Author's Note: A cute little nothing I wrote to amuse myself. Had this lying around for a while and meant to upload this. Read and review please!

Running down the hallway with all the agility, speed, and hyperactive energy of a five year old child, Bumblebee giggled and laughed as Sunstreaker, myself and a group of others consisting of Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Blurr, Jazz, and Prowl gave chase after him.

"Bumblebee, get back here!" I shouted as the little yellow and black streak disappeared into Prime's bedroom. Filing into the room, we began searching underneath everything the little boy could possibly crawl into or under before Bumblebee's giggling reached our ears to show the tiny scout had slipped by us and stood in the entrance to the room before running down the hallway.

"Oh, come on!" Jazz shouted as we ran down the hallway just in time to see the child run outside.

"Blurr, sic 'im!" Sunstreaker ordered the blue haired youth as he ran ahead and proceeded to trip and fall into a mud puddle as Bumblebee nimbly kept just out of the older boy's reach.

"What the-?!" Inferno's voice shouted, getting our attention and before anyone could say anything, Ironhide had taken the hose out of the firefighter's hands and put his deadly accuracy with weaponry to good use as he proceeded to douse us and his target with water. He laid off the pressure after a few moments and watched in satisfaction as little Bumblebee and the rest of us were soaked to the bone before handing the hose back and disappearing, coming back moments later with towels for us.

"Well," Prime began after a few minutes of drying himself and Bumblebee off, "that was one way to do it."

"A little heads up next time would do nicely if you wouldn't mind," Prowl commented to the redhead still looking proud of himself.

"Bumblebee would'a saw it comin', Prowl. Besides, you were saying you needed a bath, too," the weapons specialist countered, smirking in triumph when the stoic young man stiffened in irritation.

Leaning over to my brother, I held up three fingers and curled each one slowly before pointing to the cop and redneck before Prowl pummeled Ironhide to the ground, shouting incoherently about how Ironhide was the only one not to get a bath today and proceeded to chase the weapons specialist out of the building and douse Ironhide with the hose on Inferno's truck.

It was a few hours later that both men came back inside, both dripping wet with Inferno close behind them.

"Does anyone wanna explain what just happened today?" the firefighter asked, watching us confusedly as Prowl stormed off down the hallway, taking Ironhide with him. I snickered at the exchange between the cop and weapons specialist as they shoved each other down the hallway before saying, "Didn't you get the memo? It's 'Bath Day for Bumblebee and Anyone Who is in Charge of Giving Bumblebee a Bath Day'."