(Disclaimer: I don't own the Lorien Legacies series or any of these characters. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this right now.)
Lupa Ravirorn
Thirteen years ago…
It has happened. At long last, it is done. The breath of this world, its very life, has finally betrayed us. It can now thinks it can live.
But it will die.
I sit silently at Mount Krios's peak, the frigid wind rippling through my hair, flinging it out behind me to the sky. The cold barrages me relentlessly, no longer reminding me of its presence but seeking to snuff me out, a solitary blot daring to stand against the mountain of ice. A solitary being who will grind this pinnacle of rock beneath her foot. I balance precariously on the summit, here between Lorien's earth and sky. Balanced. That will change.
I stand and look out over the wilderness of Lorien, stretching far beyond what even I can see. Beautiful, free, unbound. My home. I have guarded it for over a thousand centuries, protecting it, guiding it. My entire life, dedicated to preserving this holy place. A life wasted. I shift, letting my anger overcome me, and the wolf's howl echoes throughout the storm. I turn and speed away from the summit, my paws carrying me through the snow swiftly. The storm seeks to overcome me, but I will not submit. No matter what the others say, we will not lie down and die after so many years of servitude. No words can describe the betrayal borne here, nor can it ever be forgiven. I will burn this world.
I burst out from the mountain, racing through the pass into the forest. I can sense my pack, miles away, and I feel the urge to join in the hunt, to bask in this world's glory. Glory that I have saved countless times. But I am not a common animal, and there is work to be done. My muzzle is flecked with snow and icy fury whirls around me in the winter storm. The prey of Lorien has descended deep into their burrows, seeking respite from the storm, and only the strong prowl the wood and braves the fire. I am one of the strong.
Above me Lorien's two moons hang in balance across the night sky, illuminating the early dawn. Today marks the beginning of the celebration, the Festival of the Twin Moons. The Elders and I will be expected at the head of the table, leading our race in joyous song and celebration. It is fitting that today is the day we transcend our past, and begin the journey. Our people's greatest time of celebration will become their greatest tragedy and torment. They day we abandon them for the answers beyond.
I remember Tarioun's discovery, and the pain causes me to howl once more into the night sky. Pittacus and the others could deny it all they wanted, but I knew what it really was. Betrayal, of the greatest kind. And I for one will not submit myself to this humiliation. And so I have planned so delicately, and today, everything will finally begin. Pittacus might think he knows where we're going, but once he learns the destination at the end of this journey, he will cower in fear and admiration just as I did.
I reach the plateau, abruptly cutting off the forest with a rock wall extending to the night sky. I phase back into my normal form, shedding the wolf's skin. Then I slip inside existence and pop back out, now standing on the edge of the circle of pillars surrounding Lorien's heart. The others are already there, and all heads turn to my silent arrival.
"Sister." Bariotick says, and takes my hands.
I smile sweetly at him, though inside I am already plotting his downfall, his agony played out before my eyes.
But it is not quite yet time, and I return his expression gracefully, "It has been too long. Tell me, how are the frigid ices of this world?"
He smiles, "Relentless, as always. So cold that this winter storm doesn't trouble me in the slightest."
I nod and release his hands, and we all gather around the Heart. I watch silently as Pittacus steps forward, though I already know what he will say. My master has completed his work, that much is evident by the look of distraught upon my brother's face.
"She will not speak to me," he murmurs, "Lorien is silent."
"Perhaps it is their time now," Loridas says softly, "The Tenth was born but mere hours ago. I myself watched her be chosen. Already she preys on my soul, stripping me bare."
Tarioun shakes his head, "No. There is yet time before we perish. I have seen what lies ahead, but the future is now clouded by a darkness. It is evil, and we must stand vigilant till this world's champions are ready."
My heart leaps at his statement. The Darkness. There is hope for us after all, what he has done to other worlds he could do here. My master has thrown us off course, given us a chance. We can change this world's fate, and then proceed to the greatest glory of all: The First World. My heart constricts just at the thought of the images he showed me, of the madness. It could all change.
"Why not take the journey?" I ask softly, "Why do you fear that which might be our very survival?"
"And what should happen to us if we were to stray from the path?" Pittacus retorts.
"One must take a leap of faith to gain insight into the necessary knowledge." Zar speaks up, his voice softly echoing.
I stride forward and place my hand across my beloved's face and look into his troubled eyes, "What do you fear?"
His eyes are sad, and his next words are a blow to my heart, but more to my mission, "You." He says softly, too quiet for even Calatoa to hear with her Legacy.
He knows, somehow. Wait…No. He suspects, but doesn't believe that I'd really do such a thing. His love for me clouds his judgment. What a fool. Love, love for this planet, is what sealed our downfall. And now strength of body and mind will save us.
So I instead lean my forehead against his, and conjure an expression that I used to wear upon my face whenever I saw him. I might be his loving wife to him, but I know better. This is for the good of the universe, and I do it here only because it is purely necessary.
"Then you are seeing shadows, my love." I whisper, "Now take the journey. Come with me, and I swear we will remain together for the rest of our lives."
We stand and I survey his troubled eyes. I can tell from his expression that he will give in to me, as he always has. He cannot resist my temptation, that which is most precious to him. He was always so easy to manipulate, to predict, when I first dedicated myself to my new mission. Years of trust and love have blinded him. But that will all change, and they all will finally see.
Finally, he raises his head, and while I see traces of doubt in his eyes, I know he's given in. And then, when we reach my master, he will submit and crumble before his dark and unholy power
"We will take the journey." He proclaims.
I grab his mouth and kiss him, conveying a fake passion that takes him aback. He looks at me, doubts wavering away in face of my joy. At last. I've done it. His fate is at last sealed.
The Elders murmur, and then we all take one another's hands, linking ourselves around the Heart. I hold Pittacus's hand, and Tarioun puts his hand upon my shoulder. I step forward and place my hand on the Heart, smiling viciously, unable to contain my joy.
"We have traveled this road for near a millennium, brothers and sisters," I say, "And now at last, we travel to the one place that we swore we would never go, back when we were youthful and naïve. From here this journey ends, and another begins."
Some of the Elders and are troubled now, and glance at one another worriedly. Some have forgotten of their long ago oath. But I would never forget. I will always remember the act that doomed me to a millennium of worthless service. I imagine their horror before my master and the path we will take, and I relish in it.
"To the end of all roads."
And then I take us there, my Legacy flaring as we leave Lorien behind, to my master's palace. The blinding fire that binds us together vanishes, dispersing pure lightning across the planet. Above us a blinding beam of white light flares into the sky, signaling the end of this world. Our people gaze at it and wonder, not knowing its true meaning. At last we are gone, and Lorien is unguarded. I laugh as we speed toward my brothers' and sisters' prison. It is done. The seeds have been sown, and all that remains is for Lorien to die in a pillar of flame and rot. We are gone, descended into a place neither here nor there.
And then, unseen, my master descends on Lorien.
A/N My expectation is that this story will leave you all sitting there saying, what the hell? That's fine. This isn't really supposed to make any sense right now. Eventually it will all tie into my Earth 2 series. If you want to know where some of the plot lines in here are going, look there. There's a lot of foreshadowing. I'll be updating this once a month, so it's a bit of a wait between each chapter. I know this chapter's a bit short, but just remember this a side project, an addition to my real story. I'm curious to see what you guys think, so please Review!