A/N: I got the idea from two fanfictions I read and decided to use for this chapter. I know its been a while since I last updated, but I have some time to kill today and a laptop so I've decided to type for this story again :3

Chapter Summary: Flame Princess storms off from Finn and Burna and pulls an LSP, ranting about her cousin's disturbance in her love-life and with the help of some romance novels, hatches a plan that will hopefully get her Finn back. At least thats what she hopes will happen.

He was gone...

He had been for a little over a year now.

It didn't matter, soon she would be with him.

The wind blew her damp hair away from her face as she stared down at the pointed rocks below. Water was heard crashing down below, and the rocky shelf stabbed her bare feet. but all that did not matter now. The wind intertwined its fingers with hers as a voice ghosted on the shell of her ear.

'Don't jump without me...'

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The shelf disappeared from beneath her and the water suddenly fell deaf upon ears. The pointed rocks where coming closer

But that didn't matter now, what mattered was she would soon be with him, and then nothing could tear them apart ever again...

"Ugh! Why can't romance be as easy as it is in my book!?" Flame princess exclaimed angrily, throwing the novel she had been reading across the room and sitting up on her bed while folding her now empty arms over her chest. "Nothing comes between the couple ever! Says so here in black and white!"

Yes, since she had stormed off on Finn and Burna, she now found herself pulling a Lumpy Space Princess in her bedroom. This consisted of simply sulking around the space and reading any romance novel that was within arms reach. So far she had blown through Romeo and Juliet, speed read her father's adaption of Titanic, and just skimmed through He Was Gone. All of them just made her even more angry the more she thought of them. Why? Because they reminded her of how her love life was nothing like any of them, or at least from where she stood.

"They never let others come between each other in these books!" She shouted at no one as she held up one of the three books for reference to her statement. "They didn't have some annoying cousin come in like she owns the place!"

Throwing the book across the room yet again, she threw herself across her comfy bed and sprawled out on it in an act of sear boredom. Now that her quick rant was out, she really had nothing else to complain or even talk to herself about. This of course, made her even more upset than she already was and soon stirred up yet another rant, which was pretty much the same as the original but with more flair. Again, no one heard it because she was the only one in the room.

"He didn't even come by to see if I was okay yet! Hes probably still busy with Burna." She added extra rage in the pronunciation of her cousin's name, stomping her feet into the soft pillows of her bed for an extra effect to this. "What does she have that I don't? Other than patience, the body of a woman, and a bit more adventure in her than me- Ugh! Shes such a- what is it fanfiction calls them?"

Flame Princess frowned and looked over at the back of her book once again, reading the reviews on the back from the odd angle the book had landed in. Her frown deepened a tad more as her eyes scanned the back and finally she found the word she had been looking for, which was written as black and white as the rest of her romance novel. Among the rest of the review, there was that ugly word that described her cousin so perfectly that it made her very angry.

'The book is wonderfully done, with out so much as one Mary-sue.'

"Thats the word! Thats it! Shes such a Mary-sue in my book of life!" Flame princess cried dramatically, her hair and body turning to pure flames as her voice rose in octaves. "How would she like it if I dropped into her house unexpectedly and took her boyfriend away!"

Flame Princess gasped and stopped, letting her words hang in the air before slowly sinking into her brain once again. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't as evil as her father was, but that didn't mean the occasional thought didn't make its way into her mind every so often. Usually when they did, she either acted on them against her better judgement, or simply brushed the thought away like one would with a bug. Unfortunately, the latter lost this mind battle this time, and Flame Princess found herself leaping out of bed with a renewed joy to her.

"Thats it! I'm gonna show that jerk of a cousin that she can't just go around taking my Finn!" She announced, scampering to the door of her make-shift home, and over to where she had left her shoes. "Finn will have to hate her when I'm through! He just has to!"

With that being said, the princess of the Fire kingdom sat down on the ground and quickly began to pull her shoes on, thinking of how her plan would work out during this time. Putting on her shoes shouldn't have been enough time for her to think, but she was in to much of a mood to really give it the proper amount of thought, and without a second thought or glance at the books on her bed, she was off.