I Will, I Shall Survive
by Te Arawa
Rated: PG13. Some saucy moments but nothing too graphic.
A/N A quick nookie written for the pleasure
of the G&SFanfic group, especially. Sally as Gidget? From the
Rescue Rangers? hehe. I'll deny that too. ;) This is for all us
cranky old Stormy and Remy Romantics out there.

The huddled, delusional masses. :D Goddess bless
'em all.

The song "I Will Survive" belongs to Gloria Gaynor and
thousands of Karoake singers that perform it.

I Will Survive
At first I was afraid, I was petrified,
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights, thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned to carry on

She should have known things weren't right the moment she stepped
through the doorway and into the lobby of the Xmen mansion. Jean was
waiting for her, distraught and worried.

Jean guided Ororo Monroe aka Storm, away from the drawing room, softly
speaking as if in conspiracy. "We have a *visitor*," she whispered,
"..not that he will ever be particularly welcome..."

"I'm sorry to hear that," a mans voice echoed roughly towards the two.
Jean spun to face him, both ashamed she was overheard, and angry that he
of all people should make *her* feel guilt. Storm closed her eyes
tightly, she didn't need to see whose face belonged to that voice.

Jean made her stand with her friend. "Forge. I thought I asked you to

"Yes." he interrupted, obviously maddened by Jeans intrusion. "I am not
one to be patient. As the Goddess will tell you."

Stormy bit her tongue. Yes she remembered clearly the night he showed
that impatience, not waiting to hear her answer. To hear her say yes to
marriage. Bast**d.

Storm gathered herself to her full height and never
wavered from his piercing gaze. He was testing her - she would give
nothing of how much he had hurt her.

"Forge," she coolly returned. "What brings you here?"

He walked calmly past Jean, who still retained Storms hand in the
shelter of her own, glaring at him with barely contained fury. "I
thought to come and see how you were holding up."

Ororo kept her eyes on Jean, her voice even to him. "I am as you find
me, Forge. Still standing."

Forge felt the sting, but continued. "I was hoping to talk to you -
in private."

Jean was about to protest, but Storm silenced her with bright eyes.
Defiant eyes that held strength and power. Eyes that held another love
within them. Jean smiled and gave Storms hand a supportive squeeze
before she left them to their discussion. This moment, however, needed
to take place in private. if not for any other reason than to prove it
to herself; she could face him without fear.

"I am late for dinner tonight, so perhaps while I change, you can
discuss this futher." she offered.

Forge smirked arrogantly. It was pathetic how she maneuvered
him to her bedroom, and then undress before him. But what the heck, old
times an' all. He nodded his agreement and followed her up the stairs -
followed by the heated gazes of her companions, no doubt, hiding in the
shadows. As he disappeared out of view, Wolverine appeared from a
doorway, puffing on the Havana cigar like a locomotive. He chuckled
turning away with a feral grin. "Bub, ya in for one 'ell of a surprise!"

But so you're back, from outer space
I just walked in to find you with that sad look upon your face.
I should have changed that stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had thought for just one second you'd be back to bother me.

The last thing that Ororo had expected to see was him being there, like
the last 2 years had never happened. Quickly dressing in a slinky gown,
she exited the bathroom and walked to her dresser and sat down. She
ignored his awe struck gaze, and began to brush her hair into submission
with deliberate strokes.

"What is this about?" She queried softly after a while, "I trust this is
not strictly on business?"

"N-No," he weakly replied, still too stunned by her beauty. She was
breath-taking.. more so than before. If that was at all possible. Did he
not see it before? "I wanted to see you - I have news."

His eyes focused on her, forgetting for a moment the news in question.
She was stronger - he could feel it. She was toned; the power rippled
like silk over her muscles as she moved. Confidence, vigor and.. what?
There was something else too? Forge forced the thoughts to the back of
his mind as she spoke.

"I am listening."

It suddenly annoyed him that she could survive what he had done. It was
with bitterness, not grace, he uttered. "Mystique has agreed to be my
wife. We are to be married."

Go on now go, walk out that door
Just turn around now
Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one that tried to crush me with goodbye
You think I would crumble
You think I would lay down and die

She didn't say anything. There wasn't anything left to say. Maybe at one
time, if they had met, she would have poured every bitterness into his
hands and face and watch him implode with natures fury. She had
entertained the thought every night, tearing herself apart with it. But
that wasn't what happened. Would not happen because of him. *Him*, the
only man she loved - and it wasn't Forge. It was someone all together
different and at the same time, familiar.

Perhaps it was because she could still breathe in the new love in her
life. His presence was all around her. It filled her room, *their* room,
and her heart. She had emptied a favorite perfume bottle,
and refilled it with his aftershave. Every time she missed him, she
would place a touch over heart, so that all through the day, he would be
near to her. Beating over her heart, where he so belonged.

She picked up the bottle now, at the time she most needed him and held
it against her freshly cleansed and luxurious velvet skin. The shock
of cool glass against warmed skin, sent wild tremors up her spine
and over her body. The memory of her lover devouring her with ache.
Abandon to wild desires... Goddess! He had aroused the woman from
the cool exterior of the Goddess. He had awakened the woman.

It was this woman that now craved him beside her -

Unfortunately, Forges voice interrupted her continuing this new
sensation. Belatedly, she placed the bottle back on the shelf. A small
drop of liquid seeped from beneath the cap. Without thinking, she
reached out a finger and scooped up this unexpected gift. Licking her
lips, she placed it against her throat and trailed slowly down to her
bosom. It was his scent, and it belonged to her. She turned to face
Forge and saw him for what he was. Ancient History.

Oh no not I, I will survive
For as long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive
I will survive
I will survive

"Be happy," she smiled graciously, her eyes straight as lit dynamite.
"You both deserve each other."

Kaboom! Forge grunted, loathing that she would not crumble. "Oh, you
bet! She is magnificent lover.. far much more than ANY other I have
had." he seethed, then seemed to calm down. "But I guess you.. ahh..
wouldn't know." he snickered, "you don't seem to be dating, regardless
of this little display of yours getting ready."

Storm nearly bit her tongue off. "You'd be surprised." she whispered,
when forge made a face in the mirror, she quietly sighed. "As always
Forge, you overlook what is most important, right under your nose."

It took all the strength I had, not to fall apart
Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart
And I spent, oh so many nights, feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry, but now I hold my head up high

She remembered sitting in front of the same mirror trying to see the
ugliness that Forge had seen in her then, why he would leave her.
If not for her beau, who made her stronger. Who held her tight,
who gave her everything he had - including his own secrets
- she would have been as Forge hoped to see her. Broken. Beyond
love.. the promise of it.

But she wasn't - and she was never gonna be that again.
Not only because of her soul mate, but because of herself.

She was done with sorrows. It was her time to shine, and dammit, that's
what she intended on doing.

And you see me, somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you
And so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be free
But now I'm saving all my loving
For someone who's loving me

Forge finally saw what had changed. Not only her, but the room she lived
in. Elements of a man, not a phantom male, but one who was real existed
here. A shirt over the back of a chair. A comb and brush beside hers.
The strange waft of aftershave. The leather jacket and biker gloves The
silk boxes peeking out from beneath her pillow... the ring on her
finger. RING ON HER FINGER? Forge gasped, reeling. The photo of them
together, arms entangled. Happiness. Joy. "Who.. You're- "

"Married, Oui." A soft Cajun voice interrupted his next question. Soon, Remy
Lebeau appeared from the stairs and stopped short of coming straight in.
"Stormy?!" His fists visibly clenched, his jaw tightened. He was about
to snarl something, when his view and arms were suddenly filled with
something familiar. Someone truly loved.


His body pressed excruciatingly close to hers, drawing her in
with every breath. Their eyes met, and the question he was afraid to
ask, was given silent reply. She was his and only his. Just as he was
hers. Their mouths met in a sweet, longing kiss. Eternity could have
passed, they did not care.

His fingers tangled in her hair, desperately trying to pull her closer.
Finally his lungs screamed for air and reluctantly withdrew. Both their
breathes were rough and wild, but he managed to strangle out a cry of
delight. "Ya drive dis boy wild, cherie!" he exclaimed, dragging her
back for another kiss.

Go on, now go, walk out that door
Just turn around now
Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one that tried to hurt me with goodbye
You think I'd crumble
You think I'd lay down and die

He looked at Forge sharply, above his dark glasses and seemed to relax.
"I hope you are both happy, as my Stormy and me are." he grinned
devilishly, offering his hand and shaking the other mans in return. "De
best man won, non?" The Cajun added, before kissing Storm deeply.
Letting both know, exactly what he meant.

If forge had come looking to see defeat, then he had found it. Not in
the woman his ego had boasted to break. But in himself, for ever
thinking he was worthy of a Goddess.

Forge got up to leave, he shook Remys hand, and held it longer than
necessary. Remy tensed immediately. "You were right, LeBeau," Forge
quietly confessed. "The best man, did win."

Forge descended the stairs alone.

Oh no, not I, I will survive
For as long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give

The loft, and the faint sounds of passionate kisses. "I thought we were
going for dinner?" he mockingly protested. She kissed him fully,
unrestrained. "Whatever," she teasingly mocked, kissing up his exposed
neck to his chin rubbing her face against the stubble. "gave you that
idea?" He groaned against her hair, pulling back so that they stood
inches from the other their eyes locked fast. His heart breaking he
uttered his souls most secret. "I see my entire life in you."

Storm raised an eyebrow, eloquently saying nothing and everything at
all. "Just as well, my husband." she grinned, leading him to the side of
the bed. "Perhaps you better sit down.."


Downstairs, Jean leaned into Wolverine. "Do you think she told him?"

Wolverine was about to form a reply, when the door upstairs burst open
and Remy came charging down the stairs. He shirt was half ripped off,
his mouth blood red with her lipstick and his hair tousled looking
disheveled and his aura was off the passion chart.

"I'm gonna be a Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled, before a sudden
gust of wind picked him up and pulled him back to the woman he loved
more than life.

And I'll survive
I will survive
Oh, Yeh.

Wolverine stopped waiting for 'Ro to join them, when his hearing picked
up Storm suggested her and Remy try for two kids. Wolverine chuckled,
turning to Jeans perplexed but blushing features. She heard them also.
Hard not too.

"I, er, never figured the Cajun for a screamer." Jean
coyly put, making her way to the kitchen. Wolverine nearly swallowed the
stogie he was chewing, eyes sparkling brightly as he soon followed her

"Me neither, Darlin'", he laughed, happy to know that love survived
against such incrediable odds. "Me neither."

The end.