Yo! This is my first Ouran High School Host Club fan- fic so be nice, please! Ok I own nothing! So, let us begin.

The Host Club made the assumption that something was wrong with Haruhi. She had been acting differently lately. Like, a few hours ago:

Tamaki had the brilliant idea of making up a day called surprise hug day where you hug the special guy or girl in your life and he had saved his for Haruhi especially, just like everyone else in the Host club. Haruhi was sitting in the Host Club staring at her homework blankly with a depressed look on her face.

"This makes no sense," Haruhi said as she put her head on the table. "I'll never get this done,"

"HARUHI!" A particular boy screeched as he appeared behind Haruhi, causing her to flinch. "Daddy's missed-"

"Sh." Haruhi held up her arm, silencing him.

"Oh, come now, Haruhi! Let's us go for a walk under the Cherry Blossoms-"

"Sh." Haruhi hissed as she packed up her homework. She glared at Tamaki with a new type of glare. It was far to masculine to be Haruhi's but it was on her beautiful face. It scared Tamaki just as much as her normal glare. "I don't care. I'm trying to finish my homework and nor am I in the mood to 'walk among the Cherry Blossoms with you or anyone else,"

Tamaki hid in his corner and mushrooms began to grow on his back and shoulders.

"Weirdo," Haruhi grunted as she walked out of Music Room 3.

"Haruhi?" Haruhi stiffened and turned to see Renge Houshakuji standing behind her, blushing furiously.

"What?" Haruhi asked as she turned to face her. She was unsure of what to expect.

"U-Um, I-" Renge stammered, "I want you to help me with my homework!"

Haruhi stared at her and quietly sigh in relief. "Sure, I don't see why not," She walked with Renge into a library, where Haruhi sighed about it being quite. "Alright, what do you need help with?"

"History," Renge said embarrassed and somewhat scared, since last time, Haruhi wasn't sure about certain parts and it got her a lower grade, but it was higher after Haruhi helped her.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do then," Haruhi smiled as she looked at the paper and frowned.

"W-What?" Renge asked.

"It's all wrong,"


"I said, it's all wrong," Haruhi deadpanned.

"Then prove it!"

"Well, the ninja era, faded away thanks to the Oniwabanshū took over and replaced them in the 17th century. So that's your problem,"

"How'd you know about that? I searched in every book and even referred it to the teacher, but somehow you know it," Renge said dreamily, "It makes me wonder about, you Haruhi,"

"Oh, really?" Haruhi said as she stood up, trying to go to another subject. "Well, anyway, Tamaki-sempai is annoying me to death to where I can't finish my homework,"

"Oh…" She remembered what and why he was bothering Haruhi. It was Surprise Hug Day. Renge began blush furiously, "U-Um has any one hugged you yet?"

"No, why would anybody hug me?" Haruhi asked,

"B-Because, It's Surprise Hug Day," Renge blushed.

"…" Haruhi stared at Renge as if she was nuts, then it clicked. She murmured something under her breath.

"S-So can I-"Renge was cut off by Haruhi as she hugged her.

"Happy Surprise Hug Day and Happy Birthday," Haruhi whispered into her ear, let go of her and walked away. Renge stood there blushing. As soon as he left, Hikaru and Kaoru walked in.

"Hey, Renge," Hikaru said putting his elbow on Kaoru's shoulder. "What's up with you?"

"H-He remembered today was my birthday and then hugged me," Renge said dreamily as packed up her homework. "I love Haruhi,"

"EH?!" Hikaru cried as he turned back and Haruhi was gone, but that was not normal. She would never hug Renge. Unless she- He shook the idea out of his head.

At the host club, again,

"This summer vaction, I am leaving for the whole time, so don't come and bother me, got it? Or else," Haruhi hissed as she walked out of the club. Not even giving anyone enough time to protest or weasel out where she was going.

"What's wrong with Haru-chan?" Honey-sempai whined a little worried and sad he didn't get to give her a hug.

"Sick," Mori-sempai said.

"No, no, no, she would be at home if she was sick," Tamaki said as he walked back and forth. "She's been, 'different',"

"I can agree with that," Kyoya smirked looking down at his book. And he closed it. "I think it is time we go visit Haruhi,"

"Yeah! Let's go see our toy," Hikaru and Kaoru smirked. "Come on, boss, let's go today!"

"Alright, it's decided! We will visit Haruhi tonight for a sleep over!"

Present time…

Haruhi sighed as she opened the door to her apartment to see two people identical to her.

"Hey, Harou, how'd you like going into school for me today?" Haruhi asked smiled at one of the two mirror images, her normal girly smile.

"It was horrible," Harou complained as he walked over to the couch on it while sighing. "Next time, Jun can go while I stay home,"

"You know why I couldn't go," Jun frowned as he put a shoulder over Haruhi's, "I was brushing Haruhi up in the family biz,"

"Well, why couldn't I do it?" Harou complained

"You almost killed me last time, that's why," Haruhi hissed. She shuddered remembering the life threatening experience. Haruhi smiled at her older twin brothers. They were born in a Shinobi village but, her dad didn't want them to have the same fate as their mother who died on a mission, when she was run down by a car. So, he brought them to Tokyo to raise them they as normal children. Yet once they were old enough, he told them about it and her brothers had been there as if it was school ever since, since it was a school, Haruhi had decided to study law like her mom, following her mother's path more then she realized.

"Well, excuse me," Harou scoffed as he played with a coin in his hand. "It's not my fault you got kidnapped,"

"You're the person who gave me away," Haruhi hissed crossing her arms.

"Well not everyone is a prodigy," Harou said sarcastically. "Just because you graduated seven years earlier than us doesn't mean anything!"

"You were held back for two years," Jun coed as he sat next to Harou chewing gum.

Haruhi sighed, "Dad will be home soon. So be prepared ,"

"We, know, Haru-chan," Jun smiled as he walked into the far back bedroom, which was off limits for all guests. And Harou waltz into the room on the far left which was also off limits. Haruhi strolled to her room to get ready as well. She stood in a room lined with weapons and a spash of blue and small girly things were there, but the Shinobi weapons and other things over powered it majorly. She smiled to herself as she lay on her bed and closed her eyes. She had a feeling that that night was going to be hectic night.

Several hours later… the time 8:20.

Harou woke up to the sound of banging. He wanted to wake up Haruhi or Jun but he knew they would call him a scaredy-cat. He sighed and put on shorts that seemed well enough to meet anyone who would come to this late. He grabbed his three pointed Shuriken. He slowly sauntered to the door. But Haruhi and Jun were already up. Haruhi opened the door. Infront of her was the host club. She stared at them and then at the Shuriken she had in her hand. She flung it away quickly and it almost hit Harou.

"Why are you here?" Haruhi hissed

"We're to sleepover!"


So, what will happen next, hm? Read the next chapter to find out, but also comment! Please! Ok, see you in the next chapter! Bye!