So...hello again my darlings! It's been awhile, but I've been hard at work to bring you some guilty pleasures!

Just a bit of a warning...this fic is sort of on the happy but dramatic side. With all the doom and gloom expected in the coming season...let's just go away for a bit and have some fun. This might seem a bit OCC, but where's the fun without it, no?

Also, and I have to admit I am truly humbled by this shameless plug, but I would love it if you guys would visit my Norman Reedus FanPage on Facebook.

Some of you may have seen it already, but I run the "Norman Reedus for Sexiest Man Alive" FanPage with another fan. I would adore all of you forever and a day if you visit the page and hit the magic "Like" button! "Likes" equals votes, so pleeeeeease help me out :p

Dear Norman Reedus,

You are gorgeous and sexy, but your heart is your best feature.

Disclaimer: I continue to own nothing.

And as I always say...Let the good times roll!

Though Carol had never really tried drugs, merely some pot in high school, she'd heard tales about something called Ecstasy. You pop a tab and in short time, the world is the very definition of bliss. A feather-light touch will send you to the stars, a kiss could give you an orgasm and sex is beyond comprehension.

In the darkness of Daryl's tent, the sounds of their frantic love-making pulled Carol away from the burden of reality. His lips devoured her sweat covered body as she quivered. The heat of his breath soared across her skin as his head moved lower; his tongue beat hard against her nub while his fingers deftly moved into her folds and triggered a powerful release.

As she drifted back to the world, Carol finally understood what it was like to be high.

Earlier that evening…

It had only been a few hours since their tryst in the RV, but the time apart, if only to just eat dinner, fueled their passion again.

Daryl stared at her from across the campfire, desire burning in his eyes. He sat in one of the chairs next to Rick with one foot resting on the stone wall of the fire pit. Carol could feel the heat of his intense gaze all evening and blushed as she stared back, glancing at the others.

Daryl didn't care who noticed. Festering in his lust, he'd arrived at a point where his want of her was such that past insecurities and fears were now trivial. He could sense her mirrored desire as he waited to catch her alone, memories of their rendezvous swirling through his brain.

"What do you think?" Rick asked, turning to Daryl.

Startled, Daryl blinked and swept his gaze from Carol to their reluctant leader. The group had been animatedly discussing something, but Daryl had tuned them out.

"Hmm, what?"

"Shane and I were weighing options about going on a large run before winter hits. Stock up on dry goods and warm clothes, weapons, ammo, medicine and more fuel. The map says there's a moderate sized town about thirty five miles north of here. Hershel says it's a flock of shopping centers and gas stations, including a few large grocery stores when last he went."

Rick paused and glanced at Lori, who met his gaze and gave her husband a small sympathetic smile.

"I wonder if we should utilize the fuel we have on the off chance of finding what we need. The route is several different back roads to avoid the highway. Not to mention a town like that, there's bound to be Walkers in droves. On the other hand, Shane pointed out that Hershel can't be expected to take care of us and his family, we've burdened him enough. That and he will need extra fuel for the generator before the cold comes. I need you to weigh in," he said. The group sat silently watching the exchange between the men, awaiting Daryl's answer.

Daryl stared at their leader. Though it had been more than obvious lately that the tension between Shane and Rick grew thicker with each passing day, it still surprised Daryl sometimes when Rick regarded his opinions as vital to the group.

Apparently, Daryl's decision was set to be the tiebreaker.

"Think both of ya right. But I gotta side wit Shane. We got a lot o' people to take care of, 'n and we need to make it through winter. Town's that big, we'll likely find fuel. Just need to have the right strategy is all. Get the fuel, weapons and ammo first, then go fer the medicine and make the food and clothes the last stop. Either way no matter what we run into, trips worth it," he answered.

Rick nodded and sighed then glanced back at Shane. The man kept his face blank, but Daryl knew he gained at least a few points. Not that it mattered much.

"Alright, let's plan to leave in a week. I'd like a chance to talk to Hershel and ask him if whoever's not going could stay in the house overnight, just in case. And all of you need extra training before we leave. Daryl, will you ride with us?"

Daryl glanced at Carol. She met his gaze and remained passive.

"Yea, I'll go."

"Okay, anyone else?"

"Count me in man, I could use some action," T-Dog said from Daryl's other side.

"I'll tag along," Glenn announced, his mouth full of food. Maggie sat between him and Andrea and no one missed her worried expression.

"Ok, thank you. Andrea?" Rick asked his voice rising a bit.

Andrea turned, her eyebrows raised.

"Will you and Dale," shifting his eyes over to the older man on Andrea's other side, "keep watch over everyone while we're gone?"

Andrea nodded and glanced over at Dale for confirmation. "No problem," she said.

"Do you really think this is a good idea, all of you going at once?" Lori asked softly from Carol's other side.

"Well, I agree it's more necessary than logical. And if we do well, no one will need to make runs till after winter." Rick sounded as though he was trying to convince himself rather than his wife.

Dale opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it.

"Dale, you'd like to speak?" Rick asked.

Pursing his lips, Dale spoke in that careful way, with that look he had.

"You men are vital to keeping this group safe. I think Lori's concern is sound. Suppose something happens while you are gone, on your end or ours. We have no contingency plans."

Shane surprisingly was the first to agree.

"He's got a point man. We should plan for every possibility…"

Rick mulled this over in silence. "Well, we aren't leaving for some time, so we will make that a priority before we go."

"Is there anything we can do to help before you leave?" Carol asked.

Daryl smirked and glanced up at her, silently admiring her heart. She was almost painfully selfless it would be criminal not to show respect. Now he was itching to get her alone, prove to her just how grateful he could be.

Rick smiled at her. "Actually, if you ladies could make up lists, and put together some provisions we would be eternally grateful. At most, we'll be gone a day, but maybe pack us up for two."

Carol glanced at Lori and they nodded.


The girl glanced up, surprised at Rick's acknowledgement.

"Will you come with me when I speak to your father? Put in a good word?"

Maggie crinkled her eyebrows and moved a little closer to Glenn, who draped his arm across the girls' shoulder.

"Sure," she answered quietly.

Daryl glanced at Rick, surprised at the man. It was like asking the girl to choose sides without really asking. But, he was a leader charged with keeping people alive; that position is never in any way easy.

"Alright everyone, let's try to get some sleep and we'll talk more in the morning," Rick announced.

The group began to scatter, little conversations engaging as everyone either went for their tents or decided to stay put discussing plans. Carol and Lori spoke in hushed tones, counting on their fingers, clearly trying to decide what to prepare for the men.

Rick, Daryl and Shane stood in a huddle, discussing how to arm everyone. T-Dog and Glenn joined up, asking about the training schedule. Every now and then, the new lovers would glance up and search for one another, their eyes locking and gazes fixed until someone would distract them.

When Carol finally moved towards the RV, Daryl seized the opportunity, stealthily coming up behind her and grabbed her firmly by the waist with one arm, turning her body. He kissed her hard, groaning into her mouth. Carol mirrored his passion, pressing herself into his body.

"Can't stop thinking 'bout ya, it's drivin' me crazy," he said growling low into her ear. "I need you Carol," he said, rubbing his nose softly against her cheek.

Daryl cupped her face with his hands and kissed her lips softly.

"Come to my tent with me," he whispered desperately, pressing his forehead to her own. Carol shuddered against him, murmuring an agreement.

It was dark and no one could see, so when he took her hand and pulled her in the direction of his camp at the edge of the property, she eagerly went along.

In their haste walking across the field, she stumbled a bit and landed on her knees, giggling. Daryl smiled, bent to pick her up and Carol's arms automatically wound around his neck. She cupped his cheek affectionately and stared up at him. He sighed and leisurely wrapped his arms around her back.

"I ain't gonna make it Carol, I need you now," he whispered.

"Right here?" she asked giggling.

Daryl nodded. "Right fuckin' here," he grunted.

Breathlessly, they began making out, sinking into the tall grass, not caring who saw or if danger was nearby.

They clawed at one another, surrendering to what was unleashed earlier in the day. Their first time had been cautious, tender, and passionate.

Now it was about raw need.

Carol felt pain as he grabbed at her flesh, but she could care less. Daryl's mouth was no longer lips but teeth, grazing her flesh, nibbling at her soft parts. Carol ripped his shirt open and pulled the material off quickly, clutching his scarred skin.

She fumbled with his belt while he groped her breasts and sucked on her neck. They were panting and groaning, while Daryl tore the shirt from her body and started on her pants. He was so focused on getting her naked he didn't hear the Walker's footsteps approach. Over his shoulder, Carol caught sight of the form emerging from the woods.

"Daryl, behind you," she gasped.

He whipped his head around and pulled out of her arms to stand. Drawing his knife, he aimed and threw it right into its left eye. As the creature slowly sunk to the ground, he marched over, withdrew the blade, and stabbed the other eye. Carol gathered their shirts and stood watching him kill. The muscles of his back and arms flexed as he stabbed the skull again and again.

Carol could feel heat between her legs build; this man could turn her on in ways she never knew. Though she had seen him slay Walkers before, the aggression he displayed was reminiscent of what he could do with his body.

And what he had done to hers.

When Daryl stood and faced her, he was breathing hard; small splatters of black blood adorned his bare chest and he held tightly to his knife which glinted in the full moonlight. As Daryl strode slowly towards where she stood, the lust from his kill transferring to her, Carol was frozen in awe.

It was a fantasy come to life. Without a second thought, Daryl had easily thrown himself between her and danger; a warrior, a knight who kills to protect her.

Their eyes locked as Daryl ran his shaking thumb over her bottom lip and Carol surrendered to him, as she forever would, when he promptly swept her into his arms.

They did everything; everything they could think of and more trying to satiate their hunger for one another. Neither had ever known a connection like this, where every thought and emotion was exchanged by the touch of their lips and the groans from their throats. For hours on end they fed riotously on each other like animals, the rest of the world be damned.

On the surface, it would seem as though they were making up for lost time. But something lurked underneath the frantic passion that consumed them; an endless duration of emotional and physical solitude they've had to endure, a once dark and empty void. Be it conscious or not, they'd long ago recognized the ache in one another and each loving stroke communicated their pasts filled with desperation and hunger.

For Daryl, every touch from her would render him speechless. He watched her hands move gently over his scarred skin relishing his body, savoring every inch. Gazing down at Carol who was lost in pleasure beneath him as he thrust into her, Daryl was torn between confusion, joy, and shock that this woman seemed to be committing every moment in his presence to memory.

In turn, Carol found herself to be the one unbidden, licking and sucking him in places that seemed to astonish Daryl, and her efforts were rewarded with groans of pleasure and his sweet release. She was wrapped in the emotion of the moment, as it had been very long years since she felt even a sliver of real desire.

In the midst of their ardor, Carol discovered a new allure; the salty sweat of his skin and the bitter smoothness that let loose into her mouth, the latter never being something she wanted to savor with Ed. But Daryl was delectable, and so absorbed was she in her efforts that even when he shuddered into his climax, Carol continued stimulating him to prevent his going soft.

And just as he lay ready again, Daryl watched as Carol climbed atop him, seeking more control. Unabashedly, Carol rode him hard their hands clutched together in mid air, impressing herself with how her body moved astonishing the gorgeous grunting man writhing beneath her.

They took turns pleasing each other and Daryl mirrored Carol's passion. Between his own orgasms his hands and tongue would run wildly over her body, seeking her release to echo his own; he parted her legs repeatedly and attacked her clit with his mouth until he grew hard, mounted and entered her pounding deep and fast until she cried his name. Then he would flip her around and enter her again, holding Carol's hips firmly against his body, sometimes keeping her on all fours or pulling her waist into his lap, wrapping his arms around her tightly. He kept his fingers fixed between her legs as he thrust into her, all the while whispering into her ear how good she felt, that he wanted to feel her come, that she was his now and he would never let her go.

But it was during their final time together when Carol felt something else.

Daryl was breathing heavily against the back of her neck as he slowly sank into her while she lay on her stomach. With every breath he seemed to move deeper. Daryl's tongue trailed slowly over her back and up to her neck. Carol felt him slide a strong arm beneath her belly and hold her there, thrusting slow but steady, slick with their mingled sweat, inhaling the potent air. She turned her head when he whispered her name, thrusting deeper as he went, and Carol fell utterly in love.

She looked back and gazed into Daryl's eyes, felt his thumb move across her lips again and her heart pounded with intense euphoria. Without a doubt, she would never in her whole life feel for anyone what she did for Daryl Dixon.

And as swiftly as the love in her heart grew, fear wasn't too far behind.

Daryl groaned loud as he came hard inside Carol for the sixth time that night. Finally sated, he collapsed on top of her, out of breath. Daryl's heart raced as he panted. Every muscle in his body felt both achy and numb as he rolled over. He was vaguely aware of Carol still lying on her stomach next to him, just as winded as he was, her head resting on her arms. Daryl turned his head and studied the smooth outline of her body in the dark. The full moon shone through the filmy material and glinted off the sweat that covered her skin. The corners of his mouth turned up as she reached for his hands. He pulled until her body covered his.

"Damn Carol," he said softly, as she smoothly snaked over him. They melted together, light kisses and soft murmurs flowed generously as she lay between his legs.

"I know," she said in a low voice. Reaching for a blanket, he covered their bodies and settled her into his chest. He rested his lips on the top of her head, and Carol moved her ear over Daryl's heart, finding comfort in the deep pounding under his ribs.

They lay in a quiet calm. Daryl held her tight, reflecting on the last few hours. Though he'd never known the feeling, he was almost sure he'd fallen in love with this woman, and deeply. The buildup had been weeks in the making, ever since he held Carol firm against him when Sophia emerged from that forsaken barn. It hadn't taken long at all, once they both stopped fighting their feelings, and that thought was enough to give him pause. The words threatened to spill from his mouth any minute, and it took all the fight in him to keep mum for now.

They were still so very new, and he was overwhelmed in his lust and attraction to her, so much so that he'd spent the last few hours trying to quench that thirst. After hearing the things she said that afternoon, Daryl knew she was in love with him as well; it was definite when she held her ear to his heart. Still, they'd only just declared themselves to one another. His arms tightened around her more, recalling their first kiss. Daryl smiled a little, thoroughly enjoying her warm slick body clutching his own just as close.

It wasn't long before Carol's mind began to race as well. She knew that she'd fallen hard for Daryl, and was now becoming increasingly afraid of losing him. Mere hours had passed, and it felt as though they should have been together for years. Images of a tragic death, another woman, never coming back from a hunt, being told they had to leave him behind on the run…

"Somethin' wrong?" he whispered.

She was silent for a moment. It both pleased and unnerved her that she could be totally silent, in the dark no less, and he could still detect a disturbance in the force. Daryl glanced down and tried to make out her expression in the dark. Over the duration of her silence, he grew nervous. She decide not to be with him after all? Did he hurt her? What did he do?

But Carol looked up to stare into his eyes and the fear melted away.

In turn, Carol reflected on the few hours she'd shared with this man. It had taken all night to wear each other out and yet she still deeply desired him. Carol could still feel his hands on her skin, gripping and clawing their way over her from head to toe, his lips that were so soft and perfect, and his voice in her memory, husky and low…

"I never want this night to end," she said, choking back tears.

Daryl said nothing. He simply nodded and ran his thumb over the drops of salt spilling from her beautiful eyes.

Tilting her chin, Daryl captured her mouth with his as he moved to be above her. As spent as they were, there was still enough will left in both of them to slowly kiss their way towards sunrise.