Chapter 1
Looking across Black Lake, a loan figure shivered. At first glance many would assume this was caused by the brisk wind blowing off the late. On closer examination, many would be hard pressed not to reach out and comfort the lone black haired boy. But alas, This was not his fate, for Harry was truly alone.
Looking back at the last few months, Harry could not help but wonder where it all began to fall apart. He had been hurt when not only the school, but the wizarding world in general branded him a cheat.
His sanity had been held in check initially by the knowledge that at least Hermione, and Sirius had believed in him. But as with all things, even these fell apart.
"Sirius" Harry whispered to the wind, as he thought of how close his Godfather had come to being caught. All due to the ministry monitoring all floo activity. A trace had been sent, followed by Auror's hot on his tail. From what Harry had been told by Dumbledore, They had managed to tag him with a Tracer spell. The end result was his Godfather was forced to flee the country. Since that fateful day, there had been no sign nor sound of Sirius Black.
With Sirius gone, he no longer had someone to give him advice. Briefly an image of Hermione flickered before his eyes.
Tightening his eyes against the tears, Harry forced himself to push her out of his thoughts. Try as he could though, Images flashed before him, causing him to remember the painful truths.
"Hey...uhh Hermione, uhh" Harry mumbled out as they left the classroom which they had just finished the Griffindor Dance lesson.
"what is it Harry!" Hermione snapped impatiently
"Uhh, well...wouldugototheballwithme" he blurted out.
Hermione brow drew together as she puzzled out what he said. After a few moments, her eyebrows shot up. The immediately she became wary.
"Harry, I'm sorry, but I already have a date" she said calmly, then continued "But you should not have any trouble asking some girl you like, just buck up the courage" she finished frowning slightly.
"But I just did" Harry blurted out, all the while feeling his hopes being dashed.
Hermione watched him, seeing the blush appear, and his nervous fidgeting. Sighing, she took a calming breath, before continuing.
"Harry, I really am sorry, but you see, I.." she paused, "Well I dont really see you like that" She said quietly. "Uhh, I'm really flattered, but, well, I kinda like someone else" she finished, a bit flustered.
Trying to make a hasty retreat, Harry mumbled.
"It's Ok Hermione" he shrugged, his heart breaking. "I just hope he appreciates you" he finished as quickly moved down the Hallway.
Initially Harry thought it had been the Prat Ron, who she was talking about. But the reality was that Krum had been the culprit. Just thinking about him, made his blood boil. After the Ball, which of course Harry was unable to find a date too, due to the school hating him, Hermione began to spend more and more time with him. The worse part was, that even though he couldn't have Her, he really wanted the best for her. In the end the Best for her was completely severing tie's with him, and never realizing it., as she became obsessed with Krum. Slowly she stopped helping him figure out the egg, and study, only to apply those formidable talents for Krum. He was devastated when he found out that she had solved not only the egg for Krum, but had never spoke about it to him.
Not that he wanted to cheat, but he knew that the other contestants were not only being helped by friends, but there respective professors. Unlike Harry, who had no help, at least not since the death eater known as Barty Crouch Jr had been caught in the great hall when he ran out of pollyjuice.
The final nail for Hermione had been laid after he had returned with Cedric's body. And she confronted him about his attack on "Viktor" in the maze.
Full of grief, Harry had tried telling her that he had been about to kill Fleur, but she did not believe him, her concern for her boyfriend, and the death of Cedric clouding her judgment.
That had been 3 weeks ago, and she had yet to speak to him, going so far as to completely ignore him.
Only now did Harry realize he had tears running down his face. Angry at the world, he violently rubbed his arm across his eyes trying to stem the stream.
Suddenly a sound caught his attention. Looking out towards the late, harry spotted what caused the disturbance.
Slowly gaining altitude, was the Beauxbatons carriage.
He watched as it slowly disappeared into the clouds. For a few moments, all thoughts were cleared from his mind, as he stared in wonder at the sight. For a brief moment he felt the wonder he had experienced as a child, He seen only Magic. Then it was shattered as quickly as it came as he thought of Fleur Delacour. Not even Voldemort had ever hurt him so much.
Forcing his emotions down, harry looked back at the Castle which he had once thought of as home.
"Not anymore" he thought, and began walking back to collect his few belongings before he made his trip to Privet drive. One thing he was absolutely sure of, was he no longer had a home.
ur document here...