I figured this needed a bit more of a close than just the two of them kissing. So ta-da! Short chapter is short though.

Travis Marks and Wesley Mitchell did not fall in love with each other. Or rather they were around each other so much they never noticed. It was just a sort of realization upon waking up one day and then everything they did for each other just made sense. They never noticed because the other was simply always there. Seven years is a long time. They were friends, brothers, lovers. They were everything to each other.

They're first date was years before they ever got together. It was some diner sort of place. Travis remembered it perfectly the moment Wes mentioned it. They had talked over a case file, Wes was still in Missing Persons, not to mention he was married, and Travis was struggling with Phil. Then in a flash they were partners, despite all their head butting.

Wes didn't have a logical reason why he loved Travis, it just felt right. Easy, fluid, and solid. Travis teased him for his reasons, simply because it was fun to see Wes sputter around for a way to explain what he meant. Clearly laying out the fact that he knew something was up with Travis, but he could never place his finger on it till they kissed. Travis doesn't really believe him, but at the same time, Wes knows random things sometimes.

A domestic life struck up between them after they're "confessions." Wes just sort of moved in. Staying well past the time he need "supervision" in his healing. They kept it a secret, telling Sutton and Dr. Ryan that Travis was simply opening his doors to Wes till he found a place. Sutton just sort of nodded and Wes whispered a "He knows" when they left his office. Dr. Ryan just raised an eyebrow and jotted something down; Travis took his turn in whispering who knew.

Travis Mark and Wesley Mitchell did not fall in love. They didn't really confess to each other. They're first date was years before they even thought about having anything between them, and it took them till one of them almost died for them to even start up a relationship.

However, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the fact that it was clear to them that they couldn't live without the other.

If anything I think this really wraps up everything and their relationship. I hope you enjoyed this story.