Hello! XxDarkDemonSlayerxX here! Call me DDS for short, aren't I so creative? This is my first story, I repeat first story so please! Go easy on me! So here's my story! Enjoy! ^_^

Chapter 1 – You Never Know What You Have Until You BETRAY It

I heard chirping. I turned to my right, my blond locks swaying and I saw the light blue sky along with a blinding sun glowing, filling the sky with its radiance and soft, pearly white clouds. I saw a flock of birds heading south aligned in a V formation. I watched them with envy, being able to be free of all the hate and jealousy clouding my mind, being able to be with their friends and never get ignored or unnoticed.

Then I hear my stomach grumbling, which snaps me back into reality, into the real world, where I have to suffer everyday and every night. I just have to bear the pain of being forgotten just because Minerva returned from Edolas and now everyone's attention is to her. While I just stay in my apartment day after day until my rent is near.

I hear my stomach grumble again, then I change out of my pajama's and into black combat boots that end just below my knee, ripped skinny jeans, a blue tank top, a brown belt and a leather jacket. I tie my hair into a pony tail and put on black lipstick and dark eye shadow. After I slip on my leather fingerless gloves and attach my whip and keys to my belt. Then I start walking to the guild.

This is my normal routine, waking up, changing, going to the guild, eating then go back home or go on a solo mission if my rent is due. As I walk, I hear fairies laughing, the Titania, Salamander and his blue cat and Gray FullBuster or so my boyfriend, Sting says 'Ice Stripper' or 'Gay FullStripper' even though I think that those are really unoriginal and weird names. I walk past them, their carefree laughs still ringing in my ears, I can hear the joy and happiness in their laughs, absolutely no traces of sorrow or betrayal or any hurt. I wonder if they would treat me better.

No Lucy, you are a Sabertooth member, through and through.

I reach the guild doors then silently opening them only to be greeted by Sting and Minerva sucking-face in the center of the guild. I feel that sharp pain shoot through me and feel my heart shattering into 1 million pieces. I feel tears gather at the corners of my eyes, daring to fall. I wiped them furiously.

Do not cry Lucy, you are strong, you will not cry, you are stronger than this.

The guild was silent, for the first time in 3 months, they actually noticed me. I feel even more tears my vision getting blurry, I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, and this time I let them fall. I walk towards them, the sound of my footsteps bouncing of the wall. I am surprised that he didn't even hear me considering he IS a dragon slayer. I wasn't facing my ex-nakama but I knew that they were staring at me with pity in their eyes. I don't need pity. I clenched my fists and tapped Sting on the shoulder, he didn't turn his head.

"Hey can't you-". He turns his head. "Oh hey Luce! How are yo-"

I raise my right hand and slap him hard across the face, his head jerked to the side due to the amount of force and a red handprint stayed there.

"Luce, I can explain-"

"No! Don't call me Luce! And you can't explain!"

And he sat there, shocked with Minerva staring at me with anger in her eyes, silence in the guild, that is, until I broke it. I chuckled harshly, still feeling that aching pain in my chest.

"I'm so naïve, to just sit there and watch you two talk and think that nothing's going on." I said quietly though everyone could hear it. I continued "Stupid me, for not being able to distinguish wither my ex was cheating on me or not. Tell me one thing; were you just using me for my money?" I asked angrily

Sting looked shocked and turned to face me while Minerva was just sitting there, smirking evilly.

"No! Lucy! I swear it was-"

I cut him off with again, but this time a punch with a gold light surrounding it. Breaking the table and pushing him back to the other side of the guild.

"I quit this stupid guild" I said walking to the guild doors.

"Lucy! Wait! I still love you!" he said, I stopped, turned around and flipped him the middle finger.

"Suck on that Sting. You're just like my father! Sick, despicable and a liar" I turned around and kept walking, I turned around again, then ripped of the necklace Sting had given me for my birthday, it was a heart, he said it was his heart, he said that I only posses his heart, I guess he was lying then. I threw it at him.

"Keep it, you might as well need it, it's more than you make on those crappy jobs. And with your magical power, I don't think you're able to do any S-Class jobs." I said and sent him and evil laugh, then exited the doors. (A.N My sister made that diss! Ain't it awesome!)

Once I got home, I rushed to get all of my stuff inside of my suitcase, while I was packing, I looked up to see the picture of Sting and I kissing. I picked it up and tears welled up in my eyes, I smashed it against the wall, take that you assh*le! I ran out of my apartment and took the train to Magnolia; remind me again why I'm going to Fairy Tail? I asked my conscious, because Fairy Tail will take care of you…shoot, I should really consider getting a surgery to get that removed someday. My eyelids were drooping and before I know it sleep took me over.

"Lucy, we need you, come back."

I was in a dark place, I couldn't see anything.

"Who are you?" I asked.

Then, in the pitch black, a girl with long, pale blonde hair that reached her ankles. She had on a small cape that ended at her forearm, a pink dress that ended at her ankles as well, green eyes, and wings at the sides of her head on top of her ears. Her wavy hair swaying as she moved towards me.

"Lucy we need you…"

I woke up to Natsu the Salamander poking me in the side.

"Yes?" I said annoyed.

"You were mumbling stuff in your sleep, and I was wondering if you were okay." my face softened. I think it's time to let my mask go and be the real me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, I wonder what that dream was about… And who was she?

Like? Hate? Love? Review? Favorite? Should I continue? Review or else I will sulk in a corner and cry! Sorry if it's short, tell me if I should be more or less descriptive. And if you somehow like this story then please don't get angry because I have school and I'm going into grade 5. Also, I have not read the manga so I'm just guessing what Sting is like. Anyway, I need help voting on which pairing it should be since I both love LucyXSting and LucyXNatsu. So, who? By the way, shout out to my sister who helped me. FuzzyPeachz12, don't forget to check out her stories and her friend's. FuzzyPeachz12 has these amazing stories, 'The Lost Child', 'Revenge is Sweet, Ne?' read her one-shots also! And her friend's, 'Love And Regret'.

Lucy's appearance is different, she's gonna change it later but here's how she looks:

-Blonde hair up to her waist, she either ties it up or keeps it down (she doesn't put it to the right like how she does in the anime)

-A necklace that her mom gave her when she was a child. It has a moon on the right side, stars in the middle and a sun on the left side. And it's about a medium sized necklace. The cord that holds it is short so the pendant touches her neck.

And her usual clothes are:

-Ripped or leather skinny jeans

-Tank top


-Leather jacket



-Dark eye shadow (gray and black)

-Black lipstick

I'm sort of going for the 'not the type of person you wanna mess with' look.

Peace out!