Title: I love you
Pairing: Zoro+Sanji
Word Count: 550
They both were naked, not even bothering to wrap a sheet around their waists.
Sanji was laying on Zoro, his arms crossed on his chest with his chin resting on top of them. Zoro's head was back on the pillow, and he could have been mistaken for being asleep had it not been for his hands on Sanji's hips. They were just resting there, but his thumbs were rubbing little circles on the skin.
The blonde shifted on him, staring at his face. Zoro looked content. Just laying there, a pleased smile on his calm face. It was rare to see him with such a face, and he wanted to soak it all up. Letting his eyes drift down his expression, taking it all in, he looked at his neck.
His neck made him smile.
Not just because for some reason, Zoro had a beautiful strong neck, but because on the left side—well. No one would be mistaking Zoro for anyone but Sanji's with all the marks he'd left. He was sure he had quite a few as well, but it made him grin to see them on the swordsmen.
Sitting up on his lap abruptly, Zoro didn't even stir. His hands kept up the rubbing motion with their thumbs, but he didn't open his eyes. Sanji smoothed his hands over the strong, broad chest, taking in the feeling and then the texture of both his skin and the scar.
His eyes were glued to his skin now. Taking in the color of it, how the scar made the skin rougher than it was around his nipples, the way that his own skin contrasted with Zoro's—how paler his legs were compared to his stomach.
Sanji would have liked to have gotten off his lap and continued his mapping down to his legs, but suddenly Zoro squeezed his hips. He looked up and saw the other mans eyes staring back at him.
Zoro offered him a small smile, and Sanji took it returning with one of his own.
Laying back down on him, reached up and cupped his face. Zoro chose to cup his ass with his hands, making him laugh as the idiot grinned at him. Sanji just leaned forward and kissed his chin, staring at him. He watched his expression change from the grin, to the pleased smile again.
Kissing up his chin, he moved on to his cheek instead before jumping up to his forehead. Zoro's hands changed their position from his ass to resting at the small of his back, massaging small circles into the skin.
Sanji pressed a longer kiss against his forehead before finally moving down and kissing him on the lips.
He felt Zoro sigh, and hold him tighter as they kissed. Soft, small little lazy kisses—not holding any real heat but holding so much passion. Sanji wasn't sure how long they kissed, or when exactly he'd closed his eyes, but he finally opened them.
His heart jumped a bit.
Zoro's face was just there, mouth open and lips cherry red from the kisses. His eyes where closed, his lashes splaying over his flushed cheeks. For some reason Sanji got a surge of emotion for him. Stroking his cheeks, he leaned in and rubbed their foreheads and noses together.
"I love you so much."