I heard of a major party that they were going to. It was in one of the warehouses that were owned by some big shot. I dressed for the action. I put on tight pants and a loose shirt. I had told them that I would make it and walked away. I know where it was going to be at so I knew I would be ok…

That was until I got there. This was no party it was group of gangsters getting down. It was crazy and I did not like it. I turn to head to the front door I was stopped by a tall man with blond hair. His bangs were hanging in his face like Ino's and it did not look right. He had on a fish net shirt and baggy black pants. He just smiled at me.

"Hey Pretty boy. Where are you going? The fun just started." His smile got sharper and I went to punch him when my hands were stopped. "Now that is not nice. I let you in here and you go ahead and try to punch me. I have to show you manner don't I Pretty one."

He puts both of my hands in to one of his and pulls back the other. I saw the punch coming; I closed my eyes so I did not see it hit me. I waited for the pain but it never came. Right next to me was another blond gripping the first ones fist.

"D, man, let this one go." I heard him say, well, growl. His eyes were hard and I had a feeling that this might turn in to a fight.

"So, Fox, you are going to stop me. That is a first. Something about this Pretty boy that makes you stops me. Do tell, I would like to know what makes you do so." I whine when he pulls on my hands and that is saying something. I am on the football team and this is not something someone like me should even be in. I am not a gangster.

"You can have fun with Puppet over there. Let this one go and the next one that falls in here I will not stop you." The man holding me by just my hands thinks about this, and then he nods.

"I will have to tell leader what you just did." He let me, not gently, and pushed me out the door. "I would walk the Pretty boy home if I were you Fox."

"Whatever, D, I was planning on it." I watch as the guy that saved me comes out and looks at me. "You getting up? I am not caring you and I am leaving. I have no reason of being here tonight." With that he walks away.

I get up and follow him. He was a mystery and I hate mysteries. He wore just a normal black jacket and baggy orange pants. He does not look like the type of person that would be in that group. When the light from one of the light poles hits his hair it shines like the sun. To a point I want to see that hair in the sun.

I remember his eyes being cold blue when he spoke to the guy, D. That is one weird name to have, just one letter. I find it funny.

"What do you find funny? As I see it there is nothing funny about where you are standing. You are D's new subject and he won't stop until he has tasted you. You are now under my protection and that is something this I do not like." I was going to tell him to 'f' off but he stopped me. "We're here. Don't go anywhere else tonight. I cannot watch over you."

He left me with those words. I could not believe that he just said that. I was under his protection, it sounded like a death sentence. Now that I think of it, it might just be. D wanted me and I guess it is not a good thing if that guy just stopped him from getting his way.

I got to my room and laid down and then I started to shiver. I could not believe that I was almost…I can't even say it, think it. I could not stop the thoughts and the shiver. I did not get much sleep that weekend.

When I got to school that Monday, I wanted answers and I was going to get them. I was not happy with my friends that told me about the party. When I spotted Sakura she ran and I followed her. She led me straight to the rest of the group. Neji was the one that spoke up.

"Sorry man. I had no clue what was going down. My uncle had me caged in the house. You have to believe me." With that one came the next one. Each one clamming that they were unable to go so they did not know what was going down.

I was starting to hate them all when the bell for first class rang. I walked straight to math. I did not care what was going on or the newest gossip.

I sat down at my desk when I noticed the whispering. I doubt that it was for me but when I caught orange in the side of my eye I looked up. Sitting 2 seats up and one over was Fox, the man that saved me last weekend. He did not look like he wanted to be here.

Kakashi-sensi looks at all of us and sighs. "Naruto you made it to class, welcome. I hope you all have the homework that I gave to you on Friday." With that the class began. I look at the guy I now know is named Naruto, and watch as he just looks into space.

When class ended, Kakashi-sensi wanted to talk to Naruto. I left but I could tell that he was looking at me. I thought that I did not have to deal with this anymore because the weekend is over. In the hall I hear:

"Naruto is back…."

"…wonder if he has to come…"

"…probably in trouble…"

"…won't be back tomorrow…"

These comments I heard all the way to my next class. When I got there I just sat down and did not care for anyone around me. I did not have to look up to know that Naruto was in this class with me. The whispers just grow.

It went in a circle until about lunch. I walk up to him as he sat by himself and asked, "Why are you here?" He just snorts and looks at me. That was my answer.

"I thought it was over. I did not leave all weekend and I do not plan to stay that way." I could tell that I pissed him off. He gets up and comes around the table, grabs me and pulls me out of the lunch room.

When we got to where ever he wanted us to be he pushed me against the wall.

"You don't get it do you? When you walked in the place Friday you became open property. When I stopped D, you became mine. In case you don't understand, I own you." With that he walked away.