I own nothing. Slash. Last chapter. Enjoy. REVIEW!

"N-Neville," Draco said sitting next to me in the Potions lab.

"Hey," I said feeling hopeful.

"I-I'm so-sorry."

Smiling happily I linked our hands together on top of the table. I had no idea how long it was going to take for Draco to talk to me again, but I was so happy to hear his voice once more.

I was never upset with Draco for ignoring me this morning. Truthfully I hadn't known what to say even as I sat down. I just wanted to let Draco know that I was there for him. He hadn't needed that at the time.

Now Draco was sitting next to me and it was obvious that he wanted to be with me once again. Yes, I had been worried that everything was going to cause him to break up with me. I was glad I was wrong.

"Can we talk after class?" I asked softly.

"I-I ha-have t-to d-do home-homework," Draco said shaking his head.

I opened my mouth to say something else when Professor Snape walked in. A sigh fell from my lips, but Draco seemed to focused on the class that I knew he wouldn't talk to me.

As Snape talked I tried my hardest to focus on him, but I just couldn't. I wanted to know what was going on with Draco and between what he just said and what George said of his schedule I had no idea when I'd be able to.

About half way through the two hour class Snape was talking about the different uses of the Wiggentree. It was odd for Snape to go over things in this way so it must be important.

For once I felt myself actually listening to everything Snape was saying. Normally I was expecting him to yell at me for something or another, but he didn't even notice me today.

"Can we do homework together?" I asked when Snape let us go.

"Ye-Yeah," Draco said nodding.

Smiling happily I linked my hand with Draco's once more and walked with him to his dorm. People were staring at us, but no one had said anything so I'm not sure if Draco even noticed or not.

When we got to his dorm we sat on the floor on either side of the coffee table and started to work. The thing that I noticed the most though was that Draco was basically leaning on me as we sat there.

"When can we talk, Draco?" I asked putting my quill down.

"Unless you want to run with me tonight," Draco said not looking up, "Tomorrow at dinner."

"You're that busy?"

"I have one class of my worst and favorite subject everyday. I might understand everything that goes on, but when it comes to homework I'm not very good. I spend most of my time everyday working on it."

Sighing I nodded my head. I had heard all about Draco wanting to be a Transfiguration professor and while he was amazing in the subject he just couldn't do the homework easily.

"I'll run with you then," I said nodding my head quickly.

"Neville," Draco said staring at me.

"What? Okay, so I'm not really one for running, but if we only have that time to be together during the week I'll take it."

A surprised look came to Draco's face before his eyes softened and he smiled. I hated that he was surprised by little things like that. I wanted that to be something that was normal in our relationship.

"What's next?" I asked as we put our things away.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," Draco said standing up.

"We don't have that together. I think you have that with Harry."

Draco sighed softly in sadness before nodding his head once more. I knew that he wanted to spend some time with me as well, but with his schedule that was going to be quite hard.

Leaning forward I pressed my lips to his gently. As our lips moved together I couldn't help but feel like I was home. That this was where I belonged in the world and I loved it.

"Meet me here are midnight?" Draco asked pulling away.

"Of course," I said happily, "Unless we have classes later. See you then, Draco."

Kissing Draco once more I walked out of his dorm knowing that we were going to opposite sides of the school. I wished that we had more classes together, but I wouldn't be able to take on Draco's schedule.

It wasn't until after dinner in Study of Ancient Runes that I got to see Draco once again. He smiled happily when he saw me before walking in with Hermione. Seems like they were together during dinner.

"Hey," I said when they sat next to me.

"H-Hi," Draco said before yawning, "On-Only o-one mo-more c-class."

"What do you have after this?"


"You have those three classes everyday right? Potions, Transfiguration, and Art?"


Smiling I turned to Professor Babbling and started to take notes. This was my second favorite class. Being able to read these Runes was something I had been interested in since I first saw them.

I wasn't all that good at Runes, but that didn't mean that I loved it any less. Herbology would always be my favorite subject, and the one that I was best at, and maybe one day I'll figure out what I wanted to do with it.

As the lecture continued I felt myself looking over at Draco and Hermione. I had known Hermione was a bookworm since the first moment I saw her, but Draco, that was unexpected.

Right now he looked like he was in his element. His notes were clear from what I could see and he seemed to be getting every word down. Given it was in short hand, but they were still clear.

Turning my attention back to Professor Babbling I continued to take notes only to notice how messy they were compared to Draco's. I never did learn how to take notes correctly.

"I-I co-could tea-teach y-you," Draco said as we were packing everything away.

"I'd like that," I said smiling, "Thank you."

Draco smiled happily before taking my hand in his. I expected him to start walking to his next class, which I was going to walk him to, but he just stood there staring at me.

I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong when he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. Smiling into the kiss I cupped the side of his face and brought him closer to me.

When he pulled back he turned away and started to walk to his next class. We didn't get very far before a spell flew over our heads causing us to freeze in shock before turning.

"Is this what has become of the powerful Draco Malfoy?" Theodore Nott said with a smirk, "Dating a filthy Blood Traitor. Oh how the great fall. Tell me how does it feel to know how…"

"Leave him alone," I said before trying to pull Draco away.

"I don't think so, Longbottom."

Before I could take a step I felt myself being thrown across the hallway and falling onto the floor. A groan fell from my lips as I looked up and saw that Nott was sending spells Draco's way.

Draco wasn't exactly fighting, just defending himself. I raised myself ready to defend my boyfriend when I felt two people grab my arms. A laugh came from the shadows as another Slytherin came to stop in front of me.

"Hey Draco," the Slytherin said with a laugh, "Watch this."

The Slytherin moved forward quickly and punched me in the stomach. Gasping I started to fall forward only to have whoever was holding me tighten their grips to make sure I didn't.

A few more punches hit me before I felt the people let go of me. I laid there for a moment until I felt a hand on my back. Rolling over I saw that it was Draco leaning over me.

"Stay away from him," Draco said turning back to Nott.

"Or what?" Nott asked smirking.

Draco's whole persona seemed to change when Nott said that. He slowly stood up and faced the Slytherin. I couldn't believe it. It was like Draco was suddenly back to being the man I knew before the summer.

"I might not be a Slytherin anymore," Draco said lifting his wand up, "But I am a Malfoy whether I like that or not. If you hurt the people I care about you will regret it."

Nott and the other Slytherin's started to laugh. He took a step forward only to be sent flying backwards. Everyone looked at Draco with slight fear before they too were sent the ground.

"I'm not joking, Nott," Draco said glaring, "I have no qualms with defending my family or my boyfriend. Do not test me. Now. Go."

As Draco said 'go' a spell shot from his wand causing the Slytherin's to fly down the hall. Without looking back at them Draco kneeled next to me and gave me a worried look. This is what I was waiting for. The balance between the old Draco and the new.

"Hello, Draco," I said panting from pain, "Welcome back."