Prologue/Chapter one
In this story there will be a mix of POV's (Point of views) but I will try to make this story a major 3rd person POV. Although I make no promises
Right then let's get the annoying stuff over with.
Digimon belongs to whoever created it. It doesn't belong to me.
The characters personalities are my creation but the characters that are involved in this story (Renamon etc.) their original design belongs to its creator.
And last but not least this story is just a bit of random inspiration I got walking back from college, it may or may not be continued it all depends on the reviews I get.
My name is… well that is not important right now. But if you are reading this then please make sure you are comfortable for this will not be a simple short story. Now tell me have you ever heard of a spawn of creatures called Digimon? Well if you have then you already know more than most others, if you haven't then don't fret for I shall give you a quick rundown of them now.
In your world there was a show called Digimon that was released a few years ago and if you ever watched it in your early youth then this story might have just become more relatable for you. In the show a group of young adolescents we're transported into the world of Digimon or Digi-world if you like. Once there they were partnered up with their own Digimon and were constantly fighting evil, defending the innocent whilst also discovering themselves in the process. All in all a great show for children and teenagers alike.
Many more sequels came after but unfortunately you will have to research them in your own time for mine is short. Now then onto the main performance.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your own personal Digimon? Well I know someone who did and he got one too. Just not in the way you're probably thinking. There was no random Digivice out of nowhere, there were no signs of something foreboding about to happen (Well maybe a few but nothing major like random fog coming out of nowhere) and there was definitely no legendary group of Digidestined. Nope there was just a young man who happened to stumble (and I use the word lightly) into the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe the right place I can't quite make up my mind about that one yet.
This particular person's name was Samuel *******. And when this all started he just a 19 year old trying to find his way in life. He was certainly no more special than most of the people around him and he always seemed to be fine with that. Now then I definitely don't want to give too much away yet so I'll just let this story unfold and see how it goes from there.
Right then without further ado, let's begin.
It was an early Monday morning and in the little village of Elton a young man was currently sprawled out in a very attractive pose whilst snoring lightly and having what seemed to be a content look on his face. Slowly the man started to wake up, opening one eye carefully so as to not lose his sight to the sun peeking through his blinds. The birds were chirping as per usual and the sound of rustling leafs blowing in the wind just helped to add to the beautiful scene he was graced with. Deciding five more minutes couldn't hurt, he laid his head back down on his pillow, almost falling back to sleep until.
His bedroom door was suddenly slammed open ruining his chances of a little extra snooze time. "SAM GET UP YOU LAZY BASTARD OR YOU'RE GOING TO MISS YOUR BUS," yelled his ever enthusiastic mother.
"Alright alright, just give me a few minutes and I'll be up and ready before you know it." His reply was said with as much enthusiasm as a tired teenager could muster which unfortunately wasn't much.
"Ohh no you're getting up right now and in that shower, then you can go let the dogs out pick the shit up and make sure you have something to eat at lunch, and don't give me that look. Eating nothing won't make you lose weight it'll just deplete my cupboards when you get home, no hurry up or I'm getting the cold water."
Grumbling some, Sam swung his legs over his bed and made his way towards the shower. He quickly took his pants of and turned the shower on, waiting for it to get out of the Antarctic setting. Turning around he gave himself a quick look in the mirror. His brown hair was sticking up all over the place and his hazel eyes were slightly bloodshot in there corners. He was overweight but not so drastically that he couldn't run twenty paces without stopping to gasp like a drowning fish.
"You know what, my figure actually makes me look more unfit then I actually am. Kind of a bit annoying but hey what can ya do," Sam thought.
Putting his hand under the shower he felt that it was safe to step in and quickly gave himself a fast wash. After drying himself off he quickly threw on some jeans and a dark shirt and then walked casually down the stairs and towards the garden to let the dogs out.
Once Sam had done his duty for the morning he checked the time to see he had about nine minutes until his bus arrived. Deciding not to risk being late he quickly grabbed a few bananas and a mini babybell, grabbed his collage badge with his bus pass slotted neatly in its holder, put his black coat on and made his way towards the front door.
With a quick cya later from Sam he jammed his shoes on quickly and pelted his way out the door. Deciding to take the usual shortcut through the forest or "Pogos" as the locals liked to call it. Sam suddenly felt a small but noticeable chill in the air and shivered slightly walking at a faster pace than usual whilst still heading towards the bus stop. Seeing the exit in site he went to open the small gate when he heard something snap behind him. Turning around sharply Sam looked around for the source of the noise.
"Thiers nothing here, but I swear I… OH SHIT THE BUS."
Deciding now was a good time to put his I'm not that unfit theory to the test, he legged it out of the forest and towards the bus stop, turning the corner to just see it stop and drop people of. Quickly crossing the road he made his way towards and onto the bus, panting slightly he flashed his pass at the driver. The driver gave a quick nod and Sam went to sit down at the far end of the bus.
Once the bus reached the college stop Sam got off and thanked the driver. "Why do I do that it's not like they charge nothing to get me here. Well technically I don't pay anything I have a pass but still everyone does it. Maybe it's just courtesy or something like that… wow I don't half think random shit sometimes."
Sam walked through the college doors and headed on his way to class weaving in and out of the other numerous students so he didn't bump into anyone when he heard a voice next to him.
"Hey numnuts late for class are we?"
"Jesus Christ dude you scared the crap outa me," Sam exclaimed.
The so called "Dude" in question was a small teen named Max Tenhamell. An easy going guy with long brown hair curled slightly in places and a small grin on his face. He was also Sam's best friend despite a two year age difference.
"If I'm late Maxie then so are you, we're in the same course after all," Sam said, smiling widely for the first time all day.
"I know, just figured I'd wait up for your slow ass. We can say we were too distracted by our steamy morning sex. That always shuts Derek up if he starts shouting his lungs off."
They then both turned around hearing loud footsteps behind them.
"Well now look who it is skinny and fatty" said the ever obnoxious voice of Matt Greenhill.
"Hehe yeah you'd think fatboy would learn to chill out on the cheeseburgers," came a slightly slurred voice next to him. This particular voice belonged to Matt's younger but beefier brother. Nat Greenhill.
Sam sighed slightly. "I just can't go one day without the real live cast of Dumb and dumber can I."
"You know Nat if you actually paid any attention to what I say, you'd know I'm a vegetarian. Not that I expect he knows what that word means." Sam muttered to Max, who gave him a grin.
Nat seemed to think hard for a second before turning towards his brother. "What's a vegiterien Matt?"
Matt pinched his nose before responding, "That's Vegetarian Nat and it means that he doesn't eat meat."
If anything Nat looked even dumber then Sam thought possible. "Why wouldn't he eat meat, that's just stupid."
Matt just groaned and walked away with Nat still asking question behind him.
"Well that was entertaining," Said Max. "I didn't actually believe it was possible for Nat to be more thick then I thought he was."
Cocking his eyebrow slightly while laughing, Sam made of for class and what was surely to be an interesting day.
Seven Hours later
"Later numnuts, try to be on time tomorrow will ya. I can only cover your ass so much before Derek blows a fuse," Max said, making an exploding gesture with his hands.
Sam chuckled at his silly friend and gave him a quick wave before stepping on his bus and sitting by the window so as to get a breeze. The next thirty minutes flew by while the bus's slight heat was almost forcing Sam to go to sleep.
Realizing he was at his stop he quickly pressed the stop button and got off the bus, nodding his thanks at the bus driver.
Sam then started walking towards the forest deciding that he could give the shops a miss for a change. He then reached the gate and opened it, walking through.
He felt it almost at once, that chill he felt earlier. Sam clutched his shoulders giving the impression that he was hugging himself and looked around. It was a winter night and unfortunately that meant that Sam's vision was limited to only a few feet in front of him.
Squinting through the darkness he started to do a careful walk through the forest, taking care not to trip over any loose branches. Suddenly he heard it, a voice through the darkness "Help…me…please". Sam nearly jumped out of his skin. He quickly shook his head before collecting himself and trying desperately to find the source of the voice.
"Hello?" he called out. "Is anyone there I can't see anything."
A few moments passed by with nothing but silence for company. Sam was beginning to wonder if it had just been the wind and was about to continue to walk in the same direction he had before.
Sam spun around. He had heard a voice, it wasn't the wind tricking him. Not seeing a thing anywhere near him Sam called out. "Where are you? I can't see anything over here, it's too dark."
Getting frustrated Sam began to walk blindly in the direction he had heard that voice speak.
"I should just head for the exit and get the hell outa here. This is creeping me out. But someone did ask for help I'm sure of it and as much as I don't want to I can't just run away."
"Please I can't help you if you don't show me where you are!" Sam was close to shouting now. This whole thing was freaking him out, he had walked straight towards where he heard it speak and saw nothing.
"I'm… right…here…can't you…see me." The voice was a lot easier to hear now, it was almost like it was right in front of him. And yet… there was nothing.
"Look down"
Sam did so and nearly cried out in surprise. It was like looking through an open fire, where the air around it seems to almost wave and flicker in and out of your vision. If it wasn't so dark Sam would be able to see that it still held some sort of shape, although it was fading away fairly quickly.
The one thing which stood out for Sam though were two small orbs of shocking blue, staring at him unblinking. "What…what are you? Sam asked."
"I'm Renamon." Said the voice.
"Renamon?" Sam asked. "As in Renamon the Digimon?" Sam was in shock. He hadn't watched Digimon for a while but he still remembered the female Kitsune.
The voice or rather Renamon seemed to sigh sadly as she continued to stare at him with those eyes. "Yes. Although not for much longer I'm afraid."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked. "Are… are you."
Renamon simply closed her eyes, remaining silent for a moment. She then looked back at Sam sadly.
"What's your name?" She asked.
He stayed silent before asking. "How did get here? If you don't mind me asking."
Renamon closed her eyes again, and started to talk.
"I saw a door in my world. An opening of sorts, it called to me and I fell through emptiness. Only to wake up and find myself fading away." Renamon's voice seemed to become more distressed with each word as tears began to well up in her eyes.
Sam was at a loss of what to do. This was not what he imagined when fantasizing about meeting a Digimon. This Digimon Renamon was going to fade away into nothingness and there wasn't anything he could do to help her.
"You asked me to help you a few moments ago, how?
Renamon simply closed her eyes as she struggled not to cry. "I just wanted to be near someone before… before I disappear. I don't want to die alone. Can you… lie next to me. She looked up at Sam again. Please.
Not knowing what else to do Sam put his coat on the forest floor and lay down next to her as Renamon's body continued to disappear. A few minutes passed and Sam found himself humming a quiet sad tune. Something seemed to grab onto his hand and he looked down, stopping his humming. Renamon's paw or what was left of it was holding Sam's hand as firmly as was possible.
"Please don't stop it sounded beautiful." Renamon pleaded.
Sam nodded and continued humming his tune. He was feeling a lot warmer now and could only assume it was because of the presence next him.
"Thank you. No Digimon has ever showed me kindness like this in my entire life, I have never had anyone to call a friend before. I wish I had longer, I wish I could get to know you.
Sam looked at her eyes with a small sad smile. "Me too Renamon, I only really have one friend. Everyone else just tries to hurt me. I don't know why, I've never done anything to them."
Renamon's eyes seemed to blaze with anger before mellowing back to their sad state. "Then they are foolish for passing up such a unique friend. She looked right into his eyes. " I wish I could help you, I wish I could protect you."
Sam smiled a little wider. "I guess we both wish for too much."
"I guess we do."
Suddenly there was a loud bang accompanied with a blinding flash of light which caused Sam to roll right where Renamon's dissipating form was lying. The next thing Sam knew was pain then blackness.
Sam shot up breathing heavily. He looked around trying to shake out the little dots of light still lingering in his vision. He was in his bedroom lying in his bed and still wearing his clothes, minus his coat which was hanging up on the coat peg. Sam reached for his un-set alarm next to him, it read 6.47 AM.
"Was it all just a dream?" Sam rubbed his forehead trying to get rid of his early morning headache.
He got out of his bed and headed towards the bathroom. Once inside he went through the medicine cabinet, scrounging around for some painkillers. Finding an almost empty packet with only two tablets remaining he then got a small paper cup and filled it with water, taking the pills and leaning his head back waiting for the eventual relief.
He then turned his head to the left and looked at the small mirror and looked at himself. His hair was messy with bits of dried up gel stuck in it but for once his blue eyes weren't bloodshot. Sam then turned around and went to switch the shower on.
"Wait, blue eyes? What?"
He turned around again quickly and looked at his eyes.
They were a soft hazel again.
So what did you think? Any good?
Give me your opinions and pleaseeeee don't flame it makes me sad :'(
BTW! The Renamon in this story is not Rika's one, she has a similar personality and her voice is identical but she isn't as super serious and all emotionally closed up as the one in Digimon Tamers.
Just in-case you were wondering :D