
Kuriboh101-I don't own Phineas and Ferb, they belong to Disney


Chapter 1: The Meet.

"Here comes the choo -choo train, open up the tunnel" Linda playfully said to her 1 year old son, Phineas Flynn, as she was holding a spoon full of baby food close to her son's mouth.

Little Phineas laughed, then he happily eats the spoon full of baby food.

4 year old Candace Flynn quickly ate her corn puffs with ease. She looked at the empty bowl and then she walked up to her mother, who was feeding Phineas.

"Mommy, can I have some more cereal? " she asked with her puppy eyes.

"Sorry sweetie, we ran out, you ate the rest remember?." Linda reminded her.

The begging face now changed to a pout face on Candace Flynn. Linda looked at her daughter worriedly and she kneel down and place a hand on her daughter's left shoulder.

"Don't you worry sweetie, I'll tell dad to get some more." Linda said.

Candace smiled and hugged her mother, "Thanks mommy." she said with glee.

Linda smiled. "I think Ducky Momo is on now ,sweetie." Linda informed.

Candace squealed over her favorite show and she ran to the living room with her Ducky Momo plushy waiting for the 'momoness' to begin.

"Speaking of dad, he's going to be late." Linda said to herself quietly.

"Phillip! You're going to be late for work!" Linda called.

"I'm almost done, dear!" Phillip responded.

Phillip Flynn, who is Phineas's and Candace's father, was in his bathroom sitting on a stool while a robotic arm was brushing his hair.

He looked just like his son, Phineas, but his hair was more of a fiery orange like his daughter's. He was wearing a orange and white striped shirt with some nice blue jeans,, and to top off the look, he was wearing glasses. He was a computer inventor techy type of guy.

After the robot was done doing the man's hair, Phillip looked at the mirror with a wide smirk "Lookin good, Dadeo" he said proudly.

"Dear!" his wife called again.

"Coming Honey!" Phillip called back while getting his briefcase.

Phillip walked downstairs with his briefcase.

"Honey, you have 20 minutes to get to work or you're going to be late!" Linda informed her husband impatiently.

"Don't worry, dear. I know the ways of the road." he proudly said.

Linda rolled her eyes, which made Phillip chuckle and hug her.

"Dear, you're beautiful." he playfully said.

"and you're going to be a fired man if you don't get to work." Linda added.

Phillip turned to the side to see baby Phineas. Phillip warmly smiled at the boy who was giggling.

Phillip picked up his son and kissed his cheek. "Good bye, my little Einstein." Phillip said.

Candace walked in the kitchen only to find her dad with them. "DADDY!" she cheered.

Phillip turned around to see his little girl. He smiled and picked her up, only to kiss her cheek.

"Goodbye, my princess." he said as he set his little girl down.

He faced his wife and kissed her cheek. "Good bye, my darling."

Linda smiled "Good bye, honey. And don't forget to pick up some corn puffs while you're gone." she added.

"I won't" Phillip assured her.

With that, Phillip rushed to the car and started to drive to work.


"There it is" Phillip said while looking at a weird building as he was driving.

Phillip was the top scientist for Danville Science Institution of Mechanics or the D.S.I.M. He was very famous in Danville and maybe the country ,because he was known for his expert engineering skills. He's been in magazines, interviews, movies and more.

Phillip parked his car and walked into the building. He punched in his time card, a secretary woman marked him present, and he received his lab coat.

He walked into the main lab to set up his stuff.

"Morning, Dr. Flynn." everyone greeted.

Phillip smiled at his fellow employees. "Morning everyone." he said. He started to take out his things until an intern interrupted him.

" Sir, C.J. Wants to see you." an intern said.

"The boss?" Phillip question and the intern nodded his head.

Phillip sighed and walked into the boss's large office. The boss smiled as soon as he saw his top star.

"Phillip, m' boy, how's it been?" he asked with a grin.

"C.J., what's up?" Phillip asked.

"Things." C.J. Blankly answered.

Phillip raised an eye brow of curiosity.

"Flynn, you will be working with a partner for a whole month, if that's ok with you." C.J. Said.

"On the rocket?" Phillip asked.

C.J. nodded his head.

"and who will be my partner?" Phillip asked.

"Mr. C.J." a female voice silently called.

Phillip turned around, only to see a buxom woman walking in the office. Phillip's eyes widened, he felt drool escaping his mouth. He hasn't seen a woman as beautiful as her. She was very curvy, every girl wished to have that figure, Linda's figure couldn't compare with hers. Her eyes are like sapphires...very radiant, her bosom was... woah. Her hair was long and it had a lime green color. She was wearing a purple shirt with a short black skirt and black high heels. She was also wearing a lab coat, but the coat was somewhat skin tight. Her lips were red and it looked smooth, it looks like there's honey on those lips and it can be licked.

"Woah." Phillip said with dirty thoughts in his mind.

The woman smiled. "Hello." she greeted.

To be continued...