Hey guys! This is the last chapter in this story! I hope you guys have been enjoyed this journey with me. I've loved writting for you. I'm posting one of my original stories My Prince On Omegle so I hope you guys read that and enjoy it! I may write another kickin it story or I may not. I'm not really sure. So without further a due here is the last chapter.

"So you girls are sure about moving to California?" Kim asked. Both girls looked at each other and then back at their mother.

"Yes." Both girls said.

"Well." Jack said standing up "It looks like were gonna be a family."

"Together." Kim said as the whole family grouped hugged together.

4 months later

"Would you girls calm down?" Kim asked the twins Emma and Cassie who were at the moment wiggling and freaking out.

"Cass move! I still need to fix my eye liner!" Emma whined.

"Emma you look fine I need to fix this curl!" Cassie exclaimed.

"Why did we wanna 'Do this our selfs again'?" Emma asked as she huffed and let Cassie at the mirror they were fighting over. It was October and four months after the twins moved to Seaford along with Allie, Jerry, Daniel, and Stella. Kim laughed at her daughter and pulled her in for a hug.

"Because you're being Emma and Cassie not Molly and Mckenna." Kim said smiling. The twins still sang as Molly and Mckenna while traveling a lot while they were on tour. During this time the girls were working on a new music for their new album.

"Okay I think I got it!" Cassie said putting the curling iron down. Just then the door bell went off.

"And not a moment too soon." Kim told the girls. All three girls left the master bathroom trying to beat someone else to the door.

"Hello?" Jack asked as he opened the door. He was met with a squeal as Stella pushed him aside and ran into the house to meet Emma and Cassie who were also squealing loudly.

"And my eye drums are gone." Jack said as he stuck a finger in his ear to try and help the pain. Kim laughed and walked over to her husband of 4 and a half months.

"Nothing makes girls squeal more than sparkley dress, curled hair, and dances." Allie said walking in the door with Jerry following her.

"Where's Daniel?" Kim asked.

"He wants to do it properly he said" Allie explained "And he knew Stella would ruin any chance he had at doing so." Jack rasied his eye browls.

"Do what properly?" Jack asked. There was a knock at the door and Jack moved to answer it but this arm was grabbed.

"If you love me at all you will let me get the door." Emma said in full seriousness. Jack threw his hand up and went back to his place by Kim in the living room. Emma and Jack spent tons of time together when they were in New York and Emma forgave Jack for leaving them. Even if he didn't leave them on purpose. The two were just as a father and daughter should be close and loving. Emma opened the front door to show her boyfriend Daniel holding pink lillies.

"Hey Danny." Emma said smiling. Daniel looked at Emma taking her in. Emma was dressed in a light blue knee length poofy dress. There were sparkely rhinestones making an 8 design on the top part of it. Her hair was curly and in a half pony tail while heels covered her feet. Still making her shorter then Daniel but only by a inch or two.

"He got her flowers?!" Cassie tried to whisper but it was more like a yell.

"Yep!" Stella said in the same volume "And I helped him pick them out!"

"Hey Emma. As you can hear. These are for you." Daniel told her as he handed her the flowers and walked in the door.

"Lillies!" Emma exclaimed "My favortie."

"Told you!" Stellla shouted from her not serect hiding spot with Cassie. Daniel blushed and Emma giggled.

"Come on everyone else in the living room." Emma told him. The couple walked into the family getting awed at by both their parents and sisters.

"Now we just have to wait for Tyler and Richard." Stella said with a smile.

"How come Emma's boyfriend is on and ours arent?!" Cassie exclaimed clearly not happy.

"Hes not on time!" Stella shierked "I was on time making him be on time." Everyone laughed.

"Yeah yeah." Daniel said putting his arm around Emma and kisses her temple. There was another knock at the door before even a second passed Cassie and Stella glared at their fathers as if to say 'Stay where you are or I'll kill you inside' and went to answer the door.

"Geez. You'd think they're getting married or something." Jerry said rubbing the back of his neck. Allie laughed.

"No honey just 16 year olds going to their first homecoming." Allie said.

"Yeah because this is Emma and Cassie's first time going to a normal school homecoming with boys." Kim explained.

"And this is the first boy Daniel hasn't scared away." Allie laughed.

"Yet!" Daniel added earning a slap on the back of the head from his sister who just walked back in the room with Tyler, Cassie, Richard, Milton, and Julie.

"HEY!" He yelped as his hand flew to his head "Not cool." Stella shurgged.

"Dont be mean to my boyfriend." She said smoothing out her white dress. Stella had on a white puffy dress that stopped just above her knees. The top was covering in glitter and sparkles while white strappy heel were on her feet. Just then Stella's boyfriend moved a curled long piece of hair out her face and looked down at her.

"He's not getting rid of me that easy." He told her smiling.

"Dude quit youre making me look bad!" Richard shouted.

"Never." Cassie said leaning into him. Cassie was wearing a purple dress that was poofy just like her sisters and best friends. There was a rhinestone belt going around her wasit and thick straps tieing behide her neck.

"Okay picture time!" Milton shouted pulling out a camera. All the parents got their camera and phones ready as they took tons of pictures with the siblings, couples, group shoots, girls, boys, every combo they could think of.

"Okay I think that's enough." Stella said after what felt like the 500th picture.

"Yeah we're gonna be late." Daniel added.

"Wait just one more of um." Jack said trying to find a way to keep the girls home just a little longger.

"Dad." Both girls whined.

"Just let us go?" Cassie asked.

"Please?" Emma added. Jack shook his head.

"Never. I will never just let you go. However you all go to homecoming now. Have fun." He said with a smile.

"Not to much! Daniel watch your sister!" Jerry called out the door.

"Bye!" All the teens yelled as they walked out the door.

"Well now what?" Julie asked.

"Eddie and Grace are waiting for us to meet them for dinner. They got a sitter for the baby." Milton explained.

"Where are we going to eat?" Kim asked as she put on her shoes.

"The same place the kids are going to eat before the dance." Jerry said causally.

"Huh. It's that funny?" Jack asked taking Kim's hand.

"Yep. Thats a word." Kim said before joining Julie and Allie in rolling her eyes at her husband.

"Just like old times." Allie whispered to Kim as walked past her to catch up with her husband going to her car. Kim looked up at her husband, father of her children, and the love of her life. Jack looked back down at her, smiled, wrapped his arm around her wasit, and kissed her. Kim leaned into him as he led them to their car so they could join their friends for dinner.

"Even better." Kim whispered to herself with a wide smile on her face.

Well... Thats the end. I hope you guys like it and I hope this is was a great journey for you guys. I love writing and hearing from you guys so please feel free to message me! I love you guys and thank you!
