Thank you all for the reviews! I hope you liked the last chapter and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask.


Kisuke frowned as he watched a pillar of reiatsu rise from the ground far below. Even from this distance, the winds were fierce. He placed a hand on his hat to keep it from flying away.

The shop keeper wondered, what could make the boy lose his head in such a way? Ichigo's spiritual pressure would crush- Urahara stopped short. He couldn't feel the teen's spiritual pressure.

The last time that happened was when...

Kisuke's eyes widened in shock. At this rate, he really would destroy the town.


Soifon was scared. Though she'd rather die than admit it. The blinding light of blue reiatsu was fading, and soon Soifon would be under attack. She needed a strategy, but it seemed it was now too late. The light was gone faster than she anticipated and she found her surroundings dark.

"Kurosaki!" She shouted, hoping that the teen would listen. "Your family has not been harmed! You may speak to them if you wish!" At this point, compromise was crucial. A figure appeared in the darkness. Soifon could see bright blue eyes staring back at her. Just as she was about to speak, her breath was knocked right out of her. The captain of the second squad coughed and gasped for breath as she felt the reiatsu of the being before her bear down on her. She was forced to her knees, her hands gripping at her throat as if she could open the airways herself. And as the teenager stepped closer, the reiatsu got impossibly heavier. She could actually feel it start to burn.

"What makes you think I'll believe you?" Ichigo let his spiritual pressure up slightly, allowing her to breathe, yet kept her on her knees.

"If you don't stop, your family will die!" It was Soifon's last choice. Immediately the pressure was gone and she took in a massive breath and shakily stood on her feet. She refused to show weakness by gasping and sputtering for air like a fool. Something anyone else would have done.

"Bring them here now." Ichigo paused and glared down at the petite woman. "Kami help you if you sputtered out any of your lies."

Soifon clenched her jaws, and ignored the blow to her pride as she nodded at the teen. She signaled with her hand and she felt the reiatsu of the Kurosakies coming forward. She paused, noticing none of her men were following. Turning around she saw her men sprawled out on the floor further back in the shadows knocked unconscious. Of course they would be, the spiritual pressure just released by the young man was immense.

"They're fine, Ichigo." The voice of the eldest Kurosaki snapped Soifon out of her musings. She quickly glanced at the transcended being and noticed his relatively calmer stance. She seemed out of the woods for now.

"Take them home, make sure nothing happens to them." Ichigo paused and fixed his father with a firm stare. "Or you. Remember, you're all they have now." Isshin tightened his jaw and gave a curt nod. He stood and carried Yuzu and Karin (who had been taken from her friends house). As he turned to leave he gave one final glare to Soifon over his shoulder before he shunpoed away.

"It seems you do know when to give up." A glare was sent Urahara's way as Soifon snapped her head over to his voice. It was now two to one. In all honesty, Ichigo alone would be like facing a thousand, but it was better to keep to simple numbers if Soifon wanted any hope of survival. It seemed she would be needing help after all. The captain of the second division pulsed her reiatsu causing Urahara and Ichigo to tense. The area around them cooled and in less than a heart beat the captain of the tenth division stood before her, shikai already released.

Ichigo narrowed his eyes on Toshiro as he flash stepped near Soifon. The white haired boy refused to meet his gaze, but his face was solemn. For several moments nothing happened. The pregnant pause allowed everyone to take the situation in as they each reviewed the options. The simplest question would be asked first.

"Why did you kill me" A strong yet soft voice broke the tense silence. Toshiro's eyes closed and his jaw clenched, refusing to answer.

"Orders" Soifon said simply. He should have know honestly. She stuck to the rules like glue.

"Why was my death needed."

"You will find out when you come with us. We have been ordered to bring you back to the soul society by any means." Urahara narrowed his eyes at her statement. That was why then, she kidnapped his family.

"And if he doesn't go?" Yoruichi asked. The goddess of flash appearing before them. She stood protectively in front of Ichigo, her eyes narrowed on Soifon. The captain of the second squad froze for a fraction of a second, her jaw tightening minutely. 'The law must be upheld'.

"We were given precautionary measures." She now looked past her mentor to Ichigo. "If you do not come with us willingly, we will spend the next 80 years tracking you and your family down. You will no longer have a chance at a normal life. And when we find you, the rest of your family will be killed and be forced to join the Gotei 13" Yoruichi snarled as she glared at her blinded pupil. She glanced over at Kisuke and saw his grim expression. It seemed, there wasn't much hope.

"And if I go?" Yoruichi and Urahara snapped their heads towards Ichigo, their eyes wide.

"Then we will not pursue your family." Soifon paused, choosing her words carefully. "Your sisters would be able to continue their life in peace, and your family will also have a select group of Shinigami to watch out for their welfare. They will be guarded under all times and wont be in any danger from hollows ever again." There was a pause as Ichigo stared at Soifon, his gaze intense.

"Do you promise me that my family will be left alone?" Yoruichi and Urahara glanced at each other once more, their expressions shocked.

"Ichigo, think about this!" Said young man looked over at Yoruichi, his eyes determined.

"I did." He once again glanced at Soifon who now stood straight, out of her battle ready stance now that it was clear that the teen didn't want to fight any longer.

"I will make sure that your family is taken cared of and watched. It will be my personal responsibility to watch for their welfare. A seated officer will always accompany 2 other Shinigami." She paused and looked at the young man that had so much life left to live. A human life that he will never experience.

Because she had to follow orders.

During this, all attention was directed at Soifon. Each experienced person was able to see the regret that flashed in her eyes for only a moment, disappearing as if it had never been there. This only proved to strengthen Ichigo's resolve and to ease Yoruichi's nerves. She had not trained a cold hearted killer. Her Soifon was there, but she was buried underneath the stress of upholding her clan honor and maintaining a strong squad. In a way, the Gotei 13 truly had destroyed her.

"On the honor of my position as captain, I will do all that I can to ensure your family's safety."

And Yoruichi smiled, knowing Soifon, it wasn't a statement said lightly. Just as the others knew this.

Ichigo inclined his head and let go Zangetsu. As soon as the blade was out of his hand it dissolved into black reiatsu, the black glove and chain around his arm remained. If anyone there was surprised by the sudden evaporation of his zanpactou, they did well to hide it.

"Then I shall go with you." Soifon nodded curtly and Toshiro, who had stayed quiet throughout the whole ordeal, sealed his zanpactou.

"Just remember," Everyone froze at the icy tone that the young man spoke in. "That I do not go willingly because I wish to." There would be hell to pay. Ichigo didn't, by any means forget the fact that he was now currently dead, being forced to join an organization he wanted no part of, and having to bend to the will of others for the sake of his family.

Soifon gave a stiff nod as the captain of the 10th division opened a sekaimon, the bright white light illuminating their surroundings.

"Come, Kurosaki." Were the first words murmured by the seemingly young boy. Ichigo stepped forward. His eyes narrowing is resignation as he gave a final glance around him.

"I will see you sometime later I hope" He nodded towards Urahara and Yoruichi.

"Do you honestly think we'd let you go alone?" Yoruichi stepped up. For once, the goddess of flash had a serious look on her face.

"I wouldn't put it past them to set a trap. Just precaution of course." She finished off while looking at the two captains. The orange haired teen nodded in acceptance and appreciation, refusing to argue. And knowing that doing so would be pointless. She would follow anyways.

"Come then." Toshiro entered first, followed by Yoruichi and Ichigo. Soifon bringing up the rear. As the gates closed and darkness creeped up only one member of the original group remained. Urahara Kisuke closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh. It had been a long night and it was yet to be over with. With that thought in mind he turned on his heel and made way to the Kurosaki household. Things would have to be explained. Isshin had kept his secret for far too long.


Upon entering Soul society, Yoruichi and Ichigo were immediately ushered towards the first division barracks. At the same time Soifon had conjured up a Hell butterfly and reported her mission a success. Moments later, a Hell butterfly returned to her and every other captain in the Seireitei. The message was relayed by Soifon to her mentor and her charge.

Report with haste at your greatest speed of Shunpo. An emergency captain's meeting is to be held in 5 minutes.

The group of four glanced at each other and immediately sped off. To a bystander, they would have simply vanished into thin air. The three masters of shunpo stunted their speed slightly to let the captain of the 10th trail behind at a comfortable pace. No more than a couple minutes later did they arrive at the large, imposing, wooden doors of the 1st division.

Soifon motioned for the goddess of flash and substitute Shinigami to enter first before following behind, the doors closing behind them.

In front of Ichigo stood the entirety of the upper officers of the Gotei 13. Most of which had their faces twisted with confusion or wonder at the sight of him. It seemed, that the majority of them didn't know. Behind him, through his peripheral vision, he saw Soifon quickly move to take her place along the ranks of her comrades. Beside him, Yoruichi stepped forward and he took that as his que to follow. Stopping four feet short of the captain commander. The sound of his cane striking the floor brought all attention back to the elderly man in lieu of it being directed towards Ichigo. Each had looked at him curiously, only the most trained and battle hardened ones had noticed that they no longer felt a wink of reiatsu from him.

"This meeting shall commence!" The voice of the captain commander no longer held the same sturdiness it always did. In a way, it was weaker, more worn but it still held some strength.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, you were brought here in order to return balance to the human realm." Unohana's expression tightened minutely, her eyes drifting over to her long known comrades that also had troubled looks on their faces. The captains of the 13th and 8th didn't live as long as they did simply because of power. Although that was part of it, their observation skills made them clever enough to withstand the years. In front of her she could see Yoruichi narrow her eyes and watched as her muscles tightened, as if ready to spring at a moments notice.

"And as such, you will remain here and receive formal training from myself and join the Gotei 13." There was a collective silence that penetrated the meeting hall. The one to break it, unsurprisingly, was Kenpachi as he threw his head back and roared in laughter, a maniac grin etched on his face. He wasn't even heard, for the rest of the occupants of the room were in a state of stunned silence. Without warning the elderly head captain spoke again.

"You are dismissed. Kurosaki, follow me." No one moved. It didn't seem like they were able to. The only sound that was heard in the room was the rhythm of a cane tapping on the floor as the head captain turned his back and began to leave. With a final click of his cane, he paused. His back facing everyone.

"It was not my choice to make." And with those words the aged captain once again began walking. The heavy beating of his cane against the wooden floors echoed throughout the room even as he left. The sound brought unease with each loud clank.

"You should follow, Ichigo." The whispered words broke everyone out of their stupor, and all eyes landed on Yoruichi, the last person they ever expected to say that. Ichigo looked down at her with blank eyes. Her own golden ones were fierce as she looked at the place where the old man had stood just moments prior.

"You heard him." Here golden eyes flickered to his face, a tight line forming her lips.

"It wasn't his choice." Ichigo turned his gaze towards the door where the old man had left. Looking back at Yoruichi, he was startled slightly to find her gone. With a glance around at the other captains, who wondered what he would do, he pivoted on his heel and followed through the doors and down the hall of where he felt the smoldering reiatsu of the captain commander.


The aged man sat in a plush chair behind his dark oak desk. Squinted eyes stared down at his assigned paperwork, yet he was immobile. He felt small. In a world so big... Yes, he was considered one of the strongest beings of his time, but all things came to an end. And the time of his reign was coming to a close. But did it really have to? He still felt the power that lay dormant, ready for use. Still felt the burning need to protect all that he held dear. Straightening in his chair, the aged man took an assessment of his body. He sagged back down only after several moments.

He was old, the years had finally caught up to him.

He had power, but his body no longer had the strength it needed to contain it. His control was weakening, his muscles softening, and his limbs shivering. Leaning back, aged eyes opened fully to stare at the ceiling. They had indeed made a wise choice. Even if he didn't agree with it at first, trying to fool himself that he was still the pinnacle of power, it was indeed time for him to step down. Time to let a new beacon of hope light the skies. No shinigami had ever been born that held the power to oppose him. Not until 18 years ago. Perhaps, that was when he knew. When he figured out that his time of power was coming to an end. Strangely enough as he thought all this his shoji door slid open revealing a tall lean figure. Even as he pretended not to notice his replacement walk in, he was still very aware of all of his movements. A look of fire lined his brown eyes as he leveled a solid stare on the one person he should in all respects fear. Kurosaki Ichigo certainly was an enigma. Unfortunately, it was uncertain if the old man would ever be able to figure him out.

As time went on the two men continued to observe each other. Sometime in-between the head captain had offered and served tea as they both sat down at a low table that was off to the side. Not a word was spoken, only hand signs of indication were made. Mostly it prompted more tea.

For a moment, both men looked each other in the eye. They sat observing each other, neither moving a muscle. Finally, the silence was broken.

"Are you done with your assessment old man?" Ancient eyes closed as said old man held in his mirth. 'Strong, a natural leader', for that was what the young man before him was. He lingered on that word, 'young, far too young. Impatient, childish...but, hopeful, determined, selfless.' Indeed, their choice had been wise. But it was a choice that was made in haste. When everyone looks so young yet has lived for hundreds of years, perspectives change. For the head captain was certain that they themselves didn't even remember his youthful age compared to them. Not even 20. The head captain opened his eyes, guilty for being the one to pass such a burned on a child such as him. But with his experience he learned, and he learned how to hide his emotions, to seem the cool collected man he was, even if he was shouting within the recesses of his mind. And so, when ancient eyes opened, they were hard and gave a look that booked no arguments.

Ichigo knew that look, and each and every time he was given such a look dreadful news followed. And so, with clenched teeth he held his breathe as his fate was spoken to him.

"By authorities that I cannot control, I am due to resign as the captain commander of the Gotei 13." He paused, letting the youth take that in. By his widened eyes, he could see that he had not expected that in the slightest.

"And such, a replacement must take my place. Also a decision I hold no sway over." Ichigo was studying the worn man in front of him. His shock overcome by a sense of unease. Why was he telling him this? The teens sense of foreboding only grew stronger at the man continued.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," `Yamamoto stared at the teen before him, his eyes shaded with guilt and regret. "It is a great honor, and a great guilt to be the one to inform you that the title of captain commander will be passed on to you. I will live the rest of my days living knowing what burden has been placed on you and I will forever regret not being strong enough for you." By the end of his speech the young man had a look of disbelief across his features. The cup that held his tea had fallen from his grasp and smashed on the table. Ichigo could only stare.

"Forgive me" Ichigo could do nothing as he saw the captain commander stand and walk over to his desk, leaving him to his thoughts in his frenzied haze. The old man paused as he stood in front of his desk. He turned slightly and called out behind him.

"I have robbed you of your youth, and now, I rob you of a life." It wasn't said in a boastful way, but instead it was murmured in the silence with such sadness that it forced Ichigo back to the present. Him mind alert.

"Why?" There were too many question in that word and Yamamoto found that he could answer none but one. Why did this even happen?

"Because of my own weakness." His arrogance, his past follies and his selfishness. The room was quiet, the occupants both weighted by heavy burdens in their own way.

"If there no hope then? Yamamoto thought of this. Hope for them to change their minds? He already tried. He already pleaded. But, as always it was never enough.


The defining silence that followed caused the orange haired teen to shudder and hunch over the low table his frame heaving as he forced in air to calm himself. He heard the sincerity in the old man's words, he truly had tried for him. But that final revelation had sent him over the edge of despair.

There was no hope. He had no light. And from now on, he could expect a life full of misery and death. Such was the life of a commander. And he would bare it. He would face it. He owed the man nothing, but knowing that he had tried so hard for his sake, it was humbling. And Ichigo would live up to his expectations. His morals.

It was all he could do for a man that cared too much for nothing at all.


Hello all, sorry this took me forever to update. Senior year is quite busy and I find my free time lacking. This chapter is also shorter, 3500 words. The last was 5k. But I got it out earlier than I would have. So tell me if you would prefer to do 3500 or 5k.

Sorry if this chapter seems confusing, PM me and I can explain anything that you think is off. Also, sorry for spelling and grammar for any mistakes I missed. It's late and I'm tired but I thought you guys deserved this much at least.

Thanks for sticking with the story. I'd love a review.