
by schu-chan

disclaimer: i want them but i dun hab them... hm... maybe they'll give them to me?

happy new year. AOL wasn't letting me onto ff.net, so i couldn't post it on christmas... so, happy new year. and wish schu-chan a happy birthday... coz my birthdays' on the 31st of december... i'm soooo happy... imma finally turn 17!!! [7's my favorite number... -.-"] and this is a really short chapter... honto-ni gomen!

Note: ahahahahahah! serving retarded chapters time after time! yup, that is schu-chan's job! mwahahahahah! -- yes, you can tell that i've lost it, ne? ah, no matter... r&r, onegai!


Chapter 7

They sat in the restaurant, eating as they talked. "Is Kumagoro hungry?"

Ryuichi looked up and smiled at Ken. "He had a snack before I went to pick you up so he's not hungry."

"Hn. He's not hungry because he's a stuffed animal."

Ken and Ryuichi both turned to stare at Crawford with huge eyes. "Na... ni?"

Crawford sweatdropped and said, "Nothing."

Ken and Ryuichi gave him a smile and proceeded to talk about this and that.

"Ne, ne, Ken-kun, isn't Shuichi's voice preeeetty?"

Ken's eyes sparkled. "He is SO talented! And his hair is sooo cool! Oooh! And his boyfriend, Eiri-san! He seems so frigid but then when he and Shuichi-kun are together, it's like, sugoi! He's suuuuch a sweety!"

Ryuichi grinned and nodded, casting a casual glance at Crawford. He grinned when he saw Crawford clutching his chopsticks tightly. Ken didn't notice and continued to talk about how ASK had just faded suddenly.

Ryuichi turned back to Ken and said, "They were mean to Shu-kun! So I took Kumagoro and we beat them up!"

Ken sweatdropped. "Eh?"

Ryuichi suddenly grinned, saying, "Ne, wanna come over to my house? You can sleep over! I'll lend you some clothes and stuff! Kuma-chan and I are lonely... Ah, Manager-san, I'll see that he gets to work on time!"

Crawford nodded stiffly. *Who the hell are you to be asking Ken over to your house, huh?! You've known him for how long, a couple of hours?! You -*

Crawford stopped himself. *I'm... jealous?*


mou.... i dunno why but i reeeeaaaally didn't feel like writing in this one... gomen!