hi guys :) last chapter i'm ever going to update for this story :( but don't worry the rewrite's coming :D
So then, after everything, I took Marceline out into the forest and into the garden she told me about before. I held her hand in mine, and my heart was beating faster than it ever was. When we reached the garden, she smiled and asked me what we were doing there.
I smiled and said, "I just wanted to tell you something."
"what?" she asked. my brain scattered, and I was afraid to tell her anything, so I just told her something I already told her before.
"um, you look gorgeous, Marcy," I said. what? Ugh, I'm such a dweeb.
She smiled and said, "you don't look that bad yourself. So why'd you bring me out here, Marshall?"
"I don't know," I blurted out. she laughed, and took a step closer to me. "I guess I just wanted to get away from all the noise," I lied.
"really now?" she asked like she knew the truth.
'what's going to happen when we go back to school?" I asked.
"I don't know, I guess I eat lunch with you guys, and talk to you guys twenty-four-seven… why? What's wrong?"
"nothing, it just… it seems more fun here, just hanging out with everyone."
"marsh? Is there something you're not telling me?" she asked. her eyes and tone showed concern.
"nothing it's just that, uh, how do I say this, um," I stuttered. She held my hand, and with all the courage I had left, I kissed her. I put the hand she wasn't holding behind her neck. And, I don't know, we were just there.
When I pulled away, my heart was pounding, and I said, "I guess that's all I wanted to tell you…"
Marceline put her arms around my neck and rest her head on my chest. "I hope we could stay here longer," she said. I looked at her and she looked at me. I placed my hands on her waist, and we swayed there like we were dancing. I kissed her again, this time with more affection I guess. I don't know, I suck at emotion, but Marceline sucks at it too, so I'm fine with that. We'd suck at romance together, and make the most awkward couple of all time. We stayed in the garden for a few minutes; talking, dancing, laughing.
"I love you, Marcy," I said lovingly. She smiled at me and said she loved me too; but I think we all know that she only meant she loved me as a friend. If only I could tell her, if only I wasn't afraid of being shot down… oh well, I guess there's always another time to tell her.
Marshall brought me here to the garden, and here we are just talking and laughing with each other.
"I love you, Marcy," he said. I looked at him; my heart was pounding in my chest. I thought my heart was just going to jump out of my chest.
"I love you too, marsh," I said. I know he only likes me as a friend. And I guess a part of me's fine with that. But another half just wants to tell him I love him, maybe as something more than a friend. But, let's face it, Marshall would never be in love with me. I mean, there are like a bazillion girls chasing him; why'd he even bother to like me? i guess we'll just always be just friends; nothing more, nothing less, just friends.
We walked back to the party, and Alex and the guys ran up to us screaming about something. Turns out we'll be staying for another week! Well, let's just hope I can tell Marshall by the time we go back… please, glob, please let him like me back.
hiiiiii guys! i'm so,so, so, so, so, so, so sorry (918379828239892384 times) for not updating at all :( BUT, i swear, i'm going to start updating a lot again! oh yeah, and here are a few save the dates:
september 3: hopefully i'm going to publish something new. but if not, then... yeah.. i'll just post it some other time..
september 15: THE GENIUS RE-WRITE WILL BE POSTED. so yeah :) almost all the chappies now reach 1,500 words or more... and there's more romance, and stuff :P i hope you guys like it! it's going to be shorter... but longer... like, way longer than the original, supposedly... i'm writing it right now :D like this very second, wherever you are, most probably. kjndkajsdnkajsdn ii nnneeeeddd too fiinniiissshh thiisss, but it's so long :( anyways, that bring me to another thing i wanted to talk about!
i'm sort of trying a new update system here... do you want me to update:
a) post a chapter, wait two days, then post another chapter. then wait three days for cliffhangers.
b) post a chapter, wait three days, then post another chapter. then wait two days for cliffhangers.
c) one chapter, one week. next week, two chapters. (ex: week 1: one chapter week 2: 2 chapters week 3: 1 chapter)
k, pllllleeeeaaassee for the love of glob and all that is good and mighty, please tell me which one! or else, i'm just going with option C. coz in option A and B if i forget to update on the right date, i'll post two chappies the next day, and then go back to one (ex: sept 17: should have updated but didnt. sept 18: two new chappies) and in option C i just update whenever in the week :P so absolutely no possibility of getting more than 2 chappies per week :P VOTE PLEASE I LOVE YOU.
oh and FILIPINA: in case you didn't read my PM, no, i didn't forget your birthday, your uber late bday present should be posted on sept 3 :D
gianna sparrow: wtf, you're so late, gia.
xXCode AngelXx: here's the "more" :))
aliceblu3: haha hi thnaks for "catching up" with this then :D
gothsrule2468 and Vampire Princess Awesome: i thought both of you were telling me you could out diva me, and then i was like, oh yeah alex said that XD haha i thought you two were either one person who reviewed twice, or two people who just, like, said the said thing O.O
and this A/N's turning out longer than the actual chappie soooo byyyyyyeeee. i'll post the re-write soon!