Scars of a song bird _killer croc-complete

{Authors note}

I'm really sorry! If your still reading this story, you must have the patience of Job. Between school, life and FF,Net refusing to let me update I regretfully left you guys hanging for quite a while.. also I have gotten a few complaints and concerns so I'm setting things straight, if only to stop the annoying "that's not cannon" emails.

Firstly - Yes I know in canon Robin starts crime fighting at age nine. But this is a Fanfiction so I can change stuff. But if it makes you feel better in my head Robins only real action at first was stopping Tony Zuko, and a few small patrols. Batman never purposely let Robin come in contact with any of the big guys, but Gotham is a bad place and bad things happen.

Second-a few people have been upset about Miss Martians mental powers as she is a! Spoiler! White Martian. I figured if she can make a mind link, take on Psimon and take over the failsafe simulation than she can show the team memories. Also I'm slightly lazy and it's a nice way of writing those sequences. As for the Chapter one reactions I know they were OOC and dramatic, I may re-write them some day but for now I'm just gonna work on writing new chapters.

Lastly- I like daddy bats and if little Dickie wants to call Bruce dad or daddy then he can! Since he is a teenager in current tense and is only a few years from running off as Nightwing he obviously won't call him that. So meh! Okay I'm done. Enjoy the angst that is Scars of a Song Bird.



Extra inflection


[side notes and such]


It had been a little over two weeks since the team's beach day, and not much had changed Because of his age people had always worried about him. So it wasn't as if he was new to mother Henning; Today however the acrobat's nerves were wearing thin.

Batman had grounded him to the mountain to recover from one of Poison Ivy's kinder beatings, as he was off on a league mission and Alfred was visiting his niece in England. All he wanted to do was have some fun with his team and maybe catch a few hours of sleep. Though the former probably wouldn't happen with how everyone but Wally was hovering over him. So there he sat half on the couch and half on Wally. As said red head lamented on how he looked like a hobo in his baggy Gotham knight's sweats and an equally baggy t-shirt, mask still on: as it was far more comfortable without his shades digging into his nose.

"Are you sure you don't want me to make anything? I really don't mind at all." Meg'an had been hovering over him {literally} since he got there offering to make him things.

"Should you be moving with those injuries Boy bruise?" Artemise had started hounding him the moment he had tried to do a few light [well he considered a handstand light.]Stretches.

"I agree Robin, Batman gave us orders not to let you overexert yourself. You have two fractured ribs, multiple abrasions and a healing concussion. Now please sit down." Kaldur had teamed up with the blonde and now both were trying to be the adults in the situation. Even Connor was being annoying, even going so far as to threaten to sit on him if he didn't stay down.

Of course through all of this Wally just sat there laughing his butt off at how annoyed his best friend was becoming. When Robin went for his utility belt however he drew the line and Decided to have mercy on his best bud, and the team.

"Hey rob." the speedster said as he 'gently' poked his friend in the face with his foot.

"What? Ugh, Do you ever bathe? Quit!" the injured bird yelped as he tried to evade his friend's smelly foot.

"What? They're not that bad… " at the pointed looks he received from the other teens the red head stuck out his tongue.

"Fine! And I was gonna offer to get you stuff, Never mind." With a comic huff he crossed his arms and looked away.

"What are you talking about Kid-stupid?" Artemise asked haughtily.

" Anyone here could get stuff. Besides if you haven't noticed you're playing the couch right now." Robin must not have heard, as he didn't react and Wally pointedly ignored her.

"Really? Cus that would be awesome, I'm so bored. Not to mention I have a ton of homework." Internally Wally smirked at the successful diversion. "Crisis averted."

"No problem buddy. You have that mathlete thing coming up right? If it's anything like the Science Olympiad you can't compete with missing work. And I can grab other stuff if you want; since you don't stay here that often you don't have much here."

As Robin started listing off items and Kid-Flash tried to commit them to memory, neither boy noticed the team looking at them as if Wally had just asked Robin to take off his mask and let them take a picture.

"Thanks! I was gonna grab stuff but the pain meds left me kind of out of it, and Batman was busy planning for the league mission."

"I get it bro, busy heroes and drugged up sidekicks makes for bad planning."

"Tell me about it; once he forgot me in the Batmobile all night, Agent A chewed him out though, come to think of it I may have it on video actually. Anyways…." Then to the great irk of his teammates,[mostly Artemise.] he again ditched English in favor of his native tongue.

rucsac mea ar trebui să fie lângă patul meu, și toate lucrurile mele de școală și de calculator ar trebui să fie acolo, doar se trece într-un alt sac, astfel arrowette nu observă. Mai multe pijamale și pătura de pe pat. (my backpack should be beside my bed, and all my school stuff and computer should be in there,just switch it into another bag so arrowette doesn't notice. More pajamas and the blanket off my bed.)

Robin stopped for a moment and smirked

"And I'm pretty sure there are a few plates of Agent A's cookies in the pantry-" He was going to say more but Artemise started yelling.

"Wait a second, hold on the gibberish! Baywatch knows where you live? Does he know your ID?" The loud archer looked as if she would start pulling arrows for answers any second. Robin and Wally just looked at her dumbly. Both had assumed the others were aware of this fact. Robin shifted to look more at her and tried to defuse the situation, choosing to ignore her gibberish comment.

"Chill Arty, why does it matter if Wally knows where I live?" As he said this the acrobat realized this was probably the wrong thing to say.

"We've known you for three years and we haven't even seen your whole face! How come kid-blabbermouth can know and we can't?" looking around the room the others obviously felt the same way. And honestly he could understand why they were upset but he didn't get the big deal, Dick and Wally had been friends before they met even Roy.

"Look, I would tell you if I could but I can't. Wally found out in an extreme situation the first time we met and it was before I really had much field experience." Wally winced at the memory of that telling off.

"What happened to you? When Wally found out?" Meg'an asked trying to change the subject.

Artemise huffed annoyed .Robin however jolted as he pointed angrily at his friend.

"This idiot almost got me eaten, THAT is what happened!" Dick winced as the speedster animatedly came to his own defense disturbing the careful balance of limbs.

"It was not my fault! It was your idea. And he wouldn't have eaten you anyways, You're too scrawny and your pixie boots would have gotten stuck in his teeth." That earned him an almost kick in the face: almost as the assailant was both shorter and very injured.

"Liar! It was your idea! You said: "let's catch croc by ourselves like real heroes!"

And I said "Flash said no." I also said that "Killer Croc is dangerous because he EATS people!" you MADE me go!" Obviously this was a sore topic for the dark squire, he was very worked up, and his voice was taking on an almost foreign sounding undertone.

"Calm down Birdy, you'll rip your stiches. Besides he only bit you a little! And it wasn't even that bad." Slowly with a look of stone cold determination Robin lifted his shirt to where his arm met his torso, where upon closer inspection one could see hundreds of sharp looking teeth marks encompassing the area. Kaldur moved closer to inspect the mark.

"This looks as if it was made by a predator such as a shark or crocodile." Robin smiled smugly before gingerly moving his arm down. Wally scoffed

"In my defense you were hard to understand; besides I still win against Roy for bro points." Apparently it was just as sore a topic for Wally.

"Wally that's only because the first time Batman left me alone with Roy we ended up LOST in the slums of Star City and he accidentally shot an ARROW through my foot, Not to mention all the times our mentors thought it was a good idea to let a twelve and fourteen year old watch a nine year old who barely knew English, ALONE! It's a miracle I made it to middle school with you idiots." The runner looked reasonably ashamed at the retelling of his babysitting escapades. Robin however seemed to be even more annoyed than before with the reminder of his older 'brothers' failure to watch him without disaster.

"Dumneavoastră atât de complet incompetent, sper că știi asta." (You're both completely incompetent, I hope you know that.) The youngest sidekick mumbled as he glared at his friend.

"You still love us though, even if we are horrible babysitters." The team looked between the two; it finally clicking that Wally understood Robin's gibberish.

"You know we could just watch what happened, and then they can tell us whose fault it was." The two boys had a silent staring contest before one conceded.

"Sounds good to me, I hope you're ready to be proved wrong pixie boots."

"I need not ready for any such thing Fire Head, as I know I'm right."

"Well then, How about a wager? If I win, you have to stop complaining about this. And if you win-"Robin interrupted him.

"When I win you have to admit that I was right. And I get to record it for Bats and Roy." The red head looked ready to argue but thought better of it.

"Fine! It's a deal." The two shook hands to seal their 'deal'. And as they all settled down for: Scar Story time. Robin looked over at his determined friend.

"Your still gonna go to my house right?" KF laughed at his friend's worried look.

"Duh, I said I would besides Alfie makes the best cookies!" They were still laughing when Meg'an's voice sounded in their heads.

"Alright Robin, are you ready?" as they had done it twice before the shift wasn't as odd, it was however hilarious to see the very young Kid flash in a much brighter costume than the one he wore now.


{authors note}

Alright! It is really late at night as I finish spell checking this. Hope you enjoyed all 2,020 words of it. I will be posting the second part hopefully today or tomorrow. Part 2 is a paragraph short of done plus editing. Finally the previous chapter was re-posted as I uploaded the wrong one originally, so check that out. Sorry again happy late Holidays! (Whatever you celebrate) My New Year's resolution was to update more regularly but that will probably fail…

Robyn Lynn