Disclaimer: I own nothing.
We ran away together. Hand in hand we disappeared into oblivion, leaving everything and everyone for the chance to be together.
It's a long shot. The war's coming and there is nowhere on this earth for us to hide. We'll be running till our dying days. This treachery will not be forgiven and a fate worse than death awaits us if we're caught. The death eaters will make sure he pays for his sins and I, the heathen, will be thrown to the wolves.
But right now, in this moment, all I care about is the man asleep beside me. Here, in this quaint inn, he has brought me all I hoped my life would have. All I dreamed for. All I expected I would never have.
I've wondered what my life would be like if I had made a different decision that day. If I had stayed and lived the life I expected. Without him, I would have been content. With him, I am euphoric. I would have had to fight, as he would. I would have had to kill. I would have been scarred and ravaged by regrets and grief. Here, there are no regrets.
We laugh together, we cry together. We take long walks, holding hands as the sun sets. We play house, seeing our children's faces in each other's eyes. We watch each other sleep, praying for these days to last forever. Knowing that, sooner or later, we'll have to face the music.
He stirs, coming to life as the morning sun plays across his face. A smile crosses his lips and my day is made. He looks up at me with a crooked smile, beckoning me closer to him and I move into my favourite place, right into his arms. He recounts his dreams to me and I laugh with him, wishing we could stay like this forever.
I wish we could get married in front of our families. I wish that we could see the world together without looking over our shoulders at every stop. I wish that we could welcome children into this world without the fear of their fates. I often fantasize about us living in the countryside. Our kids running around the garden while I prepare dinner. He walks in after a hard day at work and sweeps me off my feet. These dreams may never come to fruition but they give me the hope I need to say strong.
Maybe one day, we could have it all. Right now, I have all I need to believe in. We'll keep running. We'll keep fighting. In this hell on earth, I have found a little piece of heaven in the enemy's eyes. My heart is full to the brim and I will not let go.
He kisses me slowly and I know he'll never leave me. The stars could not write a love story to cross us, we knew we were doomed before we started. I'll run with him to the end of the world and he'll kiss me good morning till his last day.
This is the promise we made each other that day. This is the life we chose.
Running free. Together forever.