JAJA! The third book in my Crazy Unlikely Romance One shot series, this one get's under my skin like nothing else, PEO! BAH! I have a lot of fangirls who agree with me how BAD an idea this is.
Piper's POV:
"You idiot, you don't even understand what Peo stands for?"
"Personal Executive Officer?"
"Oooh you do know some big words! But no. Let me see if I can spell it out for you."
"I know how to spell it. P-E-O."
"Do you know what Percabeth stands for?"
"Well yeah, everyone does. It's Percy and Annabeth's Romance name. So?"
"So, your an idiot. let's see if you understand this."
"This what?"
"I'm thinking."
"I'm Waitinig."
"Beauty Queen."
"I know, someone told me that before."
"Do you understand this?"
For someone who hate's PEO I write it pretty well don't I? Yeah, and that's as likely as Peo it's self.