Author's Notes:

My first Fan Fic. Nothing special, just a little idea I had while working on a psych project having to do with sleeping disorders. Anyway, enjoy.

"Watch Out!" I cried grabbing the man's arm. I forcibly yanked him back onto the sidewalk, milliseconds before the truck whizzed by.

"Ay, watch where you're going!" The Driver yelled as he sped away.

I frowned, not because of the man yelling at me from his truck. No, I was far more concerned with the idiot who was practically falling on top of me. I tried to push him off of me but to no avail, I was just lucky his legs hadn't given out.

Come on man, I don't have time for this. Get off of me.


What the fuck, is he asleep? I did my best to get a look at the guy leaning on against my chest. Though I couldn't see his face (due to the fact his head rested on my shoulder), I could see the tips of his lengthy black hair that gently grew to just above his broad shoulders Then I notice his muscular neck, and noticed the tight muscles of his body that rested against mine. The man was wearing an yellow shirt, but beyond that I couldn't see anything else, but from what I could feel he was a good looking man. I could also feel his intense body heat, which much higher then a normal human's. As I inhaled I took in his masculine scent. He smelled like a fire on a summer night.

My face suddenly became heated. How could I think such thoughts? Snapping back to reality I began practically yelling at the man.

"Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?! Get off me already!" I growled, giving his body another shove.

Suddenly the man jolted upright as if in shock. He blinked a few times to many and looked around as if confused or lost.. or even if he had just awoken from some strange dream. His eyes finally rested on me and I got a full look at him. His body was indeed muscular. Anyone could see that from his unbuttoned shirt. So I hadn't felt his muscles though the fabric of his short after all, I had felt it through mine and only mine…

I quickly disregarded those thoughts as well and examined the rest of him. He also wore, black shorts and on his feet appeared to be work boots of sorts. My eyes trailed up to his face. Though masculine, there was an oddly cute factor to it. Most likely it was because of the freckles that were sprinkles under his dark eyes.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what I was just doing right now?"

"You don't remember? You almost stepped out in front of a bus and almost crushed me after I saved you life! What the hell were you doing anyway?!" I snapped feeling rather irritated.

The man grinned "Oh, I apologize I have a sleeping disorder. Sometimes my body continues to function while I'm having an episode, thanks for saving my life. I really appreciate it. Hm, I don't really have anything to pay you back with so…"

He leaned down and touched his lips to mine. It was brief, but it sent chills down my spine.

"There, that's my first payment. By the way, I'm Ace. Nice to meet you."

My face became even hotter, as I stared at him in disbelieve. He had kissed me like it was nothing. Growling, I pivoted on the balls of my feet and resumed heading towards the bus stop. I'd be lucky it I hadn't missed it already.

"Hey wait, I haven't finished paying you back yet!" Ace said following behind me. He was going to be trouble, I could just tell. Perhaps I should have just let him walk out in front of the bus?