AN: Hey everyone! This is my third attempt at fanfiction! This will probably be a very unpopular pairing...ENVYxWINRY along with EDxWINRY. I will just get this out of the way now; this is an AU that is a mix of the original anime and the brotherhood worlds, it will probably be messed up and sad maybe even in the end, however I will probably write multiple endings just because in my mind there is no world where Winry doesn't end up with Ed somehow lol. I feel like sometimes I read fanfics and wish there were like a Choose Your Fate ending lol so I will give you the reader that option near the end. That being said please REVIEW so I know what you guys like and don't like! Disclaimer: I don't own FMA. Hating Edward Elric had never been a choice for Envy. Never being accepted by Hohenheim as a real son and being tossed away for that mouthy little twerp and his tin can of a brother just astonished him. Envy was a veritable god. Edward was a puny child that was forever pissing him off. What made things worse was that since he was a fucking sacrifice Envy couldn't even touch a golden hair on his empty head.
Really he wanted to blame Dante since she was so eager to become more powerful than God and stop switching mortal casings, but he couldn't blame her since he wouldn't want to feel his body decay either. Though she hid it well, he could smell her flesh putrefying just being in the same room as her. The bond that held him to her was that they both hated Hohenheim for moving on from them and that they wanted all people everywhere to suffer like they had. Okay, maybe it wasn't just that because truth be told he did love the sound of death rattles. There was something so satisfying about watching the last thing a human experienced before they died. Maybe it was because he was almost indestructible and would more than likely never feel death. Either way things were the way they were and for the most part he was content with them.
Recently Envy had become restless, feeling that his restrictions with the Fullmetal Pipsqueak were stifling his false sense of freedom to inflict pain on others openly. Thoughts of torture and recompense consumed Envy's mind until he came up with a brilliant plan to hurt the Alchemist without laying a finger on him. He would need to go to the middle of nowhere, Resembool and scout out his best means for pulling his plan into fruition. Edward's precious little automail junkie lived out there with her granny and he was sure that this was the quickest path to breaking Ed just as Envy had been long ago.
Without another thought he walked briskly to the train station in his favored form with his long and spiky green hair, violet eyes and a shit eating grin on his face. As he got closer he shifted into some random man's appearance and walked in the boarding area. Once he sat down he glimpsed the reflection of himself in the window and wished that he didn't stand out so blatantly in his other body since he was much more comfortable like that. Not that it mattered much because once he got to Resembool the game would be on and he would be whoever he needed to be to win it.
Wanting to have some time to watch her before he made his move, he decided to catch her dog and hide it somewhere so he could easily see everything that she did through it's eyes. Envy lured the dog outside then leashed and muzzled it, within minutes he realized that he was definitely not a mutt lover. The evil creature kept trying to bite him through the muzzle and scratch him with the automail it lugged around for a leg. By the time he got the animal to an abandoned barn he was feeling more inclined to kill it then have to deal with taking it back to the automail mechanic's house again. Finally he switched into the mangy dog's fur and ventured back. Scraping at the front door he hoped he wouldn't have to sit outside for long waiting for someone to let him in. The storm door swung open and smacked him in the face, mentally he cursed the person who had been so careless.
"Oh Den! I'm so sorry! You poor thing!" The blonde haired girl bent over in a rolled down jumpsuit and a tiny black tube top to gently rub his head. Ahh, it felt so good when she scratched behind his ears! Dammit! He needed to focus on the task at hand. He turned his head up to her face and got a better look at her. He had only ever seen her in passing with the termite, but now he could tell why people made such a fuss over her. Even for a human she was a nice looking one, common as her features may be. "Let's get you inside so you can rest while I work." Leading the way through the kitchen they passed her grandmother who was clearly caught up in whatever she was doing.
After a bit more walking they reached what looked like her workroom guessing by the bits of automail strewn about the room. She told him to lay down and take it easy, then began submerging herself into what looked like tedious work. Consistently measuring and resizing pieces of metal all while trying to screw intricate and massive amounts of screws into said pieces was wearing him out just watching her. He began looking around the room at the things she had laying around to keep her motivated, the more he knew the better he could get inside her head. Mostly it was just parts, although he did spot a picture of her with the brothers and made a point to drop it by brushing against it. She scrambled to pick it up and ensure that the glass hadn't broken, he wished it would've because he would've liked to see her accidentally cut herself or something interesting. "I wish they would come home for repairs so I could see them...I miss him, I mean them so much." She looked down at him with a worried face. "Let's just keep that little slip up between us, okay Den?" Once again, she was rubbing him behind his ears as if trying to coerce him not to repeat what she just said. Apparently this girl needed some real friends pretty badly for her to be talking openly with dogs. After a few minutes of staring at the photo she went back to maniacally working on more oily metal scraps. Working tirelessly for hours, Envy wondered if she would ever take a break so he could escape the confines of her boring room. Around one thirty in the morning she finally granted his wish by explaining that they needed to head to bed since she finished her latest model for a customer. When she opened the door he started to trot away from her, hoping he could spy on her some other way assuming she did anything interesting, but that too was taken from him when she made him follow her to bed. He was actually starting to feel sorry for the dog having to follow her around all day. Slipping off her jumpsuit he noticed that she had nice legs and was surprised that for such a tomboy that she was sporting such girly panties. Next she pulled off her tube top and he was glad that since fur now covered him so she couldn't see how red he got from seeing her exposed breasts. He may be a homunculus but he was still a man. He turned away until she finished getting dressed for bed. She told him goodnight and quickly fell asleep, leaving him to his thoughts. He left the house and let the dog out of the empty barn and led it back to the Rockbell home. - Over the week Envy watched her continuously searching for some character flaw to expose and hate her for however he was coming up empty handed. He wasn't sure why it was so important to find something wrong with her considering it had nothing to do with his goal, but he still watched for anything that he would be able to use to his advantage later. After studying her, he had concluded that she was a hard working automail nerd who cared about everyone else around her far too much and needed to worry about herself more. A little selfishness could do miracles for her. He would just have to teach her that. He heard her tell her granny a couple days ago that she was heading to Rush Valley today to check on her customers there, personally he couldn't wait because that was one trip she wouldn't be making. It was perfect timing really, since Pinako would think she was working in Rush Valley while actually Envy would be weaving his web. Leaving the house, he realized he was actually anxious about everything. He would have to have real conversations with her soon. He wasn't much for idle chit chat so this would be interesting. Getting himself into position he changed into someone to whom he owed retribution, a form that would certainly put the young girl at ease, and waited until he saw her coming down the road to make his presence known. However the golden braid floating in the wind wasn't something that could be easily mistaken to her.