Title: Teach Me
By: Bailee
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Summary: Jane follows the love of her life to medical school and realizes it's not as easy as she thought it would be. Luckily, she has her new friend Maura to help her along the way. AU.
Disclaimer: I don't own, I rent.
A/N: This is an idea I just couldn't get out of my head. It is very, very, very loosely inspired by Legally Blonde. I've been wanting to write an AU fic for quite a while, so I thought I would take that chance now. I hope you guys like it and please don't forget to review!
Chapter One
Jane Rizzoli was not your typical girl. When she arrived at Boston Cambridge University, people told her this. Often. Ever since she had made the varsity basketball and volleyball teams as a freshman, something that was unheard of at her high school, Jane knew she was different than most.
When she walked into high school on her first day, Jane was pleasantly surprised to find it was nothing like Hollywood, or at least the creators of Mean Girls, had lead her to believe. Cliques didn't run the school, there was no queen bee and you couldn't draw a map to describe the lunchroom.
But of course, like any school, there were the obvious popular girls, mostly cheerleaders and a few girls on the volleyball team, who all seemed to be dating someone from the football team. Jane never expected to be a part of this crowd. She had always assumed high school would go much like middle school and grade school, and worse, that the awful "roly-poly-Rizzoli" nickname would follow her as well, despite the fact that she had thinned out considerably the summer before.
So, when Gabriel Dean asked her to be his date to homecoming, to say she was surprised would be quite the understatement. Gabriel had been the 'Aaron Samuels' of her middle school. That didn't change in high school. He was on the football team; he was a basketball player, an honor student. And he was nice. That was a combination you didn't often find, a fact Jane was very much aware of, so she said yes.
Who knew it would change her whole life.
From that day on, she and Gabriel were inseparable. She quickly fell into his group of friends, not really caring much for the cheerleaders of the group, Debbie, Emily and Kate, but she always enjoyed spending time with her teammates, Jessica and Samantha. Besides, most of her time was spent with Gabriel, anyway.
It was no surprise when the two were elected both Homecoming and Prom king and queen their senior year. Throughout high school, Jane had quickly become the "popular girl," mostly due to the fact that she was dating the "popular guy," but her status as varsity basketball captain, volleyball co-captain and first baseman of the softball team also helped.
But still, Jane Rizzoli wasn't your typical popular girl.
Unlike most of her friends who spend most weekends partying at the house of whomever's parents happened to be out of town, Jane wasn't one for drinking and though she attended most of them, she was more than content to hang back with Jess and Sam and just talk.
Gabe was always the life of the party, no surprise there, and Jane had to drive him home and sneak him upstairs on more than one occasion. But when he wasn't drunk, he was what you might call the perfect boyfriend, so Jane figured it was a small price to pay.
After graduating high school, Gabe as Valedictorian, both he and Jane had received scholarships to BCU, Gabe for football and Jane for volleyball. Sam and Jess were also joining them at BCU and Jane was thrilled to have her two closest friends with her throughout college.
Jess was the one who got the idea that the three of them should join a sorority. At first, Jane was hesitant. She wasn't the type for wearing dresses or going shopping or bonding over boy bands and reality shows. But early in their friendship they had adopted an unspoken rule. What one of them did, all of them did, and majority ruled. So when Sam quickly agreed, Jane reluctantly joined too.
It turned out to be a pretty great idea. Most of the other girls were also at the school by way of sports scholarships and a surprising amount shared her aversion to dresses and the color pink. There were also couples that, like Jane, were majoring in photography, and they had several classes together.
And, of course, there was Gabriel. Despite both their hectic schedules, they were even closer after three years in college than they were when they arrived at BCU. Gabe was majoring in chemistry and planned to attend medical school next year, so he was always studying for some sort of test, not to mention that both were still in sports and had to travel a lot for games.
They had only been back to school for a few weeks and already their free time together had been limited. Normally, Jane would be more understanding, but Gabe had been gone all summer doing an internship in New York and Jane had missed him terribly.
Unfortunately, she was still missing him.
Gabriel had arrived back in Boston the day before classes began and had been so busy since, she had barely seen him.
This weekend, however, was different. Sunday was their anniversary. Seven years had passed since they went to Homecoming together and he had kissed her when he took her home. Jane was certain it had been the best seven years of her life.
She couldn't imagine her life without Gabriel in it and she certainly didn't want to.
The two were simply destined to be together, she was sure of it. They would graduate, get married and have a perfect life together.
So when Gabe had suggested dinner Saturday night, explaining that he had something very important to discuss with her. She knew immediately that he was going to propose, so Jane pulled out all the stops for this date. She even let a couple of her more fashion conscious friends take her shopping for the perfect dress. And heels. And she let them fix her hair and make up.
Yes, tonight would be perfect, she was sure of it.
- R & I -
"Wow, Jane, you look beautiful" Gabriel said when she answered the door that night. Jaen whispered a thank you as he kissed her cheek and led her to the car.
"So, where are you taking me?"
"I thought we would go to that Italian place you like. The one we went to on our second date. Is that okay?"
Jane nodded and smiled; taking his hand had gazing out the window as he drove. The ride went quickly and when they arrived, Gabe, ever the gentleman, circled around to open her door and led her inside.
Once they were seated, conversation flowed as it usually did. Jane smiled a bit, happy that after seven years, they could still find things to talk about.
Just another sign that we're meant to be, thought Jane.
"You never really told me, how was your internship?" Jane asked him. Of course, he had told her bits and pieces over the summer, but he had yet to tell her about his overall experience.
"It was good. I learned a lot, you know? It was really good for me."
Huh, well that's not vague at all.
"Actually, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about tonight," Gabe continued.
"Yeah. Well, you know I spent quite a bit of time with my Grandmother while I was there. We talked a lot about my plans for the future."
If Jane wasn't interested before, she certainly was now.
"We talked a lot about what I'm going to do, not just when I leave Boston next year, but what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. And we both agreed, it's time to get serious about my future."
"I couldn't agree more."
Jane was certain she was grinning like an idiot right now, but she didn't really care.
He's really going to ask me to marry him! This has to be the best day of my life so far.
"You know I come from an important family," Gabriel started, a forced smile appearing on his face.
Normally she didn't have any trouble finding the words, but tonight, she apparently had lost all ability to use any having more than one syllable.
"And I really have to live up to their expectations of me, you know? They expect me to become a world-class surgeon someday. Have a family. Kids. A nice house. All of that."
Jane just smiled, now having lost all ability to speak.
Here it comes! He is really going to ask me. I can't believe it!
"And I just don't think you're the person I'm supposed to have that with."
Did he just say what I think he said? No. It couldn't have been. I must have heard him wrong. I must have.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I think we should break up."
I'm dreaming, right? This is some sort of nightmare. A cruel joke. April fools in September. Anything but reality.
Jane could literally feel her heart breaking. She felt like she couldn't breath. She had completely forgotten how and she was surely going to suffocate.
"I don't…I don't understand. I thought. I mean. I thought you were going to…to…propose."
"Oh, honey. I did think about it. I did. It's just, well, my brother just got engaged and she just graduated at the top of her class from Harvard Med. And you…you're great sweetie. You are. But you're not exactly a medical student."
"So…so I'm not good enough for you now? You couldn't find some time in the last seven years to tell me this before now? On our anniversary?!"
"Well, technically our anniversary is tomorrow, so-"
Jane's glare cut him off.
I can't believe this. He doesn't think I'm good enough for him. He really thinks he can find someone who loves him more than I do? Well, he won't. He can't. So he will change his mind.
He just has to.
Tears filling her eyes, she followed him to the car, determined to find a way to win him back.
- R & I -
A/N: Sorry if this one wasn't the most exciting chapter, but I really needed to set the scene and get through all the background stuff. I promise it will get a million times more interesting when Jane and Maura meet. Please review and let me know what you think!