It was a necessity.
I couldn't achieve it the same way the Avatar had – I don't have that kind of connection to the Spirit World. Personally thought to hell with them, anyway. They were supposed to keep everything in balance – could they not see the chaos this world had to offer?
Oh, the chaos I would reap… the war I would create… but still… destruction must come before creation.
This had to be done. If not with the Spirits, then with the only way I knew how. I didn't quite know the solution yet, but I was close… I had to be. My father had his bending taken away… how had I still acquired it?
Through blood.
He put up a struggle. His back was turned to me as he attempted to run off. In a way, it made it easier… I'd rather not look him in the eyes. I had hunted and killed several animals in my life, but this was different.
I've tried thinking of other methods. I've been training with every known healer between the North Pole and Republic City… as soon as I mention my revolutionary ideas, I'm shunned.
There was only so much they could teach me anyway. Back in the old days, healers practiced human dissection. However, after so much research and notes were taken, dummies were used as replacements.
I was just one person, trying to make a difference. Avatar Aang had only been a child when he ended the war. True, he had help from his friends… I had help from my father.
The thought of my father, how he had taken advantage and misused his abilities to commit felony; he ruined our family – his bending had corrupted him… it was almost inspirational.
I wouldn't become like that. I'd work to ensure that the world would know equality.
In theory, my plan should work. But theories only went so far.
I needed experiments.
"Please!" He yelled. "Take everything I have, just let me go!"
There was no specific reason why I chose him. I simply had a crazy idea and he was the first person to cross my path. He would be the only dead one, though. I was determined to keep it that way. Besides, in order to truly see if my theories were correct, I'd need living subjects.
But that would come later. I couldn't base all this on trial and error – I had to know specifically where bending came from and how it worked.
I walked up to him, grasping him firmly by the neck. He's still begging. I shove aside any feelings of regret, telling myself it'll all be for the greater good in the long run.
Maybe if the rest of the world weren't so weak to new ideas, it wouldn't have come to this.
But then again… that was the point of it all.
Though I can't say I know for sure what will happen once I start… it's too late to turn back now. I can't live with myself knowing the evil going on in this world.
This one death would not be in vain.
"I'm sorry."