I still remember the look on your face
Lit through the darkness at 1:58
the words that you whispered for just us to know
you told me you loved me so why did you go... away.

"I hate you!" Nina screamed behind Fabian as he left the apartment with a bag full of clothes in his hand. "You lied! You never loved me!"

Fabian whipped around and faced her.

"That's not true!" He yelled back.

"What isn't true; that you never loved me, you lied, or that I hate you?"

"All of it! It's not even my-"

"Don't even make excuses! I knew love didn't exist, but you just had to try and change my mind!"

Fabian knew she was hurt and yelling at her only made this worse. If this was the last time he ever got to see her because of some freak accident, or if she did something to herself, he would hate for it to be because of this fight.

"Nina, listen-"

"No, don't 'Nina listen' me! I just-" She was interrupted by his hands cupping her face and his lips on hers, and she didn't bother to pull back.

Fabian was the one who broke the kiss. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "I love you." He then turned and left Nina standing there in shock, anger, and utter bliss.

"Where's he going?!" Jerome yelled as Nina realized him and Mick were standing there. Nina turned to see what Jerome was looking at and realized the elevator doors had just closed in front of the boy she loved.

Nina looked at Mick who was staring directly at her with unreadable eyes as she choked out three words as calmly as she could. "I don't know."

Continue? Really short, I know. I had a three page prologue but I didn't like it so I changed the story to fit around a new idea. Please review.

I will continue this story if I get 5 reviews. (Only for chapter one because I need to know if you want me to continue and I'm horrible at updating.)