Author's Note: I'm sorry for not updating quickly Dx I have so many college stuff to do it's not even funny anyways, thanks for waiting! Here's Chapter 4! :D

Toph struggled walking in limbo. There were hardly any vibrations and she kept on tripping on a root or her own feet. Everything was blurry to her, just blotches instead of set shapes. "This royally sucks." She groaned as she tripped over another root. "I hope Avatar Kyoshi got my message to Twinkletoes and the others."

As the blind earthbender continued on she hadn't noticed that something was following her.

With the Gaang

"Are we all set to go?" Katara asked, placing the last of their bags onto Appa's saddle.

"Yup! Toph's safe and sound with us and we're headed to Gaoling!" Sokka gave a thumbs up as he and Suki in the saddle.

"Be careful during your trip. And when you come back our 'little sister' better be in one piece." Zuko said.

"Of course she will." Aang reassured him. "She'll be up and about faster than you can say monkey feathers. Appa YIP YIP!" with that they left.

Zuko looked at them getting smaller and smaller, "Monkey feather." He whispered to himself, going back into the palace.

"Hey Aang…" Katara caught her boyfriend's attention.


"Do you have this awful feeling like something bad is going to happen?"

"You too huh? Yeah, I do. And I'm not taking my eyes off any of you. I don't want to lose anyone else I care about."

Katara gave him a hug, "You won't I promise." She gave him a quick kiss and went back into the saddle.

Aang nodded, "We'll stop at an Earth Nation colony, get some supplies that'll last us two week. It's a long journey to Gaoling."

"Ok. I wonder how Toph's doing…" Katara's eye made their way to the unconscious girl.

The team fell silent.

"Don't worry. Once we get to the North Pole she'll be back with us." Sokka moved next to his sister and grabbed her hand in his, giving it a squeeze.

Katara smiled, "Thanks Sokka."

With Zuko

"My Nephew, something is troubling you." Iroh said, sipping his ginseng tea.

Zuko looked to his uncle, "I just…have this awful pit in my stomach. Like something's bad is about to happen."

"It's not just that is it?" Uncle looked at him with a wise twinkle in his eyes.

Zuko sighed, "No…it's about Mai too. You know her and the baby, what if…what if I'm a horrible father? What if the whole Firelord thing will get to my head? What if I become just like my father?"

"Don't worry. I know that you will be an excellent father. And, if you do stray from your path your friends will be there to set you straight." Iroh took another sip of his tea.

The firebender smiled at his uncle, "You're right. I just need Toph to come back safely so that we're complete again."

"I have to admit. I miss her outgoing, spunky self." Iroh chuckled.

Zuko smirked, "Yeah. Toph's one heck of a girl."

"She's getting quite beautiful too. I wonder what would've happened if she were my niece-in-law instead of Mai." Iroh stroked his breaded in deep thought.

"Uncle!" Zuko blushed, his face now scarlet red. "You know I'm in love with Mai."

Iroh laughed, "I know. I'm just teasing. But it does make me wonder though."

"About what?"

"I wonder if she'd ever get married…", Iroh thought out loud finishing his tea.

"Well whoever he is, he'd have to get past Sokka, Aang, and I to ever get the chance of even speaking to her." Zuko said calmly.

Iroh laughed, "I expect nothing more from overprotective 'brothers'. But it's not you guys I'd worry about."

"Oh? And who would you worry about?" Zuko asked.

"The girls of course. They'd bombard him with questions. Not to mention that Suki is carrying a child. Hormonal pregnant women are dangerous to be around." Iroh shivered.

Zuko paled, "I wonder what Mai will be like…" he shivered at the thought of Mai hugging him one minute then throwing her knives at him the next.

Iroh got up and patted his nephew on the shoulder, "I wish you luck."

Zuko sighed again, "I really hope there isn't an attack on the palace. I don't need any more stress added to me."

Iroh laughed. "I'll be here if you need me."

Zuko smiled at him, "Thanks Uncle." With that the two firebenders made their way to their respective sleeping chambers.

With the Gaang

Two weeks have passed and the gang reached the city of Gaoling.

"There's Toph's place!" Sokka called out, pointing to a large door with the Bei Fong insignia on it. Aang landed Appa in front of the doors. He knocked once only to find the door unlocked.

"That's strange. Why would they keep their doors unlocked?" Aang thought. "Hey! Something's not right. We should probably go check it out."

"Ok! We'll be right down." Katara answered back. "Suki do you mind staying here and watching over Toph's body?"

Suki shook her head, "I don't mind. Go on. Be safe." She gave a kiss to Sokka and the two siblings hopped off Appa.

The trio made their way into the Bei Fong residence, only to find is eerily quiet.

"Where are the servants? And the guards?" Katara asked softly.

A sound coming from inside the mansion caught their attention.

"Oh Spirits." Aang ran inside the house, the other two following behind him. When they entered the house they saw the servants and guards were unconscious and Toph's parents were tied up and falling in and out of consciousness. "Lord and Lady Bei Fong!"

Aang's voice made them snap back into reality. Sokka and Katara untied them and removed cloth covering their mouths.

"What happened?" Sokka asked.

"We don't know. We were minding our own business when these ruffians came and ransacked our home." Lao Bei Fong, Toph's father, explained. "They asked if we had seen the Avatar or our daughter. We told them that we haven't since they'd left to visit the Firelord."

"Where are they now?" Katara questioned, panic filling her eyes.

"They left. We have no clue where they we…" a scream interrupted as Sokka's head snapped towards the front gates.

"Oh no…" he ran to where Appa was and climbed up the bison, only to find Suki unconscious and Toph's body missing. "SUKI!"

Author's Note: BUM BUM BUUUUUUMMMM…XD Cliffhangers are a real pain in the ass xD anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Again sorry for the long update. Review and tell me…who you think is the mastermind in this whole thing? Is it:

Long Feng

Azula and/or Ozai (who had escaped)


The Cabbage Merchant xD (just kidding but that would be hilarious xD)