The king and queen of Camelot accompanied by their small trail of retinue rode through the towered obsidian gates of Rheged. The capital city of the kingdom was nearly twice the size of Camelot, and was teeming with people eager to be the first to catch their glances as the royal party rode onward towards the palace.

"It's beautiful." Gwen commented to Arthur.

"Isn't it?" Arthur couldn't help but agree. "Though of course, the last time I laid eyes on this city was the dawn after Rúnya won back her throne from her step-father." The king turned to Merlin. "You never told me, did you see Rúnya last you were here searching for Morgana?"

Merlin shook his head. "No, I did not want to concern her with the matter." He lied smoothly.

Arthur winked to Gwen. "Poor Merlin, I think he rather fancied himself in love with the girl once." The trio laughed as a small company of retainers, all wearing the Arwen sigil came to greet them.

Rúnya and Eldrion were in the throne room, which had been extravagantly decorated for the occasion. The young, raven haired queen was quick to shove aside proper procedures and tossed her arms around Arthur. "It's so good to see you." She said and drew back. "You must be Gwen." Rúnya dipped into a curtsy to the other queen. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"And you." Gwen returned Rúnya's curtsy and the two embraced. "I've heard much about you over the years."

King Eldrion by then had joined them. He shook Arthur's hand firmly before bowing to Gwen. "Majesties." Then, to Arthur's surprise Eldrion gave a respectful nod to Merlin who was standing only a few paces away. "I owe you men much, for all you did for my kingdom and my family."

A servant approached them then and passed a small bundle swaddled in white blankets to Rúnya. The young queen beamed with loving pride as she held her newborn daughter close. The babe had all the traits one would have expected to find gazing upon the heiress to the Arwen throne: inky black hair, fair skin and of course those tell-all blue-green eyes. Beneath the layers of cloth Merlin suspected that one would even find the birthmark that Rúnya herself bore openly, proudly on her arm. "King Arthur Pendragon," Rúnya said loudly. "May I present you to Princess Aurora Arwen." She beamed. "Your goddaughter." She passed the baby to Gwen, teasing that she did not yet trust Arthur to hold the fragile little creature.

"Oh my, what a little beauty." Gwen commented. The baby stared back, blinking up at the queen curiously as if to say. 'Who are you?' before snuggling close against Gwen's abdomen in contentment, deciding after all that this strange woman's arms felt safe enough to her.

"You named her after your sister?" Merlin asked, peering at the child over Gwen's shoulder.

Rúnya nodded. "I did." She confirmed. "Aura meant 'light' but this little one's name means 'the dawn'." She took her daughter back in to her own arms and rocked her gently. The baby giggled in seeing the familiar sight of her mother's face again.

Merlin did not have to ask who the baby's godmother was. He knew who Rúnya had chosen. In many ways he was not surprised: the babe was a child of magic after all, and would grow up with the teachings of the Old Religion. He only prayed that Morgana had enough compassion left with her stone cold heart to give this child the love it deserved.

That night, a feast was held to celebrate the birth of the princess, and of the friendship Rheged and Camelot so preciously shared. When the night drew to a close Rúnya retired the nursery and settled the baby in to her cradle. "Goodnight my heart." She cooed and laid a hand on Aurora's tiny cheek. "May your sleep be deep, and your dreams sweet." The baby's eyes almost instantly fluttered shut. Rúnya straightened. "Merlin."

"Motherhood suits you." Merlin commented as he stepped through the doorway. He snuck a peek as Aurora flexed in her sleep. The sight warmed his heart. "It's hard to believe so many years have passed since first we met." He smiled. "So long ago, when you were the little girl lost in the woods."

Rúnya nodded. "We had such fears then….and such hopes." She breathed deeply. "Arthur does not know your secret still?"

Merlin shook his head.

The queen sighed. "One day, we will all see the peace we've dreamt of for so long." She promised. "Piece by piece, Arthur will build the Albion the people deserve." She grinned. "Can you imagine the look on Uther's face if he had been alive to see such a day as this?" Rúnya chuckled. "His son signing a treaty of peace and friendship with a kingdom that embraces magic wholeheartedly. His boy…godfather to the crown princess knowing full well the power that she will one day have."

Merlin laughed. "Yes, Uther would probably die a second time from the shock of it." He knelt beside the cradle and ran his fingers through the baby's thick mop of black hair. "Especially considering the fact that he had you tied to a stake to burn, never could he have predicted you'd not only reclaim the Arwen throne, but live long enough to continue the lineage."

Rúnya nodded. "Perhaps one day Merlin, you will meet a woman worthy enough for you. And if you are blessed as I was, perhaps one day you will even have a son to be the next Dragonlord." She watched Aurora sleep. "What an alliance that would be for them." The young queen whispered in awe.

"My duty is first and foremost to Arthur's future." Merlin reminded her.

"Ah yes, always thinking of others." Rúnya clapped Merlin on the shoulder. "But a day will come my friend, when we are all free to be ourselves including yourself." She reminded him. "You won't be Arthur's servant forever Merlin. One day, you will be the man that legends are told of through the ages."

"You really think so?" Merlin asked her.

"I do." Rúnya told him. "Millenniums will pass, the obsidian walls will fall and the Arwen line will be remembered only by those who bare the blood of the flame, but long after the walls around us have turned to dust, people will remember the names Arthur Pendragon and the great sorcerer, Merlin."

Merlin blushed. 'G'night Majesty." He bowed low.

"Goodnight Emrys."

Rúnya watched him go and stared back in to her hearth. The fire burned hot and bright, heat lapping off her face like the familiar touch of an old friend. Morgana was out there somewhere, far or close Rúnya did not know. The baby stirred. Rúnya hoisted Aurora back in to her arms and rocked her. "I have a story to tell you my love." The queen whispered softly. "There was once a woman named Morgana Pendragon," She began. "She was very brave, and very strong and she always did what she believed was right. Thanks to her, you and I are alive." Rúnya smiled down as Aurora listened to her mother's voice. She had told her child this story every night since her birth, and would time and time again long after the princess was finally able to understand. "Listen now Aurora my sweet, and I will tell you her story…"