A companion series for my other fanfics about these two.

The alien regarded the hedgehog that waited before him; the battle had been hard and even the other's golden glow failed to hide the damage that had been dealt to his inferior form. It was impressive that the hedgehog had held out this long and even more impressive that he had actually managed to harm the leader of the universe's most supreme race; no other had succeeded in that. If he were to be truly arrogant he could consider the hedgehog's success as a result of his own donated blood in the creature's veins; however he was experienced enough to know that blood only granted so much and, in the hedgehog's case, there was certainly a level of skill and a good knowledge of battle tactics. Really, without any formal Black Arms training, it was a miracle that Shadow had made it this far; his armies weren't easy to beat. Doom was willing to bet if Shadow had been raised as one of his army… that was it!

"Can you feel your strength leaving you?" The alien's rough voice spoke in the hedgehog's mind "You were never made to endure combat of this kind."

Hissing at the invasion, Shadow bared his fangs, "I was never taught to surrender!"

That was what Doom had hoped to hear. Carefully he regarded the mass of bruises that lay hidden amongst the glowing fur; it must be agony for the small creature, whose skin was not as tough as the rest of his siblings', but he seemed determined to hide any sign of weakness before the one who had helped create him.

A smile crossed Devil Doom's lips, "You would die for them Shadow?"

Clenching his fists, the hedgehog's ruby eyes bore into Doom's own, "I swore to Maria I'd give them a chance, Gerald never wanted you on his home… I owe them my life and I will die to ensure I repay them."

"And what about the part of your life you owe to me?" The devilish alien had the satisfaction of seeing the hedgehog thrown by his words.

Eyeing the alien cautiously, Shadow frowned. "What would you have me do? I can't betray Maria."

"Join my army." Seeing the hedgehog about to protest, doom held up his hands for silence, "I will not harm this world Shadow but I will not allow you to destroy my race. Keep fighting, I'll fake my own demise and then; with the world in chaos as it tries to rebuild, you will come with me."

"And if I were to refuse?" The hedgehog's voice held something that was almost longing.

"It would be regrettable," the alien confessed, "most likely we would continue our battle until one of us fell."

The hedgehog spoke bluntly, "You assume that will be me."

"As I said," Doom frowned down at the small but stubborn hedgehog, "it would be regrettable."

Closing his eyes, Shadow again addressed the alien, "It would never work; G.U.N. would want a body."

"For experiments… they have doubtless done so with those of my fallen soldiers." Doom hissed bitterly before turning his attention back to the normally dark furred hedgehog, "You've seen what I am capable of," Doom smiled at the thought of what he had already done to this world, "why is it so hard for you to accept this plan will work?"

Absently, Shadow shook his head; it seemed he put too higher stock in his humans… or too little trust in his maker.

"Tell Shadow," the alien began, "when was the last time someone did something for you without any work on your part?"

The smaller creature frowned "Rouge freed me from stasis… we're partners now."

Both Devil doom's heads gave a nod that could have been understanding; it was hard to tell with the alien features, and smirked, "That wasn't quite the right answer Shadow. The truth is they all want something from you… even your Maria," The alien lord repressed a shudder of disgust at the thought of any of his blood, even the hybrid, bowing to the will of a human, " I wish to save you the fate of destroying your only blood family; I wish to help you escape from the thumb of these humans who use your talents in such wasteful ways; save you from the fickle friends who adore you one moment and despise you the next."

Ruby eyes narrowed in their glowing face. "Strange Doom… I could have sworn that you are guilty of all three crimes yourself."

Regarding the hedgehog, Doom spoke bluntly, "I assumed you duel origin; the human taint on your creation, would render you useless; a blunt tool to be used only when needed. I had more desire for your hedgehog form than the powers you may have had. However, despite the inadequacy of your training, you proved yourself more than a match for even my strongest soldiers… I find myself impressed with you, Hedgehog, and now I wish to rectify my mistake in leaving you with the humans for half a century."

With a scoff, Shadow glared down the donor of his DNA, "You wish to add me to your army Doom."

"Perhaps," ignoring the other's tone, the alien remained calm; he was more patient than many realised, "Perhaps not. Did it ever occur to you Shadow that I would not want one as volatile as you in my line of defence… or even my line of attack?"

Scorn filling his tone, Shadow snarled a reply "You have my best intentions at heart then? Forgive me if I don't believe that; you are yet to have any heart that I can see!"

"Most creatures require a heart Shadow," Doom frowned; were the humans who had raised his gift to their race really that incompetent that they did not know basic biology? "I am no exception you'll find; though I suppose you could not have known."

Smirking at the alien's mistake, Shadow nodded dismissively, "My mistake."

"Your ignorance is forgiven." Doom waved a hand to clear the air and put the matter to rest, "Now will you let me free you of the burden of this battle and accept the life I am offering?"

"If it didn't work," the hybrid spoke hesitantly, "I would be free to leave?"

Regretting the level of emotion he had allowed that professor to give to a weapon, Doom nodded resignedly, "I have no wish to deal with you betraying me if I held you against your will."

"I suppose there isn't much here for me," the hedgehog confessed, "though I would be better telling Rouge and Omega that I wished to return to the ARK."

Doom was silent for a moment.

"I take it that statement means you agree?" He watched the hedgehog for any sign of doubt.

"I agree." Shadow's tone was curt.

"Then I suppose you had better conclude this battle Shadow," the alien smiled at his next words, "and show them what the Ultimate Lifeform is truly capable of."

"Very well, My Lord." The hedgehog tried the new name on his tongue, "I hope you know how to play dead."