For those of you who have not read or do not read Persistence, here is my opening "I have made a New Year's Resolution! I shall attempt to spend my time writing stories on here! (Also known as FINISHING stories on here). Again, I won't apologize for being a hypocritical little shit, but at least you know I feel bad." Keeping true to that, I have made something here akin to word vomit or 'doodle writing' (as I have just decided to call it). It's more cute stuff, but very filler. This really could have been part of the last chapter, but to be honest with you, I really had nothing even PLANNED after last chapter. I need to make me a list of what i want to do here, I swear. THIS WILL BE FINISHED! I PROMISE YOU I WILL FINISH THIS!

Many numb minutes passed while Lovino stared out the open door, long after Anya had disappeared. His mind was reeling. His heart was skipping critical beats as if it no longer understood how to properly pump the blood though his body.

Yes, he'd seen Anya around and he had spoken to her several times before, but he never took her, so shy and quiet, to be the one to make the first move. They barely knew each other after all and besides, wasn't it his job to flirt, being the full-blooded Italian that he was? How the almighty fuck had he let her beat him to it?

"Uh-em…" Like a literal shock to his body, Lovino was (finally) dragged from his stupor back to real life. Feliciano was still fast asleep on the couch, an obvious deduction since his mumblings made even less sense than usual and he still had yet to start screaming again. With this came an opportunity to begin his studies again, so, like the good person he was, he closed the door, clicked the lock into place and went to regather he books and catch up on homework.

It was the gentle and familiar smell that finally woke him up. He knew this smell. It was a very good smell. Oh, and his little tummy was moving a lot too.

Feliciano stretched his little arms across the awkward, skin grabbing couch, rubbing at his sleepy eyes. He was still so, so tired, but he couldn't go back to bed now that his tummy was awake too. His hazy eyes cracked open and he looked up at the white ceiling, trying to understand what was going on. His ear piece was not in, although he couldn't remember when he stopped hearing the strange sounds, so he sat up.

The couch was weird. It pulled weird and it pulled at his bare arms when he slid them against it. It also made a pulling sound when he had his piece in and oh! There it was on the table right in front of him. It were sitting on an open book, but he couldn't quite read yet, so he didn't know what kind of book. There was picture though and he liked pictures! The little Italian leaned forward and looked at the picture, which was very dark with lots of people in it. Mama had lots of pictures like these in their house. They were really big and really pretty. This book wasn't very big or pretty, so it lost the attention of the four-year-old rather quickly.

His eyes kinda hurt. They felt dry, from his crying. He missed Mama. Where was she? Nonno said she was with Jesus now, but how far away was that? Nonno also said that they couldn't get there by car or boat or plane, so he really didn't know how to get to where Jesus lived, but he hoped his mama and papa were happy with him.

He turned around and kneeled onto his stubby knees, peering over the shiny couch. There was his fratello by the oven. He had a big, black pot in front of him with lots of smoke coming from it. Was that what smelled yummy? When Mama or Papa stood like that, they always made yummy stuff!

Feeling the excitement grow Feliciano turned again and slid off the couch, running over to his brother and clinging to his leg. The leg underneath his hands shook before getting very tight. The fabric of the pants was very rough. Blinking, he looked up at his older brother, who was looking down at him and blinking back. His mouth moved, but Feli couldn't hear him. He hadn't put his thing back on. Lovi's mouth pulled into straight line on his face and one of his eyes moved.

Turning away from him, Feliciano watched him go back to the pot and stir the stuff inside around. That got boring though, so he looked back down at the pants he was gripping so tight and started tracing the lines that were running up and down them. This was kinda fun! He liked the feeling of the pants under his fingers. It felt funny.

The legs moved as Lovino crouched down to his level, his eyes on him and a fork in his hand. On that fork was pasta! All twirled around the fork and a little bit of smoke coming off it! His tummy made moving again and his mouth got wetter feeling. He liked pasta, so he opened his mouth and let his brother put the fork in there. Oh it was so nummy! It was really, really, really, really, really good! Fratello was as good at making pasta as Mama and Papa and Nonno were! This made Feliciano very happy.

Nothing made Lovino happier than the smile that over took Feliciano's lips. "Oh, thank God." The little four-year-old child seemed so excited after he chewed and swallowed the spaghetti that Lovino had been making. His hands clenched and unclenched his pants and he seemed to vibrate with joy. "Something we both agree on." Fuck, this kid had cute moments. Not all the time, but dammit, sometimes he made him want to smile.

Ruffling his hair, Lovino stood back up and turned off the burner. "Perfect timing too, Feli. Timer just went off." Of course he knew the other heard none of that, but it was still habit to respond vocally. Not that the kid even noticed, instead rubbing his pudgy face against the rough fabric of his blue jeans back and forth as if he was rubbing off his contagious joy and giving it to his grumpy brother. Lovino would never admit that it worked. Fuck this kid.

It wasn't impossible for Lovino to drain the water from the pot in the sink with Feliciano clinging to him like a koala to a tree, but it sure wasn't fucking easy. Little bastard had a tight grip and when he realized the little shit wasn't going to be letting go anytime soon, he had to repress a groan. After managing to right himself into a standing position, his next step was to get the pot over to the sink. Not a far walk of course, but with a pot full of hot water and one leg out of commission, it was awkward. So damn awkward.

The older Italian grabbed the pot and used his good leg to step back. Keeping the other straight, he swung it around towards his direction and then peg-legged it to the sink, Feli giggling the while time. Gah! Cute little fucker.

The next job was reaching for the strainer, putting it in his clean sink and then releasing the limp pasta from their warm and watery cage. The rest was simple and, thankfully, the plates were already out and the marinara was waiting to be added.

And thus the Italians got their pasta.

After some gentle prying and more tempting with food, Lovino finally managed to free himself from the little one's grasp. It seemed that the best way to keep the boy quiet and focused was pasta. Nonno had said that he ate a lot back in Italy, but he had no idea Feliciano would be obsessed with it. He felt as if they had barley sat down on the pleather couch before Feli's dish was gone and he had to go back to the kitchen to fill him another plate.

"Damn," He muttered retaking his place on the couch and placing the full plate back down on the coffee table. "Eat slower, dammit. They're called leftovers for a reason, you little shit." His brother wasn't paying him any mind though, with his eyes glued on the TV, which Lovino had turned on upon sitting down the first time. He hadn't figured there would be much of a point since Feli didn't currently have his implant on, but he seemed really interested.

Sighing, Lovino placed his plate aside, accidently shoving of his art history books off the table, but who really gave a fuck anyway. The implant was sitting on his second art history book, which reminded him that he had to take a test two mornings from now. Fuck. Now he really did have to call Anya (because flirting over text was just dumb) and he had to call her soon. Fuck, I'll do it later. He huffed to himself and grabbed the device, taking a few seconds to observe the little buttons and the curve of the plastic. I think I'll try to take a Deaf Culture class next semester. Might help with this situation…should probably see if I can take a Sign Language class as well. Ugh, credits, credits, credits. Just think that everything he makes you do, at least you'll get some kind of damn credit for them.

He glanced over at Feliciano, who was still deafly staring at the television and then back at the implant before he finally moved to put it around his ear. The younger boy stopped in his obsessive chewing to look at him, watching as he hooked the outer part around the ear and then placed the magnet against his head. A dazed looked crossed his eyes before they refocused onto Lovino and he blinked. "U-vin!"

"Ya, ya, ya…"

He turned away, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. Dammit, he is not cute. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Feliciano had lost interest in him and was back to eating and watching TV. It was hard for Lovino not to feel slightly affected by this turn of events. After all the time he spent screaming, seeing him quiet and focused while he ate was rather positive on the older Italian's attitude. Sure it was fleeting, but this was only day three really and they still had a lot ahead of them.

When their plates were empty and the dishes were washed, Lovino went back to the couch and pulled out his computer. He hadn't looked up any audiologists yet, but he had spent time emailing his professors and his councilor, most of which seemed to actually want to cooperate with him to make this situation work. His councilor really seemed interested in helping. She'd given him a list of classes that pertained to deafness and Deaf Culture and even the emails of a few professors that he should contact. He'd already emailed one Professor Carriedo, who was in charge of a class called "Can You Hear Me Now?", which was a class that revolved around the basics of Deaf Culture, the cochlear implant and the ins and outs of the ear. Hopefully this bastard would be able to give him some information.

No this is NOT a yaoi. Spain will be comic relief.

About this story:
I took the class just mentioned. It was fun.
I have no goddamn idea how the process works. Adopting your younger sibling and living in a country neither of you are a citizen of for school. So fuck it, I will go with what sounds like fun to me.
Would a teacher go out of their way to help you when your parents die and you adopt your deaf brother? No idea. Some might. These people do. The end.