Untitled by: schu-chan warnings: Shounen-ai, AU-ness, all around bad skills in writing...


*~Prologue~* "Yohji, stop flirting with the backdancers!" Yohji pouted at his manager, who glared at him. "Your new manager, coordinater, producer and new make-up artist are going to be here any second now!" "How come you're not saying anything to KenKen and Ran and Omi?!" "_Because_ Ran and Omi are sitting quietly and Ken is practicing his moves!" "Fine." The manager sighed as Yohji sat down with a scowl. "Oh! They're here!" Everyone but Ken got up to greet them because Ken was still dancing with his discman on. He was almost done with the particular song when he stumbled and fell. "Ite!" "Ken!" "Ken-kun!" Ken groaned and stood up, wincing as he put the discman into his bag. When he fell, his earphones had been torn out of his ears. He took a drink of water and sat down next to Omi. "I'm all right. Eh... who are you?" His manager sighed. "Guys, let me introduce you all. This is your new manager, Bradley Crawford. This is your coordinator, Schuldich. This is Yuushi, your make-up artist and this is your producer, Nagi." They all stared at Nagi. Omi broke the silence, saying, "He looks like he's twelve!" "I'm 18!" Nagi glared at Omi, who glared right back. "Ken Hidaka-san, you'll have to get a hold on your clumsiness. We can't have you messing up on stage." Ken stared at Crawford, who gave him a humourless smile. "N-nani?!" "I'm sure that there are many other good singers _that aren't clutzy_ that are willing to replace you." Everyone's jaws dropped. Ken stared at Crawford in shock. "A-are you _serious_?!" Crawford gave Ken a curt nod. Within seconds, there was chaos as Ken jumped on Crawford and began to hit him. Crawford hit right back, purposely ignoring the fact that Ken was a singer who had an image to maintain. When they were pulled apart though, everyone saw that Crawford was stronger. While he was merely bruised, Ken was bleeding. They pulled the two away into separate areas and treated their wounds. Ken glared at Crawford from across the room. Crawford just smirked at him. "I don't want him as a manager~! He's mean!!!" They all grinned. "It'll be all right, Ken. Come on, we'll buy you some sweets." Ken's eyes immediately brightened. He turned into a doggie KenKen (Tsuzuki style![1]) and latched onto Omi. "I want ice cream, chocolate, cake, mousse, brownie, candy..." Schuldich sighed and wapped Crawford gently over the head. "Oi, I thought you thought that he was a very good singer!" "But he _is_ clumsy." "But you _like_ him! You don't need to be mean!" Crawford shrugged. "He'll figure it out sooner or later." Schuldich stared at Crawford as Crawford strode away. Crawford was saying this about the guy who was _famous_ for being dense about such things... Ite, what a headache.

[1]: Tsuzuki is the main character of Yami No Matsuei, a killer manga (i haven't seen the anime yet... T.T). Anyways, he LOVES sweets and sometimes he turns into a doggie Tsuzuki... *squeals* he is soooo kawaii!!!!!

Anyways, thanx for reading... please give me feedback. Arigatou!