Disclaimer: Halo 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Halo ODST, Reach, and Halo Wars 1 and 2 followed by all books are all owned by Bungie and/or 343i. Dragon ball, Dragon ball Z, Dragon ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super is owned by Funimation, Fuji TV, Toei Animation, and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official releases and products.

Important Author's Note: As of myself editing and reconstructing this chapter on 11/28/2015. I've grown much more experienced in Halo related content including Ground, Aerial, and Ship battle descriptions and UNSC hardware (Not Covenant, yet). However be warned that even if I now hold much more knowledge than before I am still a person who prefers to refrain from overabundantly describing the complex naming of such ex: BR55 Service Rifle (Battle Rifle during Human-Covenant War to Halo 3)

Saiyans and the nature that is Ki Energy have some considerable differences for the sake of both the future story plot and also to allow such a crossover to begin with. To elaborate in a way, that doesn't confuse you. Ki Energy is identical to the Dragon Ball universe in every single way with the exception that it is less potent. More will be explained as you read the story. Saiyans are dependent (for the most part that is) on the potency of Ki Energy with the DB Universe and as such the less potent Ki will reflect on that. Also, one very last thing, Saiyans don't transform into Great Apes, but rather into a feral state of themselves. Cause I don't want Humanity freaking out over the Saiyans the minute, a full moon appears.

Random Fan: But Boyzilla-senpai! Ki Energy can destroy planets!

Ah but my random fan, read above as I just typed it.

"You had not given up the idea of reaching out, yearning, seeking a new horizon... And finding a new space to grow and prosper. For the first time, all of humankind was united in a shared vision, a common goal. You realized that this once great planet was now too small for you. There were too many souls and so little a world, and so you sought other worlds... But then you discovered something new." -Unknown

Be Hybrid

Chapter 1: That Distant Light

LOCATION: Luna System. DATE: 4/16/2352. Military Time: 14:53

The universe is vast, filled with mysterious... wonders... And secrets.

Humanity was always a curious race, one that when all others... Would head seemingly blindly into the void. Where one would stand their feet right before the shadow begins, ever looking into that bright light that they would always stare and wonder... Humankind would take that step forward, journeyed into the shadows and closer to that distant light.

Even when that darkness pushed against them, scarred their bodies and damaged their determination.

Again and again, they would push onward as their feet burned with every step they would keep walking and walking.

Sometimes they would run.

And when they ran, in that moment they would trip and fall... They would just get back up, brush off the dirt that clung to them, and press again toward that single almost minuscule distant light.

At moments... They would not like what they found.

Others... Would bring about innovation that sped them into progress and prosperity.

Perhaps it was better to leave things as they were? Was it just more convenient to turn their back against the changing reveal that lie before them? Even if what they saw suffered like themselves? Something that in so many ways, acted like them, believed and fought in ways that they themselves have felt?

Even if in that moment they choose to differ, choose to save those that suffered... When in fact a dark secret that lay in the vastness of the galaxy, hides within?

Maybe they were too late one time or by some change in the past the one who suffered never came to be in the first place?

This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.

Yet some... Should be touched.

The year is Twenty-three-fifty-two, it had been almost a century since the discovery of the Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine which transcended mankind beyond the veil that made up the Sol System. Throughout that time, Humanity had broken through its self-made cage of overpopulation and expanded throughout the stars. Now in the present time, Humanity prospered as solar system after solar system was colonized and the number that made up the United Earth Government grew above a hundred colonies.

It still continued to rise.

Within the deepness of space, on the outer edge that made up one such solar system, the blackness that made up the empty void of space suddenly erupted into a brightly cyan lit circle, the inner circle nothing but darkness in contrast to the blinding light that surrounded it.

Out from the inner nothingness emerged a blocky-shaped three-hundred-meter vessel. As soon as the ship left the portal-shaped rupture, the phenomenon vanished due to the concept of Hawkings Radiation.

This large vessel had a series of letters painted on its sides, the UNSC Dragonheart it was called. It was considered the prototype in what would become the first in the Charon-class light frigate series of UNSC navy ships. Within this lone ship lay the markings of a great change that would influence events yet to come.

A great expanse of space greeted the main deck of the Dragonheart, as aging Captain Roshi Hermit looked into the newly revealing solar system that once was so far out of reach. As the light frigate made its engines boost itself deeper, closer towards the inner gravities of the fragile workings that made up the system's planetary rotation.

Roshi put down a mug onto a table, standing up and letting his old bones kick themselves some lift into them. The UNSC Captain glanced toward the direction of an experimental holographic projector known as a holotank. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Rei respond, please." Roshi said.

A blue hologram avatar of a twenty-year-old looking Chinese scientist female popped up displayed on the holotank. Her figure distorting for the briefest of moments before settling down into a high-quality projection. This is Rei, UNSC ship Smart Artificial Intelligence assigned to the UNSC Dragonheart as a test to see whether or not having an AI was considered both feasible and financially worth it to have them aboard battleships. Smart Artificial Intelligence have been in existence since he late 21st Century, and over the years, they've improved. Rei now had the lifespan of five years instead of the previous three.

In the future, they hope to further expand on Smart AI lifespan and make them more reliable over long periods of time.

"I've responded Captain, holotank working well, a few kinks here and there, but I'm sure I can fix that," Rei responded as 'she' looked at him. "Shall I commence the operation?"

"As usual, scan the system," Roshi said.

"Let's see... A few Gas Giants in the system, three planets, a red star... This... This can't be right?" She trailed off as she placed a hand on her avatar's forehead.

"What's the matter Rei?" He asked with some concern.

"Sir you aren't going to believe this... This system is inhabited. I'm picking up radio wavelengths, well, what's left of them from the third planet to the star. I believe it's officially labeled as Planet Zorgon... I don't have the equipment to further investigate. We'll have to get closer in."

Roshi Hermit couldn't believe it, this system was supposed to be lifeless. Then again, relying purely on probe and telescope data could have flaws. Could this be first-contact? So soon after leaving their home system? Sure it had been around ninety to a hundred years since they discovery slipstream travel, but people speculated alien life way later down the road, or even that aliens didn't exist at all.

"I want the Dragonheart on alert status, Rei send a message to Highcom. Bring us closer to Zorgon!" Roshi yelled with an authoritative voice at his crew.

The prototype Charon-Class light frigate's engines burned brightly as it powered the ship closer to the designated planet, upon coming short of atmospheric entry, the full view of the world below came into sight. The radio wavelengths that the AI had stated earlier were indeed just repeated messages scattered and dead.

The world below covered with hazardous looking green skies, clear signs and readings of nuclear radiation and possibly biological warfare aftermath.

"Situation update, what the hell happened down there?" Roshi questioned with an arching eyebrow.

One of the navy crew members responded, "Sir... It's a near-complete nuclear holocaust. Low-yield nuclear bombardment across the entire planet."

Rei finished it off, "In a nutshell, ladies, and gentlemen, the alternate result of the Cold War." The AI stated.

"Captain, I'm reading the radiation levels of the planet and well... I think it's just on the edge of safe levels for humans." A navy women stated as she read them off the screen.

"And what are you suggesting?" Roshi asked her.

The navy girl almost flinched under Roshi's voice, "Well sir, I was implying that we send a team down to investigate? Perhaps an ODST squad at the very least, their armor's thickness would block off the radiation enough to allow them safe passage for a good few hours."

Roshi turned his attention to the AI who seemed to be staring into the sky, but he knew she was focused on something else. "Rei, something you like to tell us?"

"Captain, I'm getting life signature readings. I was using the Dragonheart's sensors to ping down to what seems to be this sentient's version of radio towers. With a few knocks and tweaks here and there I've managed to pinpoint a variety of strange readings, more notably life signatures scattered about."

"Wait, you're telling me things are alive down there?" This put more thought into his mind, "You can't be seriously thinking-"

"That we should send men down? Yes, I am Captain, I'm way too curious and also this could be a breakthrough in human history." Rei countered, before pointing to the same navy girl that suggested it in the first place. "Her idea would fit just fine, pack a squad of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers into a pelican and let them investigate a targeted region."

A heavy sigh escaped Roshi's mouth as he walked a bit forward to the blast windows, overlooking the hazy green clouds that covered the planet below.

Perhaps... If there was just the slightest chance... That maybe humanity can do something for the better.

Then humanity didn't have to be alone in this cruel vast galaxy.

"I'm approving the mission."

LOCATION: Planet Zorgan's Surface. DATE: 4/16/2352. Military Time: 16:10

D70-TC Pelican, current top-of-the-line UNSC dropship traveled through the sickening green atmosphere the covered the entire planet. Inside this ship, a five man squad of ODSTs lay in wait, sitting down in wait as the Pelican shook in the aerial drift that impacted against it.

Orbital Drop Shock Troopers have been around since the late 21st century, first seeing combat on Mars against rogue forces fighting against the United Nations at that time. After the interplanetary war, they received an official mark of approval of being a real military regiment. They are the best of the best, hell jumpers going feet first into hell.

The female pilot flicked on a few switches on top of his control console before speaking, "Delta-07 to UNSC Dragonheart, we're inbound and about to break through the cloud barrier, over."

"Roger that Delta-07, we are tracking your position. Be sure to enable video recording software."

"Roger that, Delta out." The pilot said, before speaking to the ODST that carried on her bird. "Alright, boys prepare yourselves cause we are going in-Shit!" A quick grasp of the controls as the moment the pelican broke through the barrier it almost hit a tall ruined structure the size of a skyscraper. "Okay, close one!" She exclaimed as she guided the dropship through a sea of foreign ruins.

The D70-TC Pelican flew left and right, scouring the destroyed urban landscape for a suitable zone to drop its cargo.

"Bzzzzhhhh... Tssssh... Krzzzzh..."

"Sorry?" The pilot said in a confused matter, turning the radio signal a bit, "Wait... This isn't coming from the Dragonheart."

Meanwhile, something in the semi-distant encampment shook in response, the ground moved as a large weapon construct came forth. A quick burst of smoke and fire, and out shoots four anti-air missiles. They travel through the sky before coming into Delta-07's range of notice.

"Incoming! Evasive maneuvers!" She yelled as she steered the dropship, avoiding two missiles that crash and explode into a skyscraper, sending the building crashing down into the rubble below. She attempted the turn the skip again, but while it avoided another, the last hit the wing of the Pelican. "We're hit, right wing damaged. Still in control but forced to land in less than desirable location!"

Heading lower to the ground below, the Pelican landed on the midway section of what appeared to be some sort of traffic street.

The pilot surveyed the damage to her bird, hissing in discontent as she looked back to the ODST squad that now stood guard outside the landed drop ship with her.

The ODST squad's leader looked to her through the helmet, "Status?"

She dared not take off her own gear given to her for this mission in fear of radiation, "Nothing too serious, I can make a few minor repairs and get the bird up and running in an hour or two."

He nodded and turned to his crew, "Set up a perimeter, check and roll call. Jack ready."

"Ash ready to go, sir."

"Alyssa set and ready sir!"

"Shirou set, sir."

"Lewis prepped sir."

The squad leader nodded again, "Keep your channel open and recording on-going." He finished as he raised his MA2C Assault Rifle.

The ODSTs set up a twenty by twenty-meter perimeter around the Pelican's location, making use of the urban rubble around them as coverage for any potential hostiles in this god forsaken nuclear wasteland.

Around a few minutes past as they prepared the defenses, but for ODST Shirou, he discovered a strange remnant.

A skeleton.

A very human skeleton, with a tail growing out the backside and a bone structure that appeared quite obviously denser than any of the anatomy books he's read about his own kind. Sure the ear lobe appeared a bit larger too, but a freaking tail!

"What the hell..." Shirou said out loud.

The sound of dirt and pebbles being sent into the air very quickly cause the confused ODST to bring his firearm up to bear and point it at the direction of the noise. He took a step forward keeping his MA2C Assault Rifle aimed and ready.

Out from the rubble came... Uh... A small mouse-sized creature of alien sorts.

He lay down his arms, sighing, "Must be this world's version of a rat."

*Beep... Beep... Beep...*

His helmet's HUD motion sensor flared as the ODST raised himself to combat status once again. One signal... Two... Four... Six in total coming up just in front of his position, out of view. They moved in a slow walking place before stopping, their motion signals disappearing as they went off of it. A full minute passed and during that time one or two would move and be caught in the motion sensor once again.

They moved in unison, all six, towards his position.

"Come out where I can see you!" Shirou yelled, pointing his weapon toward the direction where the motion was being tracked.

A sputtering of what appeared to be gibberish in his ears was heard first before six children came into sight.

"..." He was speechless for the briefest moment. "Is this some sort of trick?"

Okay so they looked like human children with monkey tails swinging around their backsides, sure they looked like malnourished eight-year-olds, and... God dang it, his sympathy is playing with his feelings.

He clicked the side of his head, "Ugh guys, I need a little help here... I... I don't know what to think."

One of these 'children' spoke, it sounded remarkably close to an Asian accent and language.

Shirou looked to that kid in surprise, "Jesus Christ kid, I swear you almost spoke close to Japenese or something though it would a far off-shoot if you did." He then realized he practically called an alien a kid. "Well... Hopefully, you are the kid equivalent."

A girl within the alien group yelled something, pointing toward the direction behind. The ODST tilted his head to see what could possibly be behind them and be such a problem. All the sudden the children ran forward, nearly catching him off guard as he raised his weapon once again to stop their progress only to be agape at what appeared to be a small horde of mutated feral adults with... Well, very unnatural parts growing out of their bodies.

"Oh man, get behind me!" He said as he raised the MA2C and began firing a full thirty round cartridge into the feral horde. The UNSC-grade weaponry tore apart them with relative ease, however, there were too many to count and he was alone with a bunch of children. "I need help, engaging unknown hostiles! Freaking mutates!"

A 'mutate' opened its mouth and fired from what appeared to be a yellow blast of energy.

"Get down!" The ODST had tackled two of the children as the yellow energy went overhead, destroy the insides of a broken store across the street.

"Shirou! Suppressive fire!" His fellow ODST, Alyssa, arrived as she lay down the law upon the mutant aliens.

"Covering the right flank!" Shirou's team leader, Jake, exclaimed as he took the right side and helped destroy the hostiles.

Shirou got up on his hands, looking down to the terrified children underneath him. Strangely, all seem to have black hair and eyes for some odd reason, their hairstyles were very out of the world though.

"You alright?" He asked them.

They didn't respond, only looking at him with either shock or awe.

It was very adorable.

"Cute, but no time for that." The ODST got them on their feet, motioning them to follow him. "Evac this way."

They must not recognize they're different, then again the armor didn't allow these... Human-like children to correctly observe him. Why the hell were they out in this wasteland all alone, heck, where were their parent figures... Unless...

He glanced back toward the direction of the dead feral corpses.

Those used to be the parents before their nuclear holocaust... Then... Something else happened as well didn't it? Possible biological warfare mixed in with the nukes? Then how come only the adults were affected in that case? Did it target something within their bodies? Like that energy for example?

'Perhaps these kids have that energy too? Just underdeveloped and so were immune to the effects till they reach maturity?' He thought, the children, however, didn't appear to mind following him back to the Pelican. In fact, they seemed almost relieved that there were... 'adult' figures that weren't crazy mutant ferals.

"Pilot, we need to lift soon!" Shirou explained to the pilot who was working on the systems on board.

"Huh, why- Where did those kids come from!?" She exclaimed.

"Lift now, questions later. We got hostiles and I'm sure more will come." He clicked his radio channel, "Sir, um... Kids are in the drop ship."

"On our way, we've dealt with the mutant creatures but motion trackers are going haywire. They're more inbound."

The rest of the ODST Squad returned to the pelican quickly, the drop ship purring to life as she lifted into the sky and escaped the urban landscape that began to be filled with hundreds of mutants below. Luckily they managed to reach a considerable attitude that prevented those energy blasts from reaching before they dispersed into nothingness.

"This is Delta-07, carrying unique live packages. Um... Kids, sir."

There was a pause.

"What..." Was all the UNSC Dragonheart had to say.

This chapter has been completely reconstructed, chapter 2 will also be reconstructed when I get to it.