I do not own anything. Well, except for a very few things… Copyright belong to their respective creators.

Azula was able to reconcile with her mother the night before she left changing the course of path she was about to take. Now she will do anything to help her brother regain his honor and live her life with purpose.


Avatar: Azula's Legacy
By: Zelga Lim Li


Previously …

Everything was numb to the point that she cannot hear Zuko or her uncle's panicked cries.

And then there is darkness and the cold freezing water of the ocean that kissed her skin. Before blackness took her vision, she saw her medallion, the one her mother gave her, dangling closely in front of her face.

One of the five gems gave out a brightest sparkle. It was the one symbolizing the element of air.

At that precise moment, Azula never felt so calm even in front of death's door. To begin with, she never was afraid of death.


Chapter 5 – Lost and Found

Kyoshi Island…

In a few days, Suki with a few volunteers will leave for the Earth Kingdom to answer the request of the Earth King to aid them in the upcoming war. The Fire Nation boldly declared their claim over the remaining nations.

The Air Nomads, Aang's people were already annihilated making him the last Airbender. And because of his importance to this war, the Kyoshi Warriors have pledged their loyalty to the current Avatar.

Technically, he is the reincarnation of Avatar Kyoshi so everything makes sense, right?

After she prepared her things, the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors walks towards the coast to take some fresh air. As usual, the villagers are quite contented and happy. Suki hopes that this remains the same.


"What is it?" Suki frowned seeing the flustered look of Ai, one of her lead warriors.

"Do you remember the time when the Fire Nation attempted to capture the Avatar in our village?" Nodding with a bemused expression on her face, Suki stared at her. Ai continued knowing that her leader will not interrupt unless she is starting to make a mess on her statement.

"There is one of them that seem to be out of place. Well…"

"Yes, the Fire Princess herself. Katara said that she was a friend and Aang spoke highly of her."

"Umm…" Ai mumbled and gestured her to follow her to the shores.

"Ai? What's wrong?" Suki asks cautiously.

"You see, well… I mean…"

The shorthaired Kyoshi leader sighed and walks towards the shore where the others are. The noises she heard earlier were muted to a low whisper which earned a slight worry from her gut and rushes ahead of Ai.

What she saw made her drop her jaws in shock.

A certain someone have returned to their island with a few scrapes and bruises all over her body.

It was the princess herself.

Kneeling beside Azula, Suki ordered one of her warriors to seek for a healer and searched the princess for any injury. Not that it is visible since she'd been in the water for quite a while.

"Help me carry her back to the village…"


Azula never thought that she would experience a simple life courtesy of the people her stupid brother tried to harm just so he can get to the Avatar.

People from the said island welcomed her with open arms. After all, she did save them during one of Zuko's attempt to capture Aang.

The princess chuckled and appreciated the view she was currently staring at.

After that stupid bastard tried to kill her, she was washed out by the sea and miraculously arrived in Kyoshi Island with only a few bruises to spare, which already healed by now. His lightning attack didn't annoy her as much as it should thinking that her medallion saved her at the time, receiving Khan's attack which must be the reason why it glowed at the time of her 'swim'. For that, she was thankful.

After recuperating, she will accompany Suki and the other Kyoshi warriors towards the Earth Kingdom as it is where she, Zuko and their uncle was supposed to meet. It was awkward with the others but Azula knows how to be a people person when needed. Surprisingly, she made new friends and Suki, accepted her wholeheartedly especially when she remember what Aang said about the Fire Princess.

On their way to Basing Se, they found Appa and Azula ordered them (she was a royalty and old habits die hard) to help the Avatar's flying bison much to everyone else's frustration.

Khan arrived as he followed the trail left by Appa's fur. With him are two of Azula and Zuko's childhood friends, Ty Lee and Mai. The two were surprised to see her as well. Suki ordered them to escape knowing the Appa and the princess are important to the Avatar. However, Azula was determined to put Khan in his place for trying to kill her brother.

Suki demanded and despite the internal battle Azula have within her, followed the Kyoshi warrior's advice to take Appa to safety.

If something happens to the bison, Aang will be devastated. Was it enough that her people took everyone the young Avatar cared about?


She will not let this bastard take Aang's best friend. Or rather pet. Or whatever Appa is to the Airbender.

"Appa, yip yip!" It was a good thing she remembers how Aang commanded the bison to fly. Leaving a farewell glance to her newfound friends, Azula gritted her teeth in frustration and left. She hopes that Suki and the other Kyoshi Warriors would survive that despicable boy.

Travelling to Basing Se took faster than expected. Well, Azula never thought that riding a flying bison has its perks. On top of Appa, she was able to meditate and think of her next actions. She already cut her hair knowing that she is no longer a princess. It was inappropriate since she took good care of it in the past. Nevertheless it was a sign of her rebellion. She did felt the pleasure when she let her hair down and felt the wind caress her exposed skin.

But then Appa took a turn and landed somewhere in the vicinity of an old abandoned town. The bison must have heard something. However, it was already too late when the ground where Appa stood turned upside down as if it was bended by someone.

'Damn.' Cursing silently, Azula prepared for an attacked to defend the animal but these disgusting people outmaneuvered her.

Of course, she could take them down if she goes all out. But then when you think of others particularly a large flying bison that seems to have a trauma of what had happened when he was separated from his airbender companion slash best friend…

Worried that she might have scared Appa more (of course, she of all people knew how destructive her fire can be), she thought otherwise.

'It really sucks to have a conscience. Is this what Aang have to endure his entire life?' Musing quietly to herself, the former Fire Princess squinted her eyes when someone stood right in front of her. Jostling her shackles as if willing it to break, she glared at the shadow.

"Well, well, well… Look who we have here?" The mysterious person muttered amusingly. From the background, Azula heard Appa trying to fight off the others.

"I've heard what you and your brother did in the Northern Water Tribe," Walking around her, the newcomer removed his cloak and stands a few meters away from the princess. "I must say, I'm quite impressed…"

"Let me guess, you're the protector of this city?" Azula asked ignoring his earlier comment with an annoying smirk on her face. "Or rather, someone who is trying to take this kingdom for his own," She was about to be gag by one of her captors but then the speaker who she thinks is the leader judging from his posture raised his hand.

"Oh yes. I am the protector of this city…" With a smile, Long Feng, Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and leader of the Dai Li added in a pleasured tone. "It is I who will lead the Earth kingdom to her greatness…"


Author's note:
This chapter is kind of rushed as you can see the one sided point of view of our heroine with little interaction from the other characters.

Also, I am deeply overwhelmed with the support you guys have for this story so I did finished this one before the year ends. It's quite short so sorry about that. Well, thanks so much.

Till next chapter, everyone :)

Love and peace!

Ja ne~