WARNING RATED M CONTENT! And this one is Yaoi so if you don't like, please don't read it. Also this one is Kiyoshi x Kuroko, if you cannot accept this pairing, then please don't flame me later for paring them together!

Sooo this is my first time writing something so rated...if I made any mistake please correct me! I'd love to improve myself.

This one is Kiyoshi and Kuroko. I got inspiration from some doujinshi in Pixiv! That one is so cute (for me ) and it lit me up.

So I hope you can enjoy my story! Thank you!

Again before going to read. This one is Rated M. And normally I wouldn't put warning in my fictions if I don't feel that it has way tooo mature content inside. So please be prepare about that...Thank you!

It was a long day after their usual practice for Seirin, along with their hell menus of practice from their coach.

"That's it for today, thank you for your hard work today! Let's continue tomorrow." A girl said with smile before she left the gym.

"Let's go and get change, everyone…so we can finally go back and rest." A teen with glasses said.

"Ah, you guys just go on ahead. I need to a try something out. See you tomorrow, Hyuga." A brown haired tall boy said.

"Hmm…that's okay but…I need to leave someone with you, in case something happen. Who should I leave with you? Kiyoshi" Hyuga asked.

"Let's see, Kuroko can you stay with me?" Kiyoshi turned to ask the thin presence boy.

"Yes…but why me?" Kuroko asked, curious.

"I just have a hunch that if you're here with me, I'll get to see something fun tonight. That's all." Everyone was silenced. They couldn't keep us with Kiyoshi's weirdness even if they have been with him for a long time.

"…Okay…" Kuroko replied with his normal, none feeling answer.

"Then, we leave first. Don't stay too late okay?"

"Just wait okay? I'll finish soon."

"Yes…then maybe I'll go run a few laps." Kiyoshi nodded before he released the ball from his hand.

"Arf, arf!" A dog barked behind Kiyoshi.

"You should go after Kuroko, Nigou." The dog barked and happily run after Kuroko outside. Kiyoshi smiled before he returned to practice.

After half an hour had passed, the boys returned together to the locker room.

"Thanks for staying with me. I'll get you something to drink." Kiyoshi left towel on Kuroko's head before he went to find some drinks with Nigou.

Kuroko sat on the bench and stretched himself down. He already pushed himself to the limit today.

A dew minutes later Kiyoshi returned with drink. "I heard from Kagami that you like Pocari right? Here." Kiyoshi placed the drink besides Kuroko's head.

"I'm going to change the clothes but you don't have to hurry yourself okay?" Kuroko nodded but still get up anyway. Kiyoshi took off his clothes and Kuroko looked at how well Kiyoshi's body build is. But took his eyes off a second later.

Kuroko opened his locker to take out a lotion.

"What's that, Kuroko? Something to help ease your sore muscle after training?"

"Yeah…it kinda keeps that area hot and slowly fades away."

"Is that so…hey, let me help you." Kiyoshi made a brightly innocent smile. He put Nigou into a locker after that.

"Ye-…no, it's okay, Kiyoshi-senpai." Kuroko felt something dangerous just approached.

"Come on…don't waste your Senpai, "Good intention". Now come over here." Kiyoshi still smiled. Kuroko had no choice but to follow his senior's good will. "That's good boy." Kiyoshi sat on the corner of the room and told Kuroko to sit between his legs. Kuroko slowly sit down.

"I just need to apply it on my legs…" Kuroko handed over the bottle to Kiyoshi. While he sat there, he could sense heat radiating from Kiyoshi's body after practice.

"Okay…" Kiyoshi slowly open the lid and applied it on Kuroko's legs. Kuroko felt a little tickle since normally…he never let someone touch his legs.

"Thank you, Kiyoshi-senpai." Kuroko tried to get up but suddenly he felt that he had been pulled down to the floor.

"What's the rush?" Kiyoshi whispered into Kuroko's ear while his hand was around the boy's body. "I haven't applied it to another part of your body yet." Kiyoshi continued to whisper.

"S-senpai!" Kuroko tried to struggle out of Kiyoshi's arm but in no matter way he could move those arms an inch.

"Hey…if you move I cannot do it properly." Kiyoshi moved his legs to lock Kuroko in place so he couldn't move. "Now, let's get started shall we?" Kiyoshi put lotion on his hands before he slowly slid his hand under Kuroko's sport uniform.

"Ple-please stop…hiyaa…" Kuroko cuddled into Kiyoshi's hand as he rubbed it everywhere.

"How does it feel…Tetsuya." Kiyoshi whispered and breathed down on Kuroko's neck.

"It's…feeling weird…nnnghhh…" Kuroko couldn't keep his mouth from producing voice out. "Sen…pai…"

"Hmm…that cute and aroused voice…let me hear it more, will you…?" Kiyoshi engulfed Kuroko's ear with his mouth and used his tongue to whirl around it.

"Nnggh…ah! Senpai!" Kuroko cried out as his ears collided with Kiyoshi's teeth.

After Kiyoshi finally applied it to Kuroko's front side of the body. "I'm going to do for your back too…take off your shirt." Kuroko did as he was told, after taking the shirt off, Kiyoshi began to apply the lotion. But this time Kuroko didn't make out much noise because his back wasn't so sensitive as the front side.

Kiyoshi pulled Kuroko closer to him as much as he can. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm…feeling hot all over my upper body…." Kuroko said with his red face. He's blushing all over.

"You should take a look in the mirror sometimes, you know? 'Cause you're so cute. Look at how small and adorable you are…you're so small that my whole body can hold you completely…"

Kuroko blushed this time his ears were red too, no one had ever complimented him this way. Kiyoshi leaned over his face and kissed Kuroko. "Mmngh…"

Kiyoshi then shoved his tongue into Kuroko's lip and fully explored it. As they body moved around, Kuroko could feel the friction between his back and Kiyoshi chest. That sensation alone made Kuroko moaned into Kiyoshi's mouth.

After Kiyoshi broke off the kiss he said. "You're making me so hard…Kuroko."

Kuroko jumped at those words, he never thought that the situation will elaborate into something like this.

Kiyoshi began to suck on Kuroko's neck and his hands began to wander around Kuroko's chest again. One of his hands played with Kuroko already hard nipple.

"Sen…sen…pai…please….stop!" Kuroko tried to make out a sentence while his heart was already beating so fast with all of the feeling he's getting. Kiyoshi stopped his lip.

"Haven't you always wanted this? You think I didn't notice that you keep looking at me, unable to take your eyes off whenever I changed the clothes here?"

Kuroko felt so embarrassed that he was found out. "Tha-that's because I just want to know how everybody's build is."

"You said everybody but you just keep looking at me." Kiyoshi turned Kuroko around and pinned him down on the floor. Kiyoshi sucked on Kuroko's nipple very hard causing Kuroko to moan out very loud.

Kiyoshi used his fingers to silenced Kuroko. Kiyoshi used his other hand to slowly remove Kuroko's pant. Kiyoshi licked his path down until he reached Kuroko's thigh. He took the boy's shaft into his mouth.

"Mmgnh!" Kuroko's feeling jolted up, Kiyoshi made him felt so good that his hand clenched into Kiyoshi's back so hard that left a trail.

Kuroko struggled to get Kiyoshi's finger out of his mouth. "Se-senpai! If you don't stop, I'll-…ah…nghhh!" Kuroko let out in Kiyoshi and Kiyoshi swallowed it down his throat.

"You're so…sweet everywhere, Kuroko…" Kiyoshi flipped Kuroko into a crawling position before he slowly inserted his fingers that were wet into Kuroko's entrance.

"Ahh! That…hurts, senpai!"

"So this is your first time then? I can't believe you and Kagami haven't done anything together yet." Kiyoshi said as he slowly put his fingers inside.

After finally prepared Kuroko, Kiyoshi took off his short in a flash. "I'm going to enter."

Kiyoshi slowly put his manhood inside Kuroko and put his body onto Kuroko like bread and a ham, going together.

"I love this position, you know?"


"Because this way I could feel the hot and wet body, the friction when I move together with the person under me. It's very good you know."

"You seemed to know a lot about it…senpai…ahh!"

"It's fully inside now…I'm going to move, okay?" Kiyoshi slowly began to thrust in and out Kuroko. "How does it feel?"

"It's…kinda…good…I cannot explain it…" Kuroko replied.

"Is that so?"

Every time Kiyoshi move Kuroko could feel his back collide with Kiyoshi chest and that made him even more excited. Their body already soaked with sweat and no one is and will be here to interrupt them.

Kiyoshi began to increase his tempo and his hands began to get naughty. He played with Kuroko chest and the other hand began to pump on Kuroko again. Kuroko couldn't keep his mouth close and continued to moan out along with the gushing out saliva.

Kiyoshi took his fangs down on Kuroko's shoulder as he about to reach his max tempo. "I love you, Tetsuya…I've set eyes on you since I first saw you…" Kiyoshi said into Kuroko's ear.

"Me too…I never thought that you'd have the feeling for me…" Kuroko turned his head so they lips could meet. Their tongues entwined while the lower body still going at the same rhythm.

"Senpai…I'm going to…"

"Me too…let's go together!" Kiyoshi let his seed inside Kuroko before pulling it out. Kuroko could feel something warm enter his body. Kiyoshi's hand also finished Kuroko at the same time. He licked his fingers later for the white liquid from Kuroko.

After that they lied down on the floor together and panted heavily and frequently.

"That…was…great…I could have never felt this good without you…" Kiyoshi said and looked at Kuroko.

"But…I'm not…quite satis…fied…yet…" Kuroko tried to bring his body up, after he successfully, he tried to lift Kiyoshi's legs up.

"Kuroko! What are you-Ahh!" Kuroko thrust into Kiyoshi in one fell swoop. "That hurts, Kuroko!"

"Sorry…I'm going to move Senpai!" Comparing the size between Kuroko and Kiyoshi. Kuroko was a lot more easier to put it inside.

Kuroko started with fast tempo right away and his head leaned down to suck on Kiyoshi's hard nipple.

"Nngh…" Kiyoshi moaned out, now he understood how good it felt when someone entered your body. "Fa-faster…Tetsuya!"

Kuroko nodded before he finally reached his max speed. "Te-Teppei-san! I-I'm going to…ahh…" Kuroko released inside Kiyoshi before he fell down onto Kiyoshi's body. "Yo-you…haven't finished right…just now…"

"O-Oi, oi! That's enough Kuroko! H-hiya…" Kuroko used his last strength to suck on Kiyoshi's manhood. His tongue tried to play with Kiyoshi as much as possible.

"Tetsuya…I'm coming!" Kuroko swallowed down as much as he can but some of them dripped out from his mouth. This time Kiyoshi used his hand to catch Kuroko before he fell down. "Are you alright?"

"Ye-yeah…I'm so tired…"

"He-hey, don't sleep yet. Let's go take a shower together so we can go back." Kiyoshi opened the door to look around, after he couldn't hear anything. He carried Kuroko on his back and walked toward the shower room, naked.

"You can wash yourself alone right? Or…do you need my help? I'd be glad to help you." Kiyoshi said and kissed Kuroko.

"I-I can do it myself, don't worry."

"Is that so…?" Kiyoshi made a disappointed and a little upset face.

"J-just help wash the back…" Kiyoshi smiled and then they began to take a shower. Kiyoshi put Kuroko down and the boy slightly lost his balance because of the activity just now.

"Your skin is so smooth…and fluffy too…I like it." Kiyoshi said while he's cleaning Kuroko's back.

"But…I'd like to be like you. A strong, firm muscle. It made me feel…good when I touch your."

"Interesting…..there, you're done. If you need my help again, just call."


After they finished cleaning themselves and get changed. Kiyoshi suggested that Kuroko stayed at his house tonight.

"You're staying alone?"

"Well…right now, yeah. Worry?" Kiyoshi grinned. "Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to you tonight."

"How can I trust you?"

"Well, with this!" Kiyoshi pulled Kuroko into a kiss one last time. "Is that enough?"

"Tha-that's not very assuring, in fact…it meant that I'm in danger all the time."

Kiyoshi laughed and this time he promised with his pinky finger. After that Kiyoshi get Nigou out of the locker before they walked home together, holding hands. Although Kuroko's balance is kinda lost.

"So how was your practice, last night?" Hyuga asked.

"It was great, I was able to learn many things, right? Tetsuya!" Kiyoshi smiled.

"Te…Tetsuya? Since when did you call Kuroko's first name!" Hyuga shouted.

"I don't know? Maybe I just want to try it out…that's all. Anyway, let's get back to practice shall we?

"Izuki-senpai…is it just me or…Kuroko's movement today seems weird. It's like he has problem with his leg and looks difficult to run."

"You think so too, Kagami? Well…I think maybe he's just overrun last night. Don't worry…"

"Yes…" But Kagami couldn't keep his worry in check so later he went to ask Kuroko about it.

"Kuroko, do you have any problems with your leg?"

"Ah…I fell from the bed last night…that's why."

"Oh…okay, hope you get better soon."

Kagami left after that but Kiyoshi came instead.

"Fell from the bed? That's one of the lame excuse I've ever heard of."

"And whose fault is it? And last night, you hugged me like a teddy bear not to mention that you took my shirt off again. And since when did you have shirt my size in your closet?"

"Well…it's just a coincidence…" Kiyoshi quickly put a kiss on Kuroko's forehead before he left.

"Senpai…you idiot…" Kuroko touched his forehead after that and smiled happily before he returned to join the practice with the others.

So how was it? Hope I didn't write anything wrong or weird since it's my first time writing Rated M fiction that includes those scenes. Thank you anyone for reading and if you would please spend your time to review, I'd be grateful.