Author's Note: Here's a lovely Wemma summer fic for all of you to enjoy. The summer idea was suggested to my by Marcia Litman via my Tumblr page and this is what I have come up with. I hope you all like Will and Emma's summer adventure, please feel free to review if you so wish.

It was going to be one hot summer.

Will Schuester was certain of that. And he wasn't just thinking about the weather.

His fiancée Emma Pillsbury would raise his temperature into the high 90s and beyond.

Yes, one hot, sexy, summer indeed.

The last few weeks of school had been a dream for him – winning Nationals, being awarded Teacher of the Year and seeing his glee club seniors ascend from the bottom of the school food chain to graduating and maturing into young adults. He had never felt so loved as a teacher, mentor and friend. It was sad to see the students leave, but he knew in his heart they would go on to pursue their dreams, turning them into reality.

And he wouldn't have gotten through the entire school year without the woman he loved by his side. That sweet, adorable, redhead who had a knack for writing pamphlets that were insightful, quirky and, in the case of her last one, stimulating.

It still gave Will the shivers when he thought of her in that flowing blood orange nightie, standing at the entrance to their bedroom, backlit by the warm glow of a lamp, waiting, just for him. Her big, brown eyes burned desire into his, cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she bit her lip with a mischievous grin of excitement that remained on her beautiful face for days afterwards.

Hot damn.

Who knew that Emma was dangerously seductive when it came to intimacy? There were moments where Will had suspected it, a kiss laced with extra heat, hands lingering on particular spots of his body, driving him crazy, her distinct voice so affectionately calling his name, asking him to join her in bed for cuddles.

Being seduced was something he had always fantasised about; he was a guy after all. But he never imagined it to come from someone so demure and reserved. He liked the flirting, the teasing, and the smiles that an incisive Emma knew would stir him inside. Holding him at bay was the best thing she could have done. In fact, he respected her for it, because he could love everything else about her without involving the semantics of sex. He got to know what made her tick, to understand and appreciate her as a best friend before becoming lovers.

It was a pleasurable waiting game that just made him want her more. And when that moment came, it entwined Will's world with a love that would last forever.

Passionately tender was the perfect description of their first time.

And their second time.

And their third time.

Strewn clothes on the carpet, torn off in the eagerness to become undressed. The measured rise and fall of their bodies as their love unfurled like poignant notes of a ballad. So beautifully scored, so romantically written, it was a dynamic blend of harmonies permeating every sense, every touch.

From achingly slow to a fervent rush of exhilaration, they let themselves go, yielding to unrequited cravings for one another. They were making up for lost time. What started out as kindling burning in a fireplace had now ignited to a powerful inferno, unable to be extinguished.

Will wouldn't have it any other way.

As he leaned back into the soft corners of his sofa, he thought of how he and Emma had three wonderful, school-free months ahead of them. He wanted to spend this time wholly and solely with Emma, his friend, his girlfriend, his soon-to-be wife, and no one else.

With this summer marking their one-year anniversary as a couple, Will wanted to make it extra special. He was going to take Emma out of town for a few days, away from familiar faces, buildings and streets, with minimal communication and as much alone time as possible. It wasn't a spur of the moment idea; Will had been planning it for some time now, and had booked at the beginning of the year. The only thing he hadn't done yet was to inform Emma about their upcoming getaway to Roselake Mountain Lodge.

He hoped the surprise wouldn't cause problems. The stress of planning a wedding was taking a toll on Emma and he felt she needed to relax, forget about everything and de-stress. Actually, it was putting pressure on the both of them. There were so many things yet to be finalised, including a location suitable for Emma, which wouldn't interfere with her OCD. Will's campground idea was quashed immediately, and now they were back to square one.

Maybe the Lodge was a poor choice for a vacation after all. No, Will decided, he had checked the website and enquired about everything prior and advised it was a well-kept and maintained lodge amongst the great outdoors. Emma and nature probably weren't a perfect match, but it was time for her to step outside and experience it all. Will fell in love with the place upon first viewing; he knew Emma would too.

Nothing interesting was on the television, so Will took this as the perfect time to start packing. Emma was out running errands, but if he made a head start, he could begin to pack her suitcase as well and make a list of items they needed to purchase before they left.

After all, they were leaving tomorrow. Surprise, Emma!

Rolling their suitcases out of the spare room, he set them down at the base of their bed and began packing. The previous time he had used these suitcases was for their trip to New York City for Nationals. That was a day to remember. And the night wasn't bad either. He and Emma had a very lengthy make out session before falling asleep in each other's arms. She was so proud of him and what he had accomplished with the glee club since taking over three years ago. Will was on top of the world that evening.

He tossed in some standard shirts, a mix of cargo pants, a couple of neat casual pieces for going out, his board shorts, socks and boxer shorts. Being a guy was so easy when it came to packing. All he had to do now was pack his toiletry bag, grab his cap, flip-flops and sneakers and he was done.

For a moment he considered waiting for Emma to come home to pack the clothes herself, but surely she wouldn't mind if he packed on her behalf. Besides, Emma would ask too many probing questions and he wanted her to have as limited information as possible. Although, she'd more than likely bribe him with kisses if her questions went unanswered or do the complete opposite and withhold from any type of touching until he cracked. It was a risk he'd have to take. Whichever way he looked at it, he would probably end up caving in a nanosecond.

Opening up Emma's dresser drawers, he admired her colour-coded, labelled, highly organised clothing filing system. Her bra and panty sets were folded and grouped in colours, like a sexy, underwear rainbow. Soft, flimsy and oh so girlish, Will removed a few matching sets and placed in the zip-up compartment of Emma's suitcase. He moved to the second drawer where she kept her nighties and dressing gowns. Staring at him in the face like a car on high beam was the very same nightie that set his world on fire. It stood out amongst the pastels and soft colours that were more her style; this one in particular roared scandalous fun. In it went.

At the back of the drawer were Emma's gorgeous one-piece bathers that she hardly wore. In fact, he tried to recall the last time he ever saw her wearing them. A cherry red, it had a halter neckline and looked to have swam right out of an aqua musical. Will remembered watching the old Esther Williams musicals with his grandmother and seeing all those beautiful women in nothing but bathing suits. Musicals may have been considered sissy to watch, but it was his male buddies who were missing out. Yes, Emma would be wearing her bathers this holiday.

Turning to their shared wardrobe, Will sifted through her dresses; even these were hung according to colour. She was lacking in the shorts department, but Will found a couple of casual sundresses and onesies that would suit the outdoors. These were sleeveless, strappy and perfect for summer. He began to hum the Cliff Richard song 'Summer Holiday' as he continued packing.

There was some nightlife in the way of an Italian restaurant and bar, and it would be nice to dress up for a couple of the evenings they were there. A high percentage of Emma's wardrobe was filled with blouses, skirts, dresses and cardigans, all predominantly used for work, but would be ideal for a dinner date. Emma looked so beautiful and feminine when she wore dresses with bows and delicate detailing; Will wanted to show her off to everybody. He selected three that he liked the most and added them to the suitcase.

He found his and Emma's toiletry bags in the ensuite bathroom. They couldn't have been more different: his bag, a standard black; her bag, pink faux alligator leather with a bow on the front. He left them in eyesight near the sink as a reminder to pack just before they leave. As a precaution, he grabbed two beach towels for the lake and put in the suitcases.

"Well, we're almost done," Will said to himself, smiling. Heading back to the spare room, he rummaged through the built-in cupboard that now served as a mini storage area and pulled out the picnic set, picnic blanket, cooler and drink bottle. He spotted his guitar in the corner of the room and picked it up, placing the strap around his body. Will listened intently as he plucked each string, tuning until it was at perfect pitch. He sang along to the notes while playing a few basic chords, morphing his fingers until the right position produced the best sound. With school and intense preparation for Nationals, his guitar was gathering dust from lack of playing. Even Emma had pointed out one evening that she hadn't heard him play in the longest time. One thing he loved doing most was sharing his love of music with Emma. As Will tapped his fingers on the body of the guitar, he made his decision; the guitar was coming along for the ride.

"C'mon buddy, you're gonna help me make great music with Em." He found the case and zipped it up, slinging it around his back. Collecting everything he retrieved from the storage cupboard, Will brought it all into the kitchen, placing the guitar and blanket on the floor, the plasticware on the bench.

Will filled the sink with hot, soapy water and began to wash the plastic crockery from the picnic set and cleaned the cooler and drink bottle. He washed each item thoroughly, then rinsed under cold water, letting them dry in the dish rack. As they dried, he put the picnic blanket on the balcony to air out. He then realised they'd need a couple of plastic boxes to transport smaller items like food. Will was fairly sure he'd seen a roller box in the spare room, but before he took a step, he heard the familiar sound of a key turning in the lock. His heartbeat quickened with the excitement of telling Emma they were going on a mini-vacation.

"I'm home," called a cheerful Emma as she entered their apartment. Wearing a pastel blue skirt patterned with white stencilled birds and a plain white blouse, she carried in two green, recyclable shopping bags filled with groceries. They were heavy.

"Hey honey," Will said, greeting her with a quick kiss on the lips, "let me help you with those." He took the shopping bags from her hands and placed them on the bench.

Emma felt the relief from her muscles instantly. "Thank you." Her blue and white bowler-style handbag slid off her shoulder into her hands. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

"How was your shopping trip, sweetheart?"

"Great. Ever since the supermarket got those self-serve registers installed, I can pack the groceries the way I like. No more squashed bread. Or staff running away when they see me in line."

"Aw Em, I'm sure that wasn't the case." Will took out a bag of grapes and a packet of choc chip cookies.

"What's all this?" Emma asked, pointing to all the plasticware in the drying rack.

Will smiled and ignored the question, directing her attention to the packet of cookies. "Ooh you got the triple choc chip cookies with extra white chunks! How did you know I wanted to try these?"

Emma lifted an eyebrow, smiling amidst her confusion as to why Will was avoiding her question. "You love cookies and they were on sale. But that doesn't answer my question Will. And your guitar…"

"Okay." He took the handbag from Emma's grip and sat it up next to the groceries. Sliding his hands around her waist, Will drew her into a long and lingering kiss. "I have a surprise for you."

Emma caught her breath from the unexpected kiss. "I can see that. You're kinda freaking me out a little though."

"Don't freak out, sweetheart," he reassured her, sealing his words with a kiss on the forehead. "You're going to love what I have planned."

She rubbed his upper arms, her eyes glinting with excitement. "Ooh, what Will? Tell me… please."

He let out a low chuckle and looked up to the ceiling, choosing his words carefully. "Here's a hint… I'm fiancée-napping you."

"You're what?" She wanted to make sure she heard right. Did he say…?

"Fiancée-napping," Will repeated, lightly brushing her sides. "Like kidnapping, but a whole lot sexier."

Emma gave a delighted gasp as she took hold of his hands, weaving their fingers together. "Wait… you're taking me somewhere? Where are we going?"

"Destination: secret. But I can say that we're going to have a lot of time to ourselves. A lot of time." He gently twisted Emma around, pulling her back into his body, hugging her tight. "What do you say?"

"Mmm, I like the sound of that." She slowly rocked in his arms, his warm feather-like kisses grazing her neck. Will always managed to make her a happy, gooey mess whilst in his arms. Her voice softened, "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow," he whispered in her ear. He felt her body stiffen and she turned to face him.

Her eyes widened with panic. "T-tomorrow? That's too soon. That's tomorrow. The day after today. Tomorrow. Will, you know I don't like things sprung on me last minute like this." Her brain suddenly went into overdrive; there was too much to think about.

"Hey, hey, hey, sweetie, it's okay." He cupped her face in his hands, his fingers softly stroking her neck in an effort to calm her. Looking into her eyes, Will lovingly held her gaze, nodding. "It's okay."

Emma shook her head in disagreement. It wasn't okay. "What about – what about –"

A single kiss from Will silenced her immediately. Emma's breath snagged in her throat; her words became lost within the tenderness of his lips against hers. Any concerns she felt in the last ten seconds simply vanished. Will consumed her thoughts now, and he was doing a damn good job of ensuring he stayed there permanently.

It was working. A sigh slid between her lips. He felt her come alive, welcoming his caress as she moulded herself into his body. She began to wonder why she got so worked up in the first place. It was ridiculous, it was stupid, it was... oh who cares, Emma chided herself; Will's tongue is in my mouth right now, doing things that are making my toes curl. Their lips fondly opened and closed around each other, a physical adhesion that sizzled with every connection. Will leisurely nipped at Emma's bottom lip, drawing his kiss of pacification to a regrettable close.

Breaking apart, she dreamily gazed up at Will with a shy smile. "So, tomorrow then." She quickly cleared her throat, her cheeks flashing a rosy pink.

"Tomorrow." The combination of Will's sexily deep yet direct reply gave Emma goosebumps.

"We'd better start packing… then…" Emma drifted off as she tried to escape from the daze Will had put her in.

"Way ahead of you, sweetheart. You're almost packed."

"You've packed for me?"

"Yeah… is that a problem?"

"Oh, no, no, honey… I trust you to pack more than just my, uh, unmentionables." Emma bit her lip, holding onto the brown leather belt of Will's jeans. She liked playing with him, turning him on.

Ooh. Sweet and flirty. "Have a little faith. I am shocked you'd think I'd only pack your 'unmentionables'. Actually, why didn't I think to do that?" He teased, twisting her hair around his finger. "That's a wonderful idea." His mind wandered to visions of Emma walking around in her underwear. All day. The right corner of his mouth curled upwards.

Emma recognised the look on Will's face. She had put it there on numerous occasions. "But I wouldn't be able to go outside. I'd have to have to stay inside the entire time."

"I'd keep you company. I'm pretty good with coming up with indoor activities."

"I'm sure you are."

"What? Would that be a bad thing?"

"Well, it all depends… you haven't told me where we're staying."

"And I told you that's a secret."

"Tell me."

Will chuckled, shaking his head. "No."

"Why not?" Emma poked her hands into the back pockets of his jeans.

"Because…" He lost his train of thought as she moved her fingers inside the pockets, adeptly fondling his behind. She felt him tense up as her nails scraped his skin beneath the denim. "Because… because I planned this as a secret and it's going to remain a secret until we arrive at the destination. And you can do all you want to me, but I'm not going to tell you. My lips are sealed." Will was unsure how much longer he could stand those glorious fingers. If there was a way to get a man to speak, this was it.

She removed her hands, folding them in front of her and took a step back. "If your lips are sealed, so are mine."

"Aw Em, now you're being unfair." How could he go the rest of the day without kissing Emma? That was akin to not having air to breathe. He pulled his famous puppy-dog eyes and pout. Emma would surely relent. It always worked.

"No I'm not; it's just a fun, temporary punishment." Which isn't going to stick if you keep looking at me with those puppy-dog eyes, Emma thought. They were pretty hard to resist. But no, she was going to try and keep to her word. "Can I at least see what you've packed for me? It may give me some indication to where we're going."

He gestured toward the bedroom. "Be my guest." Emma led the way to their bedroom with Will following close behind. The heels of her blue and silver-toned pumps clicked along the floor as her skirt swished from the way she walked.

She held her breath as she scrutinised Will's packing skills. What he did was in earnest, but she had to have everything 'just so'.

"Not up to the Emma Pillsbury standard?" He figured this was the case by reading her body language.

Emma turned and smiled. "Sweetheart, you did really well. Really."

Her little approval wasn't exactly comforting. Will cleared his throat. "Oh boy, I feel a 'but' coming on."

"No 'buts'. However…" she continued, amused by her joke, "my dresses need to be stored in garment bags and my underwear should be in this zipped compartment and, whoa, my bathers. I guess we're going somewhere near water. I'll need my matching kaftan…"

He could only watch as Emma floated around the room, murmuring to herself as she repacked her suitcase. Will should have known he wouldn't be able to compete with Emma's precision and order. He gave it his best shot though, and at least she wasn't too upset that he had gone through and touched all of her clothes.

"Now…" She opened Will's suitcase and then closed it almost immediately upon her thorough, albeit brief, inspection. "Did you just throw things in?"

Will shrugged. "Sort of."

Emma took out a red shirt and held it against her as an example. "All your clothes are going to get crinkled. And crinkled clothes mean ironing. Maybe it would be best if I packed for the both of us." She nodded, agreeing to her own decision.

"Em, they're fine." Will reached out to grab the shirt, but she jumped out of his way.

"Everything needs some straightening up; it won't take long. You'll thank me for it later, trust me. How about while I do this, you pack up the car so we leave on time tomorrow?" She laid the shirt out on the bed, carefully folding in the sides, smoothing out the creases.

With hands on his hips, he agreed. "Okay sweetie. Um… I guess I will." As she leaned over the bed to finish folding the shirt, he moved in to kiss her cheek, then remembering the 'lips are sealed' policy, pulled back and clapped his hands together instead. The fidgeting had only just begun.

Emma proudly showed off the neatly folded shirt, very aware that only seconds ago Will was inches away from kissing her. She felt his closeness while her back was turned. "Good honey… now go, let me do what I do best. Shoo." Emma pushed him out the door, fanning him away.

Rearranging Will's suitcase was the perfect alibi. It undoubtedly demanded some attention, but that was the easy task of Detective Emma's mission. As soon as Will was out of earshot, and she could hear him clanging about in the kitchen, the treasure hunt for a brochure, a confirmation email, any clue at all as to where Will was taking her, began. On tip-toes, Emma crept about the room, searching Will's drawers, his bedside table, his bureau. Everything was coming up naught and lack of answers only made her curiosity grow. She needed to know.

Emma had to think a little more. And she thought best while doing something productive, such as cleaning. Completing the task she originally agreed to – repacking, refolding, re-everything Will's clothes – she mulled over hiding places. It was quite possible Emma had overlooked something. The top drawer of Will's bedside table was where he kept his most important things. A second look was bound to be fruitful.

She opened the drawer again. It was a mess. Messiness aside, Emma couldn't believe what she was doing. Emma, you are a downright snoop, she admitted to herself. But the snooping continued. Slowly, carefully, Emma searched, flipping through paper, her eyes scanning everything. She opened the drawer out further. Maybe it's in the back, she concluded as she dug all the way to the end.

"What are you doing?"

Emma slammed the top drawer shut and spun around, startled. "Will! You scared me half to death!" The rectangular lamp on the bedside table wobbled from side to side, eventually holding its balance. There was Will, standing in the doorway. She was well and truly busted.

"How's the repacking coming along?" Will asked, stepping into the bedroom, an air of coolness surrounding him. He suspected Emma was up to no good. She just couldn't help herself, the little sneak. Will was going to enjoy the next few minutes; Emma was not going to get off lightly.

"Great. Just great. It's all done. Done." Emma nervously smiled. She backed herself into the corner between the bed and the bedside table. Emma felt the edge of the bed and sat down.

"It's not there," Will smugly stated.

"What's not there?"

"What you're looking for."

"I'm not looking for anything."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

Her rapid-fire answers, although cute, were laced with guilt. "Come on, Em. You're going to ruin the surprise. Do you think I would leave stuff lying around where prying eyes would find it?" Will had her trapped, standing mere centimetres from her body. "And what beautiful, prying, eyes they are." He held her gaze, placing his index and middle finger delicately under her chin, beckoning her upwards.

Emma stood, her cheeks a blushing red. She felt his body heat and the scent of his cologne – her favourite – was making her weak. "Maybe I snooped a little," she confessed.

"Ah, ha, ha, the sticky beak admits it." It was clear Will wasn't mad with Emma, but her heart raced like she was in serious trouble. She licked her lips and swallowed as Will stroked the underside of her chin. Maybe she was in trouble, but trouble of a different kind; the rascally glint in his eyes told her so.

"I… uh… what are you going to do to me?" Emma tried to swallow again, but her mouth was dry.

Will took his time answering, prolonging her suspicions. "You know, when I was a kid, my dad caught me raiding quarters from his precious coin collection to buy candy. I got the biggest smack of my life and learned my lesson to never, ever go through another person's belongings again without their knowledge."

She latched onto his arms that had made their way to her shoulders. "Oh, like what you did when you packed my clothes today?" Emma pleasingly pointed out. She began to relax. "It seems your dad didn't smack you hard enough."

Dammit. Will didn't see that one coming at all. "Whoa, whoa, that's a little different."

"Tsk. Don't weasel your way out, Will. I have a good mind to put you across my knee and spank you."

"Funny, I was going to say the same to you."

"Well," Emma looked at him thoughtfully, "I guess there's only one thing to do…"

"What's that?"

"Run!" Like a flash of lightning, she escaped from Will's clutches, running out of the bedroom and down the hallway. She made a sharp turn into the lounge room and hid behind the sofa, adrenalin pumping. Will let her run, deciding a hide and seek game would be fun.

"Emma!" He called out. "Come out, come out wherever you are."

She stifled a giggle. Emma discarded her shoes and popped her head up so she could just see over the sofa arm. No sign of Will. Yet.

Will strode down the hallway, keeping an eye out for any movement. He darted into the kitchen. It was empty, with the exception of everything he was still to pack into the car. The lounge room.

"Emma, sweetheart, where are you?" Entering the lounge room, he saw a mop of red hair quickly duck down behind the sofa. "Aha, there you are."

"Emma's not here," she replied.

"I think she is. Upsy-daisy, honey."

Emma got up from her crawl position on the floor, giving a small wave. "Here I am."

They stood opposite ends of the sofa, waiting for the other to make the first move. Will and Emma mirrored each other's steps; once to the left, twice to the right, neither wanting to get too close for fear of being caught. They circled around the sofa slowly like two sumo wrestlers about to do battle. Each time Will flinched as if he was about to take off, Emma did the same. A nervous excitement entered the game as they played on, both on the attack and defence.

Suddenly, the pace quickened as a walk accelerated into a jog and then a sprint. Will was fast catching up, forcing Emma to break from the sofa circuit and make a loop through the kitchen to keep the distance. She looked behind her to see where Will was, not realising he had stopped chasing and was waiting for her back in the lounge. Emma saw something out of the corner of her eye as she turned back to the front, but it was too late to put the brakes on. She ran into Will at full force.

Emma shrieked as the two of them toppled to the floor, sandwiching Will between her and the plush carpeting. Fits of breathless laughter filled the room, gradually fading into silence. Emma's hands and forearms lay supportively on Will's chest, feeling his breathing deepening. His left hand slid down to her lower back. He patted her behind.

"That's for snooping," Will said softly. "Now, where's mine?"

Emma kissed him hungrily. If this was her version of a spanking, he would gladly welcome it anytime.

"Hey," he uttered, threading his fingers through her hair, "What happened to 'If your lips are sealed, so are mine'?"

Emma grinned down at him, trying catching her breath. "Mmm… 20 minutes of unsealed lips won't hurt."