Johnlock gift for lolgirl607 as part of the johnlockchallenges tumblr gift exchange!

PROMPT: "John and Sherlock find themselves in a confined space during a case and stuff happens. (Nothing too explicit!)"

I'm going to be honest: this was a ridiculously hard prompt in the sense that I've never written anything for an idea so simple. It's somewhere between crack and regular fic… Hope you are at least mildly amused by it.

"If you're going to ask a question, do it quietly," Sherlock muttered as he pressed the left side of his face firmly against the wooden door, obviously listening and clearly annoyed by the army doctor's disruption.

"Okay yeah… um… Why exactly are we hiding in a broom closet? Moreover, why are we positioned in a way that you happen to be leaning over me? Aren't you a tad uncomfortable?" John shifted to reposition himself in a way that he felt would not put him in the trajectory of the strained buttons that tried to hold Sherlock's shirt together.

It sounded as though Sherlock muttered dull under his breath, but John chose to ignore it. After a moment, the consulting detective apparently decided that it was not beneath his ego to reply. "The suspect obviously frequents this gym constantly in attempts to soothe his nerves after getting in a fight with the victim (his late girlfriend) and of late simply to cool down after work. The unhappy pair most likely fought because of their financial issues (she wanted to get hitched at this point in their relationship but they had no money for a ring, or more importantly a wedding) at their apartment two blocks down the street. This gym has everything that a stressed and fairly uneducated young man like himself might want including dumbbells and punching bags at a monthly rate that he can actually afford with the massive debt he's paying down with his 3 jobs. He furthermore would have a locker on this end of the gym because there are better showers here. It's likely that he comes here directly after work and needs to shower both before and after his workout. He's not very intelligent because he comes here even when he's supposed to be hiding out from the cops."

As usual, John was fairly impressed by the deduction, but also slightly skeptical. "And you got all of this from a day-old sandwich, a knife, and a pair of sneakers that Lestrade gave you?" Despite Sherlock's skills in deduction, he highly doubted that his flatmate could possibly have picked up on all of that.

"Of course not," scoffed Sherlock as he turned to look at the blogger in the semi-darkness. "The knife had absolutely nothing to do with it."

"Right. And so why do I need to be here?" John was wondering if he was missing any shows. Dr. Who reruns were playing tonight, weren't they? Hopefully the tv was set to record them.

"I've told you before, haven't I? I'd be lost without my blogger."

John smiled at the small sentiment that Sherlock let show. It was probably the first time outside of the flat that he had made a comment like that in a few months. Leaning up, he kissed the detective, first on the chin and then on the lips. It was a slow kiss, not like the ravenous ones they shared on the bed or against the table or up along the walls, but rather a sweet meeting between hearts that was only interrupted by the loud thud of the locker room door.

The next thing he knew, John was staring up at the locker room ceiling lights as Sherlock jumped to catch their man. Well. Perhaps next time.