A/N: Just a short one here - this is AU, with Cas and Balthazar as the two main guys and with Kitty!Chesters. Yes, you read that right. It was a prompt from my best friend - but all details and stuff are in the A/N at the bottom. :D Read and enjoy!

Cas shivered when he stepped outside, locking the door behind him. He pulled his tan trenchcoat closer against the chill as his breath came out of his mouth in foggy white puffs. The gravel crunched roughly under his feet once he strode down the sleet-slick driveway somewhat begrudgingly – he envied Balthazar's (his best friend and roommate) brief respite in between his irregular jobs; the other man had taken much pleasure in the situation, rubbing it in Cas' face that he could stay in his cozy warm bed while Cas had work at ungodly hours of the morning.

Cas mused he should probably take this opportunity to sabotage Balthazar's car in some way so he couldn't go out – when an odd noise stopped him just short of the front gate. A noise coming, consequently, from the car itself.

Frowning, he backed a few steps and stood before his friend's car, staring at it in confusion. He wasn't the best with vehicles, but even he could recognise that the sound he could hear didn't belong to the sight in front of him.

In fact, if he wasn't mistaken... it sounded like... small, tiny... snuffles?

Blue eyes narrowed, Cas circled the car slowly, observing it from all sides. Nothing looked out of place from what he could tell, until he realised the sound was actually coming from underneath the car.

Now suspicious, Cas stopped and crouched down. His intense stare never left the car – as though he could will the mystery to show itself by sheer force – which was possibly why he never heard the footsteps approaching from behind until a familiar British voice said, "If you're trying to desecrate my car in some way, Cas, I'll have you know – I'm not an idiot."

To his credit, Cas didn't even flinch. "I believe you claimed the same thing last week, right before your decidedly idiotic stunt had your manager firing you," he said evenly, before glancing up at a thoughtful Balthazar.

"I thought we agreed to disagree on that matter? Anyway – what exactly are you doing?" He moved closer, eyeing his friend warily before carefully examining the car.

"There seems to be a..." Here, Cas hesitated. He gestured under the car, then frowned slightly when he realised the sounds had stopped. "An odd noise was coming out of it." His frown deepened. "Although I doubt they belonged to the car, unless it breathes now."

"Not sure if you know this, Cas," Balthazar told him in a dry tone as he crouched beside the other man. "But cars don't breathe. Now, if it was something under the car, like..." He paused, leaning down to scan underneath the vehicle before pulling back up to look at Cas with a surprised eyebrow-raised expression – "Kittens."

Cas blinked. "Sorry?"

Balthazar just grinned at him. He lowered himself to the ground once more, reaching out carefully with one hand and calling out softly, "Here, boys... I don't know if you are boys but you- ow, bloody-" He pulled his hand back. Cas peered closer and saw tiny fang marks along the index finger.

He nodded. "Kittens."

Balthazar shot him a very sarcastic look. "You don't say? Give me a hand here, those things look like they're freezing their arses off... tails, fur – whatever."

It took many painful minutes of awkward stretching and reaching, cursing, cajoling, planning - and finally a tennis ball retrieved from the trunk – before the two men got the chance to see both cats in the daylight. They were young; though one – a somewhat scruffy, chocolate-brown thing with wide hazel eyes and an adorably innocent aura – was slightly smaller than the other. The older kitten was more on the tawny side, with short spiky fur and green eyes that watched the men's every move. He prowled in front of the little one in a protective way, his face as hostile as a young feline's could be and tail held high.

Cas studied them with a tilt of his head, attentive to every detail as always. He noticed their shivers first. "We should take them inside. They seem cold."

That earned him a rather incredulous look from his roommate. "How? That little bastard attacked me, if you recall." He sent a peevish glare at the tawny cat, who – if possible – held his ground and glared back.

"He was simply defending himself, Balthazar," Cas said patiently. He knelt down and extended a hand slowly to the tabby, his eyes wide and innocently trustful. "Hello," he said quietly, stopping just inches short of actually touching the cat and letting him sniff the hand cautiously. "I'm Cas."

Balthazar scoffed as he eyed the feline distrustfully. "It's a cat. More likely to bite your fingers off than…" He trailed off as said cat seemed to accept Cas' friendly offer and relaxed back on his haunches, losing the over-protective cagey stance.

Cas shot him a look that on any other person would have been contemptuous, but on him was more mildly amused than anything else. Balthazar just shook his head, stood back, and let Cas do all the coaxing. Though still wary, the cats were clearly tired – cold and hungry, no doubt – and in no time Cas had the both of them carefully huddled up in his arms against the warmth of his trenchcoat. He had tried separating them, taking the tabby and letting Balthazar deal with the little one, but a snarl from the former and a refusal to unlatch sharp claws from Balthazar's arm at his advance quickly changed that – the brunet had backed away behind the tabby, tail curling around himself – and soon Cas was bundling them into the warmth of the house.

Balthazar kept his distance, rubbing his arm with a resentful "That hurt."

"They have collars," Cas told him in surprise, having gotten close enough to examine them better. Balthazar inched closer too, peering over his friend's shoulder. The young furry one was curled contently on the soft rug, his long tail flicking lazily from side to side in the welcoming heat of the house's AC. The other sat in front of him, not as tense as he had been outside but still keeping unblinking green eyes on the two men. Further inspection showed that they did indeed have collars – both small black ones, with their names etched on the side.

"Who names a cat 'Dean'?" Balthazar asked in disbelief once he'd read them. "And 'Sam'? Isn't that a dog's name? Whoa, hey-" He raised both hands defensively as 'Dean' emitted a low growl at his companion's name and advanced a step towards the offending human.

Cas mused, "I think they might be of the same litter. He is oddly protective of Sam."

"That's fascinating," said Balthazar in his uniquely sarcastic tone. "Well, they clearly belong to someone, and I, for one, don't think it's a good idea to keep them here. So… What?" he added in exasperation when Cas turned wide blue eyes at him.

"If they were outside in this cold under your car instead of in a home, then maybe they've been abandoned." The Cas logic was at work again, helped by that beseeching stare that made him look oddly innocent. "We can't simply strand them out there again."

Balthazar stared at him before turning away with a small huff of laughter, defeated. "Fine. But I'm not going near that one and risk having my fingers munched on." He nodded at the tabby – Dean – and contemplated the other one. "He doesn't seem so bad."

Cas' lips quirked up in a smile. "I agree. You may not be a match for him."

The Brit let out a sarcastic laugh. A quiet "meow" had his eyes turning back to the tabby, whose attention was fixed on Cas. He flicked his tail in the air a couple of times and sat back on the floor, mewing some more.

Cas grinned and got up. "I'll get them some food… then I'm going to work."

Balthazar looked up then, eyebrows rising. "And I'm supposed to cat-sit these two?"

"Unless you had other plans for the day?"

He rolled his eyes. Cas knew perfectly well he hadn't.

Cas didn't do so well at hiding his amusement and Balthazar narrowed his eyes at him as the former pulled the door open. "Maybe he'll grow on you," Cas suggested before leaving.

Balthazar settled back on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and hands clasped loosely before him. He looked unflinchingly at the tabby while Sam slept peacefully behind him. "I've got my eye on you," he said.

Dean settled down and stared lazily right back, those sly green eyes almost challenging. "Meow."

A/N: RENAE YOU'RE SOOO DARN SPOILT xD 's all cool though, cuz writing this is so fun and awesome :P ZE KITTY CHEST HAIRS. *dies laughing*

Uh, to other readers who are probably wearing a '"what the..." O.o' look right now... Long story short – we were in Biology class and bored out of our minds so decided to give each other prompts. Renae wanted me to write Kitty Winchesters. xD Aka Kitty!chesters. And here we go, the first one. Prompt pretty much included Kitty!Dean being Cas' kitten and Kitty!Sammy being Balthazar's cuz Balthazar is kickass and awesome. :D and like, him and Cas are uber best buddies (*total block against end of season 6. Total uber super block. That shit never happened*) and it's so cool. :)

Anywho. Umm... yeah! So heeere we have... the FIRST OF THE KITTY!CHESTERS VERSE. :D *throws confetti* (Hehe. Oy Renae – "Confetti, it's a parade!" *snicker*) So basically, this will be, uh, pretty much just an excuse to chuck in fluff and hilarity and adorable moments into a story where it fits. All Kitty!chester stories will be compiled onto this, a sort of irregular series (depending on how often I get to write, that is), not guaranteeing any specific order, but I'll try not to make it too random. Oh, and I'll most likely throw in references to actual canon stuff, cuz I can't stand total AU's. Like, Supernatural's such an awesome show with awesome characters... there's no need to butcher them all completely and make up your own. *rolls eyes*

There will be adorably protective big brother Kitty!Deano, by the way. xD And cute wittle bro Kitty!Sammy.

*skips off to write moar kitty fluff*

~iz. :D