Sorry I've been away for so long, I'll update this next at some point during the summer.
This is NOT a new chapter, just an update (When I add the next chapter, I'll delete this etc etc)
Just to let you all know that I'm okay! I've been through a relatively tough period in my life since I last updated - a lot of stress and emotions culminating in some of my issues returning, but I'm working through them and I'm pretty okay now, okay enough to begin to start writing again I think! So expect some regular(ish) updates in the summer months, starting mid-June when my A-level exams finish and I have no pressures until I start my university course in mid-September!
I'm sorry I've been away and not updated for so long, but after this long absence I hope that my writing has improved (for one, I now have a decent English teacher who's helped me develop my writing and grammar skills) and my detail in describing the beautiful Zelda universe increases (I've been non-stop playing the games again recently, and I'm actually going to see the Symphony of the Goddess later this month!)
Summary - I've been gone but now I'm back, better than ever, with actual updates in the summer!
Thank you all for being so patient, and for you commenters, I'll be sure to take your advice!
Lots of love,