A/N – It isn't made clear, but in this AU Charles and Raven met at university and became good friends, since they obviously couldn't have met in childhood.
His mind was burning. If it were possible for a mind to explode, Charles was sure his would have by now. He was shivering. It was so cold sitting on this street the endless people, the endless minds passing him by. But his mind was still burning.
And a mind can only take so much.
Charles woke in a clean, white room, the lights too bright and a familiar smell invading. He started panicking quietly (he had learnt not to bring attention to himself) terrified he was back in The Asylum.
But no, he was in hospital. Had been for two months. He'd been in a coma.
This was his first taste of the 'real' world since he'd been a very small child. Seeing other's memories and catching rides through other's eyes when they went out didn't count. This time he was determined that he'd win. He just had to learn control first.
Alex turned and snapped at Charles, angry at his optimistic encouragement, angry with himself after he destroyed the room again.
"You don't know what it's like to be afraid of your own power. To be out of control all the time!"
"Yes I do." It's a moment and Charles makes no attempt to quickly brush it over but they quickly continue with Alex's training. Alex still wondered, later when he was alone, what had made Charles, who often seemed to exude optimism, intelligence and indestructibility to be so afraid of his powers and what had led him to bury that fear so deep down.
He flees once more, now overwhelmed, excited and absolutely terrified. He knows that he will have to keep absolutely hidden.
Raven appeared in the kitchen, surprising him in her full, blue glory and asked him what he thought was the most obvious question in the world.
"Why do we have to hide?"
He tried explaining, tried to explain why they couldn't ever be found, but she wanted so desperately to be free and he couldn't help but envy her for her lack of fear whilst wanting to protect her.
He couldn't stand the pity in her eyes when he walked away from that and resisted the urge to throw everybody out and start again. Something about these people, this whole situation was making him so vulnerable.
Russia was both a success and a disaster at the same time. Erik's obsession with revenge had led him just to charge in, despite the fact that Shaw wasn't even there, only his right hand lady, Charles, of course, had rushed in after him. But that hadn't been the disaster.
When in Charles had found that Emma Frost, being a telepath herself, had some form of defence against telepaths. And so Charles had just pushed harder. And pushed. And pushed, until she had, quite literally, shattered. And there her mind lay open to and he had taken what he needed whilst she lay helpless, not even able to speak.
As they were sitting in the nice fancy jet on the way back (with Frost safely tied up) Charles was still shivering. It was worse when Erik started congratulating him. He tried to shut him out, but he couldn't stop it, like the buzz of a fly in your ear and so Charles snapped.
"No. I went too far, can't you see that? I can't … I can't."
"But everything's fine. We got the information we wanted and Frost's alive and well enough in the back. It didn't happen."
"I was barely in control. You don't know what it felt like inside my head, Erik."
"If you're forever keeping your mind in a prison of your own making, how can you ever be free like you want?"
They didn't speak after that.
Another lost boy on the street. They ignored him. He was glad for it. The last thing he wanted was to be found now.
He slid down the wet bricks and curled into a corner, his knees tucked to his chin. With all these minds rushing past he was overwhelmed, so he shuttered up. He blocked. He did everything he could and his defences grew stronger over time. He locked himself away.
He hasn't really opened up since then.
"If you must kill Shaw and, don't say anything, I know you must, you must know you can't kill him on your own. Everything you throw at him he'll just absorb."
Erik sighed. It was a fact he'd been refusing to accept for some time, but now that Charles had laid it out to bare he could no longer ignore it.
"Then what do you suggest?"
"I may be able to hold him still, in effect, block his power for a short amount of time. We know from Frost that he has a metal helmet that blocks telepaths. You'll have to remove that first."
"You'll be inside his head whilst he dies? That's even worse than-"
"Erik," everything about Charles was tense, "I know how much this means to you, and Shaw needs to die, we both know that. This may be the only way of killing him. Just, Erik?" For the first time in the conversation there was a hint of vulnerability.
He was once again firm as he told Erik, "Don't ever ask me to do anything like this again."
"I won't. And thank you."
He slowly learns control, and the minds of many open up to him, but always he is cautious. He remains shuttered in his own mind.
Erik ran out of the submarine and caught Charles as he staggered out of the broken plane.
"Are you all right? Charles, speak to me."
"I would if you let me have a word in edgeways," Charles croaked out. It's a weak joke, and neither can crack a smile. Erik because he's too worried, and Charles because he hasn't the energy. "I'll be fine, Erik. I'll be fine."
Erik was about to reply when he suddenly turned to face the water. "They're firing on us."
"The Russians?" Moira asked and Erik sneered at her.
"All of them." Moira paled and ran to the radio as Erik raised his hand. Charles grabbed his other arm.
"No war. Just let them explode in the air."
"Give me one good reason."
A million arguments ran through Charles' head, but he ended up with the very simple one that he knew was the basis to them all.
"Because then I'll never be free."
Erik let the missiles explode as he turned to hold Charles, "You will be free, my friend. Your school-"
Charles thought he might have seen a hint of a smile before Erik continued, "Our school will be free. The children will be free-"
"Yes, if you insist, I shall be free. And we will do it your way. And I shall always defend you."
"If the war comes to me you cannot expect me not to fight. But you have my word I shall not instigate it. But this not the place to discuss this. We need to get out of here."
"I know … I think I can … Azazel!" The teleporting mutant walked towards the like, Erik smiled, like a man being controlled by a very powerful telepath.
A/N – And there it ends. I know it's a bit of a sudden ending, but I thought it gave off the right feeling. It isn't perfect; Charles and Erik are still two massively messed up people with differing viewpoints. Humanity isn't going to be universally accepting of mutants, but they do get, essentially, what they want.
Anyway, thanks for reading, and please tell me what you think.