'Now, younglings, listen to me. I call you young, for no matter your age, I am older still. I am one of the immortals, of those your ancestors called gods. But we are no gods. We may seem higher than you, but in truth, many of us are lower. That is why I tell you this tale, that is what this story is all about. I apologize, for I do not fully understand your race, but I try my best. For we age much differently than you, we live much different lives, but I shall try to make it relatable.

Now listen, and I shall let the tale begin...'

This story happened a long time ago in a place very far away... ...It is already over... ...Nothing can be done to change it... ...It is a story of love and loss... ...of brotherhood and betrayal... ...courage and sacrifice... ...and the death of dreams...

...It is a story of the blurred line between our best and our worst...

...Though this story happened so far away and so long ago... ...it is still happening... ...here and now... ...It is happening as you read these words...

...This is the beginning of the end...

...brace yourself for Ragnarök...