A/N: I know it's been a while since I've published. No, I have not abandoned my other stories. I've just been reading a lot of Chris revelation fics lately and this popped into my head and I had to get it out.

It's set after Piper is pregnant, but she doesn't know, and no one knows who Chris is. And Leo hasn't gone Up There full time.

Chapter 1 – Piper's Mirror

The sisters were in the attic researching the next demon Chris wanted them to go after. He may be neurotic and drive them crazy with his constant demon hunts, but they at least all agreed that he was here to save Wyatt, and that earned him at least some trust with them.

Though Piper was starting to regret agreeing to this demon hunt. Just the description in the Book was making her stomach churn. Then again that had been happening a lot this week. She hoped she wasn't coming down with something.

Paige was brewing a potion, Phoebe was writing a spell, and Piper was looking through the Book when they heard a loud thud and looked up to see a young woman land on the floor.

"Whoa! Who are you?" was Piper's immediate response, raising her hands in preparation for a fight.

"Oh my God," Phoebe muttered when the girl groaned. That's when they all noticed she was bleeding from a hole in her stomach. It looked as if she'd been stabbed by something the size of a baseball.

The sisters went over to the girl, still cautious but concerned. That's when Paige noticed.

"Uh…guys?" Her sisters looked at her, noting the shock on her face. "Does she look familiar?"

Her sisters looked back at the girl, taking in her features for the first time.

"She looks just like Piper," Phoebe said, voicing the thought on all their minds.

The girl groaned again, and the sisters looked back at her. She had opened her eyes slightly. That's when they heard her whisper, "Chris…"

"'Chris'?" Piper repeated in surprise as blue and white orbs filled the room, forming their whitelighter from the future.

The sisters were all gaping at him, but his eyes were on the girl on the floor.

"Oh my God," he breathed, dropping to his knees beside her. "Mel? Mel can you hear me? It's Chris," he said in a firm, but caring manner. Something so unusual for the sisters to witness that they were frozen, watching. That's when Chris noticed the wound the blood was coming from, and his tone turned urgent. "Call Leo," he told the sisters, before turning back to the girl. "Com on Mel, wake up!" Noticing the sisters were still frozen in shock, Chris yelled, in a commanding tone, "CALL LEO!"

The urgency in his voice and the fear in Chris's eyes, and the girl's appearance, prompted Phoebe to act. "Leo!"

Slowly, orbs formed the Elder, who took in the situation, and then looked at the sisters in questioning.

"Heal!" Phoebe burst, pointing to the girl.

Leo noticed Piper and Paige giving him the look of 'well, go on', and Chris's pleading look, which surprised Leo enough that he paused long enough to notice the girl's appearance.

"Well heal her Leo!" Piper exclaimed, noticing Leo pause.

Leo knelt down and held his hands over her stomach. The familiar golden glow covered the wound.

"What's taking so long?" Paige asked, after a few moments and the girl still had not woken up.

"I don't know," Leo muttered.

Chris was silent, staring at the girl with a look none of the Charmed Ones nor Leo had ever seen on him before.

With a gasp the girl finally woke up, startling everyone else in the room. Leo and Chris had both jerked back in their surprise, but then Chris noticed the girl open her eyes and start looking around.

"Oh thank God," Chris whispered, leaning down and engulfing the girl in his arms. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," he whispered.

Leo had stood up and moved next to Piper. All four of them were watching with keen interest. Especially curious as to how Chris knew a girl that looked just like Piper.

The girl coughed, "I missed you too Chris, but I kinda need to breathe at some point."

Chris let out a small laugh, but released her and helped her stand up.

"Who are you?" Paige blurted out. Her sisters and ex-brother-in-law gave her an incredulous look. "What? It's obvious she's okay now after Leo healed her. Now I wanna know who she is, why she looks exactly like Piper, and how future boy over here knows her!"

The girl looked at Chris. "'Future boy'?"

"Don't," Chris warned, seeing she was fighting the urge to laugh.

She smiled, but then turned back to the other people in the room. "Well, to answer your first two questions, I think that's kinda obvious, don't you?" she retorted. "But my name is Melinda by the way."

"You're Piper's daughter," Phoebe stated. Melinda nodded.

"Leo and I get back together?" Piper asked. The girl did look exactly like her, except with Leo's eyes.

Melinda shrugged. "You got three years to figure that out."

"You still haven't told us how you know Chris," Paige pointed out.

Chris and Melinda looked at each other. "How much do they know about the future?" she asked him. He shook his head in reply, and she had her answer. "Long story," Melinda told her family.

"So why are you here now?" Leo asked, finally getting over his shock that he and Piper have a daughter in the future. "I mean, why didn't you come back to warn us about Wyatt instead of Chris? Why now?"

Melinda sighed. "That is between me and Chris."

"Excuse me?" Piper said, half-glaring at her future daughter. One for her tone toward Leo, two for her basically telling them Chris has more of a say in their future than they do. Phoebe and Paige looked at each other, both seeing Piper's temper flaring. "First of all, I'm your mother, and Wyatt is my son. Whatever concerns him concerns us, his family."

Chris cast a curious glance between Piper and Melinda, knowing what was about to happen, he could read Melinda's body language.

"First of all," Melinda started in the same tone as the past version of her mother, scaring everyone in the room except Chris, who was used to it. "You are not my mother, not yet. Second of all, yes, Wyatt is your son and what happens to him does concern you all. But since none of you have a clue about what happens in the future, when it comes to the future it's up to me and Chris, who are from the future."

"Mel…" Chris said in caution.

Piper looked furious, and ready to blow a gasket at having been talked to like that, especially by her daughter, whether she was from the future or not. Her sisters and Leo were all nervous and in awe of the fact that Piper's future daughter was just like her in more ways than just her looks.

Seeing everyone's faces and that Melinda was about to say something else, Chris grabbed her arm and orbed.

"Hey!" everyone in the room yelled.

"Chris!" Piper screeched. "You two get your asses back right now, I'm not through with you!"

-On the Golden Gate Bridge-

Melinda yanked her arm away from Chris as soon as they had finished orbing.

"Look, I know you're pissed, but I wasn't going to let you and Piper get into a screaming match," Chris explained. "Especially not before you and I talk about what they do and don't know, and what you're doing here."

Melinda sighed, looking at Chris. Chris saw the despair in her eyes. Then suddenly she threw her arms around Chris and squeezed tight. Chris returned the hug full force.

"I missed you," she whispered.

Chris sighed. "I missed you too."

A/N: Hope you liked it. I know it's not much, but I wanted to end it there, and don't worry, this was just an introduction. Things will get more interesting. I'm already working on the next chapter, so depending on how long it takes me to write and get to a computer to upload, it'll probably be a couple days before the next one's up. As always reviews are greatly appreciated!