It all began 5 years ago. My best friends Artemis and Zatanna were with me. It was like a normal day for us, to relax on the happy harbor beach. We would always play this game where we would search for the most beautiful sea shell we could find in the water. Whoever had the coolest looking one would win the game. Usually in order to play the game , you would have to go at deep sea to find the prettiest shells. I didn't really mind going deep sea….but I should have, because this where my life changed forever.

I was the first person to hear the thunder in the sky. I lifted my head up to look at it; the clouds were forming in a tornado like way. I felt my heart racing as the thunder became louder and louder.

"Megan!" Artemis grabbed my arm "We should head back. This is getting a little out of hand."

"I agree." Zatanna said swimming over to us.

As we were about to make our first movement back to shore, a lightning strike hit the ocean, causing the waves in the water to move more violently. We screamed at the top of our lungs as the winds picked up and lighting was hitting everywhere.

Artemis was the first to see a giant rock coming straight toward us. She grabbed onto Zatanna and I's shoulder "GET DOWN!" She pushed our body's with all her might into the water. The rock crashed right into the underwater sand, I held my breath. From the water, I could see the gray clouds making a weird looking swirling shape. I have no idea as to how long we stayed down there. We held onto each other's hands for dear life, I was running out of breath as well. But as I was losing consciousness I swear to god…..i could see a light at the very bottom of the ocean. My first thought was I was going to die. My first instinct, was to swim right to it. I tapped Artemis and Zatanna with the strength I had left and pointed to the light. The blurry versions of themselves were looking at the bottom of the sea as well. We held on tight to each other and swam toward the light.

I remember feeling a killer headache that day when I woke up. It was night and the first thing I saw was most beautiful full moon I ever seen in my life. I ran a hand through my hair expecting it to stop at my shoulders….but it went on and on right to my bottom. I gasped and looked at my surroundings. I was still in the ocean, my top half was leaning on a large rock. When I tried to pull myself up, I realized that it was taking much more effort than It should have. I was…heavy? Okay, did I grow my hair out and gain weight this morning without me knowing. Luckily was I able to get myself to sit on the rock, but instead of my normal tan like legs coming out….a fish tale came out.

I nearly had a heart attack at that moment. My legs. Turned in. To a. FISHTALE! I'm a flipping MERMAID! I looked down at my reflection in the water. My skin was slightly shiny and tanner. My hair was long with curls at the ends. I had some type of symbols written in blue laying on my cheek and upper arms. My uncle J'onn always said no tattoo's or piercing, I am soo dead. As of my tale it was probably around two feet long and was same color as the ocean. I held onto my chest as my heart was daring to jump out of it.


"Artemis!" I crawled over to the other side of the rock to find Artemis sitting on the rock. Artemis was already a natural beauty but now…she was an angel that fell from the heavans. Her blonde hair almost looked golden. Her skin looked as if she had a drop of sunlight fall on her. She had the same marking on her cheek and upper arms but they were written in green.

"Artemis." I wrapped my arms around her. "What happened to us?"

"I don't know." Artemis sighed "First thing is to stay calm."

"Zatanna!" I gasped "Where's Zatanna?!"

"Over here!" Zatanna head popped out of the water as she leaned onto the rock. Her hair had grown to her waist too and her markings were written in red.

"Zatanna! We were worried sick about you." Artemis lectured.

"Yeah I know. But before we all freak out, you guys have GOT to see this. The water is beautiful."

Artemis and I were silent for a moment but we thought what the hey and joined her.

Zatanna wasn't lying, the water was beautiful in the moonlight. I swear it was like I was one with the ocean. The cool part was, was that i didn't have to take a breath. The water was my life support, the water was my guide, I trusted it.

This is the most memorable thing that I treasure. With my heart and soul becoming one with the sea, I could hear music. It was so peaceful and calming. That when I suddenly had the instinct to sing with the music I heard. This was my song, my signature song. Then I could hear Artemis's voice join in. She had her own perfect song and it melted beautifully with mine. Then Zatanna joined in. With our signature songs combined, it formed the beautiful tune ever heard in mankind. This….is our song.