Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Marvel-characters!

AN: Another very late update. My apologies. Here is the final chapter. Thank you everyone who read this story and who left me a kind, awesome and heartfelt review. I loved them all. So I do hope you'll find this ending satisfying.

Here is it goes…

~ Wildest Moments ~

Chapter 9

~ o ~

Eight years later

~ o ~

The universe was at peace.

For the first time since long, there were no realms at war or worlds tearing themselves apart due to internal political power struggles. That also meant the Peace Council of Asgard only took about an hour of Loki's day. He was grateful for that. Lately he found himself bored in that large room. There were only Elders present and they hardly made interesting conversationalists.

But today was a wonderfully warm day in Asgard. The sun stood high in the sky and there was only a soft breeze moving through the trees. There was a lovely, blossomy smell in the air as well. Spring had arrived.

Loki didn't even have to guess where he would find Sif at this time of the day. He quickly made his way through the castle and towards his mother's personal gardens. They were the most beautiful in the Nine Realms and Sif loved spending time there. She felt at ease between the many flowers.

When he arrived at the gardens, Loki took a moment to feel the sun on his face. It was such a pleasant feeling and it reminded him of feeling the sun of Midgard on his skin. The warmth was different though. Midgard's sun was gentler and not as intense.

He made his way across the garden and found Sif sitting on a large, soft blanket. She was lying on her stomach, her hair braided neatly. It was hanging over her left shoulder. Before her lay a book – one they had bought in Midgard a few weeks ago during a short visit – but Sif had no attention for it at the moment.

Before Sif sat a small girl who was not even two years old. She had short, black curls and bright green eyes. Loki couldn't help but smile when he saw his wife and daughter sitting on the grass. Short, yellow flowers surrounded them. It was an image Loki truly enjoyed. It made him feel… happy. He could feel his troubles and concerns already slipping away from him. Being with his family made him feel at peace. It was as if nothing but his family mattered anymore.

Sif closed her book and went to sit up when she noticed her husband approaching.

Loki went to sit down beside her and ran a hand through the loose strands of her hair. He tucked them away behind her ear as he planted a quick kiss on her lips. It wasn't often that Sif wore a dress, but he always enjoyed seeing her like this. Today she wore a golden, sleeveless dress and Loki couldn't help but run his hands down her exposed skin.

"You look stunning," he told her.

Sif's eyes brightened at the compliment.

Loki turned his attention to the little girl sitting before him. He easily scooped her up from the blanket and when he heard her pleased, high laugh, he laughed along with her. He already began to pull funny faces.

"And you, Sefa," Loki said, still laughing as his daughter laid down her little head on his shoulder, "you look simply adorable."

Sefa suddenly looked up again and lifted her hand. "A flower, papa," she said in a high and childlike voice. She looked proud as she handed the flower to her father.

"Is that for me?" Loki widened his eyes with astonishment. He loved the way Sefa began to nod fervently. He took the flower from her little hand and placed it in a small pocket of his shirt. "I will treasure it forever."

It was strange to think that in a few days' time, his little girl would already be two years old. He didn't want her to age. He wanted her to stay this small forever. That way he could protect her from any harm. Then again, he was ever so curious to see what kind of person she would grow up into. Would she always resemble her father like this? Would she end up looking more like her mother? Would she be brave and strong like Sif?

Loki had a million questions to which he had no answers to. Only time could tell.

"And where, if I may ask," said Loki, gazing into Sefa's big green eyes, "is your big brother?"

Sefa frowned, but did not answer. After a few moments, she shrugged.

"Where do you think he is," Sif answered with amusement to her voice. She took Loki's hand into her own and laid her head to rest on his shoulder. Having two children often meant that they had little time for each other. They didn't mind really, but they did miss the quieter moments.

"I should go and get him," Loki said.

Truly, he did not know how Thor managed to lead a realm and still spend so much time with his nephew. Sometimes he wondered whether Thor wasn't spoiling his son too much, but at other times Loki was simply pleased that his son had such a close connection with his uncle. It could all have been very different.

"Hurry back afterwards," Sif said, lifting her head again. She reluctantly released his hand. "We could have a late picnic. It's not often we have such a warm and peaceful day in Asgard."

Loki chuckled. He turned his head and kissed his wife passionately. Afterwards, he looked at Sefa and patted her head affectionately.

"I'll be back before you know it."

~ o ~

Loki could only look at the scene unfolding before him. He couldn't suppress the smile taking hold of his face. His son, appearing most triumphant, was currently holding a long, wooden sword and brought it down to Thor's exposed neck as he lay on the ground without a weapon.

"Do you yield?" Alfie asked, his eyes wide with expectation. His black hair hung before his eyes, but Alfie didn't appear bothering by it.

"I yield, great Alfarr Lokison," Thor said, feigning hurt and embarrassment, "you defeated me once again. What must I do so that you would spare me?"

Alfie contemplated on that. Loki could always tell when his son was thinking deeply about something. He was only six years old, but he was extremely intelligent for his age. He was even beginning to understand the very basics of magic. Loki had been ever so proud when his son had produced his first spell about a year ago.

"You can make a knight," Alfie finally stated, looking particularly pleased about his idea, "only then will I let you live."

"All right, all right," Thor said, both his hands lifted in a surrendering gesture, "I shall make you my knight, Alfie, and I know you'll be the best one I'll ever have."

Alfie instantly dropped his fake sword and made tiny little jumps of happiness. The jumps transformed into a comical dance and Loki couldn't help but chuckle. By doing so, he revealed his presence. As soon as Alfie saw his father standing not too far away, he rushed towards him.

"I'm a knight, papa," Alfie said, grinning widely, "a proper knight because uncle made me so. He's the king so he can do that!"

Loki kneeled before his son so that they were about the same height. He pushed Alfie's hair from his eyes and gazed into his brown eyes. They were an exact copy of his mother's, but Alfie had a round face and much thinner lips than Sif.

"Congratulations," he said proudly, "but don't expect your mother to allow you to carry a proper sword just yet."

Alfie pouted and asked, "Not even a small one?"

"Not even a small one," Loki replied sincerely.

"He will be a great warrior one day," Thor said as he came to stand before Loki and Alfie. He had picked up the wooden sword and handed it back to his nephew.

Loki stood and gazed at his brother. He was suddenly worried that he was wasting Thor's time right now. Surely Thor had better things to do than talk to Loki and his son. Didn't he have councils to lead? Papers to read? Reports to write?

"I apologize if Alfie here has been keeping you from your duties," Loki said, addressing his brother as the king in this instance and not as his brother.

He and Sif were back for eight years already, but at times there still lay awkwardness between them. None could deny that Alfie's birth had somehow hurt Thor. Clearly he adored his nephew, but at first Alfie had simply been…evidence. Alfie had been a constant reminder that Loki and Sif loved each other and that they would not break apart.

As Alfie had grown, however, Thor had grown attached to the boy. He clearly loved him and Loki enjoyed that thought.

"I enjoy spending time with him," Thor replied, smiling radiantly, "and I hope we can repeat this tomorrow."

"I'll still be a knight, right?" Alfie asked, suddenly worried that he would have lost his title by then.

"Of course," Thor said, "once a knight, always a knight."

Loki placed a hand on Alfie's shoulder, calling his attention. "Your mother is waiting for you, Alfie" he said, "she is in Grandmother's gardens. Go to her and tell her I'll be there shortly."

Alfie nodded and darted out of the training grounds. Loki watched him until he was gone from his eyesight. He disliked the idea of him running around the palace alone, but the path from the training grounds to Frigga's garden was short and he was aware Alfie knew his way around the hallways. After all, Loki had been about his age when he had first started to cause mischief with Thor. They would often sneak from their bedchambers to go and explore what Odin had hidden in his weapon's vault.

"I know you are a busy man, Thor," Loki said, addressing him as his brother now. He didn't know why he suddenly changed his approach. "Truly, if Alfie is-"

Thor cut him off with a roaring laugh. "Don't even finish that sentence, brother," he said, "I love teaching Alfie the ways of battle. Besides, spending time with him brightens my day."

Loki smiled.

"I wanted to ask you something," Loki said next, "Sefa is turning two in a few days and there will be a gigantic feast of course. Most of Asgard will be present."

"I know," Thor replied, appearing confused, "I am throwing the feast in her honor."

"Yes, Sif and I are very grateful, but we are also planning to have a small gathering first," Loki explained, "we feel it is important to teach our children that family is extremely important; that certain events should be celebrated in a close circle first. We want to have dinner with just our family. Mother will be there as well of course and it would be an honor if you could come as well."

"I would have been offended if you hadn't asked me," Thor said. He threw his arm around Loki's shoulder and began to walk away from the battle ground. Loki could only follow. "You must enjoy your children while they are so young, brother, because before you know it, they are independent and you can only watch them in awe as they make their own decisions."

Loki knew well enough why Thor was saying this.

"Have you heard anything from Frida?" He asked.

"Nay," Thor answered almost regretfully, "she is still staying with that Faraldr, Fandral's son."

"He makes her happy," Loki said, feeling the need to defend Faraldr. He was a good young man – only three years younger than Frida - and Loki knew he loved Frida dearly. They actually made a good couple and the people of Asgard were already whispering they would marry one day. Thor, of course, could not stand that thought. He simply had trouble realizing that Frida was a young woman now.

"She is coming to the feast as well," Loki added, "with Faraldr."

"I see."

Loki widened his eyes, throwing his brother a warningly glance.

"So you better behave."

"I will, I will," Thor sighed.

They were almost at their mother's gardens.

"I shall leave you now, brother," Thor said. Loki enjoyed Thor calling him so. It showed they were growing closer again. "Sif is awaiting you. And we both knew that it is impolite to keep a lady waiting."

Loki chuckled before turning sincere again. He turned towards Thor so he could look him in the eyes as he said, "Thank you for your advice."

"I am aware you do not need it," Thor answered earnestly, "you are a good father."

Loki wasn't sure what he could respond to that. In truth, he wasn't used to his brother complimenting him so. Thor placed his right hand at the back of Loki's neck then, a gesture he had not done in years, and Loki suddenly tensed.

Thor did not notice.

"You are a good brother, Loki," Thor said, "we've had our problems and there has been a fair share of hurt, but we've put that behind us, haven't we?"


Thor smiled and said, "I'll see you tomorrow then, at dinner. I'll bring a gift for Sefa."

"Don't spoil her too much," Loki heard himself saying, "or in a few years, you'll have two children to entertain every afternoon."

"And I would enjoy every second of it."

Thor let go of him and walked away. Loki gazed at him for a few long moments and then turned around, heading back into the gardens where he knew his family was waiting for him. He couldn't stop smiling.

He was beginning to think he would never be able to stop smiling.

~ o ~

The end.

~ o ~

AN: That's it! I finished another story. I can't believe how well it went. Again, thanks to all those that supported me all the way through this little tale. A big applause to anyone who can guess where I got the name Sefa from XD