Disclaimer: I do not own PJO
Oh my gosh its been almost seven months! I'm sorry!
Triton walked over to Hera's cabin and knocked on the door. It opened to see Malcolm in a tee and shorts.
"Yes lord Triton." he said. They had gotten to the not-bowing-when-in-privacy relationship.
"What do you know about the ways of the sea? And how?" Triton asked.
"The stages are to ask the father and any older siblings first for their blessings. Then three gifts: a piece of jewelery, a weapon or special tool, and then the final thing is anything you can think up." Malcolm muttered looking down. Triton raised an eyebrow.
"Where did you learn this?" the prince asked.
"I've had an interest in Percy for a while. At first I just wanted to know everything about the ways of the sea. That's when it became more." he blushed and turned his head away.
"Well you picked the right book. My father is impressed with your knowledge." Triton said before leaving.
Sorry for this!
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