner one night where Natasha had lost her temper and stormed off. Steve had taken that the hardest. He still felt as if the Avengers were his responsibility. Especially now that all of them were in the tower – Tony's tower – moments where the cracks became visible made him anxious all over again.

But still, the sense of hopeful determination that laced almost every moment seemed to keep everyone going.

Thor had kept working with the clean-up crews during the day.

Pepper had become the Avengers' public face in Tony's absence. She had taken up the role graciously, as if it was no more than one more thing on her to-do list.

The hospital Tony had been found in came under media fire for its claims of not recognizing Anthony Stark himself.

"He has a goddamn glowing blue thing in his chest!" Pepper had exclaimed one night, "Even if they don't know about the one and only arc reactor in someone's chest, you'd think SOMEONE would have gone, 'Hey, boss, there's something glowing over here!'"

Life had settled into a routine of small changes and subtle shifts. Everyone was coming closer and closer together by the day. What had been a tentative dinner of Chinese delivery had become a willing gathering around the table.

Even breakfast was beginning to pick up again. There were actually mornings where everyone was present at the same time rather than a gradual shuffle in-and-out.

Steve couldn't've explained exactly when it started, but he had noticed a quiet hum of conversation. And it was more than just 'housekeeping' conversations. The Avengers were actually engaging in what passed as normal conversation. He had heard Thor making remarks about the weather to Bruce one morning and actually had to stop walking to laugh.

"Is something amusing, Steve?" Thor asked.

"Weather!" Steve had managed to exclaim.

Bruce shook his head and chuckled a bit. The scientist hadn't missed the humor, either.

Fury called 'all available Avengers' into a meeting one afternoon. All but Tony had shown up. No one was surprised. A little disappointed, if someone had forced them to be honest, but still not surprised.

They had talked about Tony's disappearance.

"What are your thoughts about his accident?" Fury asked.

The open question was met with silence.

"I don't think it was an accident," Clint finally answered. When no one wanted to elaborate – no one wanted to be the first to say they all believed Tony wrapped himself around a tree on purpose despite his drinking binge that had caused a multi-day blackout – Fury dismissed them. The frustration on the director's face felt like a blow to each and every one of them.

Breakfast the morning after had been quiet again. Every now and then, someone would look around as if attempting to find a way to start a conversation.

Everyone, minus Tony, was seated at the table. The actual eating part was going slowly. Despite the silence, no one seemed to be in a hurry to leave.

The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. Everyone turned to look.

Tony rounded the corner, mug in hand. Everyone else gaped despite their best efforts.

The genius was clean-shaven, and looked to be freshly showered. He hadn't looked this put-together since the night Colson had shown up at the tower unannounced.

He sat down at the head of the table and grabbed the pitched of cream.

"In you Kool-Aid?" Bruce asked when Tony started adding the cream to his mug.

"Nope, to my coffee," Tony smiled. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes – those still wore the haunted look that may well be stuck there.

"Finally!" Natasha rolled her eyes. Thor chuckled.

A wave of relief rolled over the table. Slowly, banter picked up.

'We'll be fine,' Steve reassured himself.

A/N: To the 27 of you who've actively followed this to the end: I love you. Thank you for your patience.

To everyone else: I love you, too. Promise. :D