Chapter 9(alternate ending), The Sorceress' Choice, Undo the World
(yes I decided to put the alternate ending first. Deal with it)
Twilight stood within the whirling vortex as she looked to her left and to her right.
'undo the world... undo myself...'
Looking up through the vortex at the most powerful magicks in existence, she closed her eyes and cast the forbidden spell.
'I wish...'
The sky ripped apart tearing the gate to heaven asunder.
"NO!" Celestia cried as the wish spell was cast, the gateway between the mortal realm and the world of the gods was torn apart revealing a pure white beam of light that shone down into the vortex.
Cheerilee's eyes became pinpricks, "Twilight... what have you done?!"
AJ gulped, the ground shook and and cracked beneath them, "w-we hafta git outta here!" she exclaimed as she hopped to another spot as the ground beneath her gave way.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy smiled hapilly, 'finally...' they thought benignly, 'the dream can be realized...'
Luna laughed hysterically, "YES! FINALLY THE DAY HAST COME!"
Twilight's demonic body began floating up through the light; Luna stepped into the vortex and floated next to her.
The two ponies lifted higher and higher and higher.
Twilight then put her hand behind her back, a black crystal forming from it.
"Luna... thank you so much for guiding me all this time..." Twilight said quietly as they ascended through the light.
Luna looked at her with a puzzled expression, "well... thy welcome Twilight..."
"And... I'm sorry." Twilight impailed Luna with the black crystal, an explosion of black unholy energy filled the sky.
A screem sounded.
Luna looked with shocked eyes at Twilight's emotionless face, "Wha... why?" she sputtered through the black blood seeping out of her mouth.
Tears brimmed in Twilight's eyes, "this is something that only I can do alone." she choked out.
"bu-but without Us you won't be able to sustain the Aethereon Backlash!" Luna cried as she felt her godly power being sapped away by the crystal.
Twilight bit her lip, "I know... I don't plan to survive. I'll be the last impure thing of the old world... I'll have to be removed as well or the new world can't ever truly flourish... I'm so sorry Luna... I love you." Another burst of black light blotted out the sky as Luna's power was vamparised into Twilight.
Celestia looked up from the ground to see her sister's body fall from a thousand hooves in the air and crash into the ground with a sickening crunch, her mane was turquise, her cutie mark gone, and her chest a gaping hole exuding black blood.
"LLLUUUUUUNAAAAAA!" Celestia scrambled over to her sister and picked her up in an embrace and wailed in mourning. Applejack yanked her away, "I'm sorreh Princess but we don't have time fer this! WE HAFTA GO NOW!"
Celestia shoved her off, "go... just go without me..."
"CELESTIA!" Cheerilee cried.
The dead goddess looked to the teacher with an eerie calm, "leave... go spend your last few hours with whatever friends or familly you have that still live."
The Castle began to crumble and break apart.
"b-but!" Cheerilee began, but AJ yanked her out of the room, "This place is comin' down, we gotta book it!"
"But! Celestia!" Cheeilee pleaded.
AJ stopped and sighed, "she's made her choice... now we hafta make ours!"
The two Earth Ponies fled the building, the Pegasi also left the top of the twoer through the window.
Pinkie... Pinkie stayed, she had nopony left...
The tower crumbled with Celestia, Luna, and Pinkie in it. A plume of smoke covered the entire city as it fell.
Cheerilee and AJ managed to flee far from the destruction of the city, wading through the sea of corpses, they found their way to the city gates and turned back. A ruined city met their eyes...
Up in heaven, Twilight landed in a silver city of clouds, there she saw a bipedal being with an extremely human appearance save for the six large wings each adorning seven eyes. The being was shrowded in a white robe with a hood that covered most of his face, he sat reading a book with his back leaning against a tree.
The god looked up from his book and saw Twilight's demonic form.
"W-what?! N-no! This isn't right! This isn't supposed to happen!" So shocked was Archive god of knowledge, that he didn't even notice when Twilight charged him with a black crystal spear in her right hand.
"THIS ISN'T RI-HURKKKLLLLLGGGHHHH!" The crystal impailed him and sapped out his godly power.
Archive fell to the ground grey and lifeless.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Death roared as he walked into the garden.
Twilight turned around an held the crystal point up as she smiled, "just a little renovating." she slithered towards him at terrifying speeds.
Death dodged and whipped out a scythe from the cloudstuff which manifested into solid holy steel.
A deadly battle insued, either one striking a single successful hit would end the battle entirely.
Creation and Nature ran out to investigate the commotion only to find Death in his true form, swaddled in bonmeal plate armor with silver eyes and wielding a giant scythe as he hacked away at a serpantine Witch.
Just when Death thought he'd gotten a successful hit, Twilight's body melted into liquid.
The black crystal impailed him from behind, "gotcha." Twilight sneered.
Death coughed up blood and spasmed as he fell to the ground, his power being siphoned off into Twilight's.
"WHAT ARE YOU!" Nature cried as Twilight rose from the dead god's body to face her.
"I'm Twilight, nice to meet you. HHYAAA!" she rushed the goddess with her deadly spear.
Nature rose a green sheild of magick but Twilight teleported behind her and stabbed her from behind, "I know everything you're going to do before you do it." she whispered with a sadistic tone in her voice before yanking the crystal from Nature's back, her wings fluttered as she fell through heaven's ground.
Cheerilee and AJ stood before Canterlot's city gates when the noticed somthing in the sky, looking up, they saw a body heading straight for them at terminal velocity.
Hoping out of the way, they watched as a dead god slammed into the ground forming a crater.
"Wha?! Oh... What..." Cheerilee stammered.
AJ felt bile rise in her stomach, "its... an elder god..." looking around, they saw body after body of dead gods fall from the sky and slam into the earth.
"Why... why is this happening..."
A boom sounded out from above, the two ponies looked up to see Twilight floating in the sky, but not as they'd remembered her, now she stood looking much like the elder gods themselves, but with a violet robe in place of white and a horn atop her head, six white wings attatched to her back.
Twilight held out one hand to her left, a darkness spread from it and spread throughout the land blotting out the sky, from her other hand, darkness spread to the other side of the world.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy held eachother tightly as they smiled up into the dark sky.
AJ and Cheerilee gulped as they huddled in fear.
Spike And Rarity kissed one last time.
Ponies panicked throughout the world.
A religious Pony huddled into himself and rocked back and forth with twitching eyes, "Stay faithful for the end is nigh... When darkness shrouds the land... the end of days shall come."
Twilight looked up into the shadows, then looked down to the planet and spoke, spoke with the power of all the gods in heaven and earth, "LET. THIS. WORLD. BURN!"
"hold ye familly and friends tight to your bosom for non shall be spared..."
Foals cried out as mothers embraced them in tears. Families cowered in their homes.
"As the end draw nigh, we seek forgiveness. As our sins grieve us, we see ourselves in this game of chess.
Forgive us new goddess for we have offended thee. Forgive us with your passion and make our souls free.
As your judgment comes down we look to thee up high. And there we see... fire raining from the sky."
The Pony bowed his head as meteors crashed into the city and obliterated all life.
Twilight watched as domes of light surrounded the entire planet, white hot fire burned everything in its path. "my will... be done." The planet was roasted alive.
And then... all was silence.
Twilight floated down to the earth and walked over the ashes.
Holding out her hands, she spoke again, "LET THE WORLD BE REBORN!"
The ashes dissappeared, the entire landscape reforged itself, montains moved, oceans resurfaced, volcanoes erupted, the entire planet reconstructed every fabric of itself... every fabric but one...
Looking ahead of her, Twilight held her hand out and a tree emerged from the soil, an enormous tree bearing white apples.
Twilight spoke again, "LET ONLY THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD BE BORN THROUGH THIS FRUIT!" The white apples turned red.
Now came the hardest part...
Twilight held out her hands towards the soil, "LET THERE BE LIFE!"
Six bodies rose out of the soil, a male and female of each of the three races.
Twilight smiled, exausted, she fell to her kneese, bits of her body began desintigrating into the air, "Aethereon Backlash..." she mumbled as her body broke apart, her godly power faded, her lifeforce began draining, but even as she fell to her hands and coughed up a smokey powder of blood, she smiled.
"I... destroyed the world..." her arms broke and faded into ash, only her head remained. "and made... a new..." her eyes closed and her head blew away into dust spreading throughout the new world. One without evil. Without hate or war or crime. A perfect world.
A world of happiness.
The End.
Chapter 9(canon ending) The Sorceress' Choice, Undo Myself
Twilight floated within the light and looked at her hands.
'undo the world... undo myself...'
Twilight closed her hands and looked into the sky.
"Is it really worth it?" she thought aloud, her voice to quiet to make it through the gale winds.
Twilight looked to her former mentor, to Cheerilee, and to AJ. She thought of all the times before any of this started. Thought of the fun times with her friends, of the laughs. The happiness... The love... the friendship...
She closed her eyes.
'I wish...'
"NO!" Luna shouted as a white light envoloped them all.
Twilight saw everything freeze... then it began to rewind. She saw the battle replay itself backwards, the armies, the gates, Ponyville, Carrot Top, the Witchcraft, Luna.
The light dissapeared, Twilight opened her eyes.
As Twilight and her new marefriend were heading back to the hotel, they were both halted by a pegasus in golden armor "Twilight Sparkle?" he asked in a monotonous tone.
The magius stopped "yes?" she asked.
The pegasus continued "the high Princess Celestia requests your presence at once."
Twilight blinked, but shook her head, she looked back to Cheerilee with a sheepish smile "I'm sorry Cheerilee, I'll have to catch up with you later, meet you back at the hotel?" she inquired.
Cheerilee was a little put off at having the librarian stolen away from her but covered her annoyance with a smile "ofcourse dear!" she replied.
Twilight turned and folloed the pegasus towards the Canterlot palace, while Cheerilee found her sight glued to the librarian's rump, watching it sway back and forth with each step.
Before she knew it, the teacher found ehrself drooling and quickly wiped her mouth before trotting a bit depressedly back to the hotel.
Twilight entered into the palace and headed up the stairs eagerly, excited to see her mentor after so long.
"ah! there you are my student" a soothing voice sounded from atop the ascention.
"Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed as she charged the rest of the steps to finally meet her mentor.
"it is good to see you Twilight, I tried to send a letter to you, but Spike replied that you were already in Canterlot with a friend." she stated with regal bearing.
Twilight rubbed the bakc of her head with a forehoof in embarassment.
The Princess let out a good hearted laugh before walking towards her chambers "come" she ordered, and the librarian followed without a fault.
Once they had entered into the Sun Goddess' private room, Celestia's demeanoer changed completely, she looked almost melancholy.
"Twilight..." she began, with a hint of sadness in ehr voice, "you... how do I put this..." she walked over to one of the walls, staring at the picture of her sun symbol.
Twilight tilted her head in confusement "um... is... something the matter?" she asked nervously.
Celestia sighed before turning back to the mage "depends on how you look at it I suppose..."
Twilight furrowed her brows at cryptic coment "how do you mean?" she asked, her face starting to show worry, why did Celestia pull her into a private room, why was she so uncomfortable talking about this? what was going on?
Celestia sighed yet again before answering, "you are a mage of aetherias... an extremely rare group of magi who are capable of learning all schools of magic, regardless of differentiation, or of alignment... and... well, I'm not sure how else to put this so..." Celestia took a deep breath only to huff it out.
"your tutilage under me shall be put on hiatus, only temporarily ofcourse but... it needs to be done..."
Twilight felt her heart stop; "wh...WHAT?!" she nearly roared at the Princess, tears beginning to build her eyes, did she do something wrong? did the Princes not approve of her anymore was she not good enough?
"Twilight, please calm yourself, this is merely part of your training" the Princess chimed, and though this did calm the frantic unicorn somewhat, it still left her with a milion questions buzzing in her head.
"quite simply..." the Princess started "you will... begin learning in..." Celestia looked away and practically cringed at the next words "black magick" she finished, regretting already the choice she was making, but she loved her student like a daughter, and she wasn't going to let her lawful good alignment prevent Twilight from being all that she could be.
Twilight blinked...
"Sorry Princess... but I can't."
Celestia blinked, "gawahuh?" Most certainly that was the last response she had been expecting from her student.
Twilight smiled, "I've realized something... I don't need power as much as I need those I care about. Power is just a means to an end, and... I guess I've decided that I didn't like the end that was in store for me, besides, I think I can be content with just being me." she said hapilly.
Celestia looked... dejected... "B-but Twilight, this is a once in a lifetime chance... I'll never offer smething like this ever again!"
Twilight backed up a few steps, "what?"
Celestia froze, "... That is... I mean..." she shook her head, "never mind... I... it's O.K. Twilight, this is your choice, you're free to decide whatever you wish."
Twilight furrowed her brows, "you sound like you're dissapointed..."
Celestia blinked, "excuse me? What exactly is that supposed to mean?" she asked defensively.
Twilight cocked an eyebrow, "Princess... what's going on here?"
Celestia lookd shocked that Twilight hadn't backed down, "Twilight you're being ridiculous."
"And you're anxious, do I make you nervous?" Twilight countered as she trotted closer to the sun goddess.
Celestia stood to her full height, "I don't know what's gotten into you Twilight but I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour!"
Twilight didn't submit, she continued to trot towards Celestia who now began backpeddling, "you're hiding something... what. Is. It?"
Celestia began to sweat, something she'd long since forgotten how to do.
Twilight realized how out of character she was acting compared to her past self and paused, "My appologies I'm not quite sure what came over me... have a nice day Princess." she bowed and left.
Celestia sat and blinked in a state of pure confusion.
A month passed, Twilight and Cheerilee's relationship had ended on mutual terms, that is to say; Twilight had figured that she'd caused Cheerilee enough trouble despite history being rewritten.
Cheerilee was heart broken for a weeks but she recovered and mooved on with her life.
Twilight was depressed but consoled herself in the fact that all of her friends and familly were alive and well, perhaps wanting to destroy the world was going a bit too far... still, she'd learned quite a bit during that adventure. She may not have truly experienced any of those incidences in reality as of the time change, but that wasn't so bad considering that Twilight still had her memories, and with them she held all the knowledge of Witchcraft.
Ofcourse she'd keep that little detail strictly to herself.
Trixie had challenged her to a duel, to which she'd responded in a much more Twilight-esque fashion and ended up resolving the issue without needing to kill anypony.
Time flew on, Twilight acted as ponies expected to act despite hiding her true dark personality by nudging it under the bed like a foal's messy room. Was she happy? No, not truly. She looked it certainly; even during Equestria's future crisis after crisis, she acted exactly as the old Twilight would have... the mage Twilight... Even though the Witch Twilight leered out from under the mattress with empty hollow eyes.
Time passed and passed, Celestia told Twilight that she and her friends should attempt to reform Discord, it was hectec and, to be honest, Twilight was secretly entertained by all the problems Discord caused.
Spike decided to take care of everypony's animals while Twilight and her friends went to the Equestrian games to help Cadence with an issue. Everypony learned some good lessons about friendship and Twilight found solace in so far as she was glad that her friends weren't all dead; she enjoyed each of their quirky personalities and life would be quite mundane without them.
She'd gotten back in contact with Trixie and the two had actually become good friends.
Life drawled on, normal day after normal gouge-my-bucking-eyes-out-this-life-sucks- day.
One night Twilight was up late studying, or atleast that's what it looked like, but in truth she was trying to figure out how to practice her Witchraft without getting caught or seeming suspicious when there was a knock at the door.
Twilight answered it to find a package awaiting her... with a note from Celestia no less.
It instructed Twilight that this was a spellbook from none other than Starswirl the bearded... and that there was a particular spell that Celestia wanted Twilight to perfect.
"ooooooooh!" Twilight loved a challenge...
*24 hours of chaos later...*
Getting all of her friend's cutie marks back to their proper owners was no easy feat, but through perserverence and friendship, they managed.
All were laughing when Twilight was suddenly lifted into the air by a beam of magickal light.
"Woah! What's going on?!" Dash exclaimed, "Dunoh!" AJ yelled over the storming winds.
Twilight shook her head as her mind came-to on the astral plane.
"huh?... wha..." she looked forward to see none other than Celestia standing before her.
"PRINCESS?! Wait... what's going on here?" she said with a deadpan, first months of no contact other than official business, then the spell... and now this?
Celestia trotted over to her and made a little speech about Twilight's study of friendship this and, learning great lessons that; after a while Twilight felt like she was going to gag.
"CELESTIA!" she shouted in the Alicorn's face.
"... Well... " Celestia looked taken aback.
Twilight frowned and increased her body size by soaking up energy from the Aether. Storming up to Celestia and shoving her maw into the goddesse's she glared into Celestia's eyes, "WHAT IS UP WITH YOU?! Four months and not a single letter of conversation? Not once have you made any effort to contact me, then you send a legendary spell that completely bucked up the Elements of Harmony, then out of nowhere you decide to make a private phone call in the Astral plane?!"
Celestia backed her head away in shock, never before had Twilight EVER talked back to her like that.
Twilight brought her head back and sighed as she attempted to calm herself, "O.K... Princess," she said in a calm tone, "please would you explain the situation to me?"
Celestia looked crestfallen, "I... do suppose I owe you an explanation of sorts." Twilight's eye twitched in annoyance but she kept her mouth shut.
Celestia inhaled through her nose and looked Twilight in the eyes, "I... have been... afraid to speak with you... I wasn't sure just how aware you were of the situation..."
Twilight quirked her eyebrow, "come again?"
Celestia groaned, "I... I thought you might have figured it out somehow... I panicked... I... I wan't you to be immortal Twilight... I'd hoped that through learning black magic you might have figured out a way on your own... but now I see that an alternate rout must be used."
Twilight felt rightly confused at this, "um... apologies Princess but this isn't really making a lot of sense to me, care to elaborate?"
Celestia chuckled, "I want you to be by my side forever. And that ofcourse would require eternal life considering... what do you think this has all been about?" she waved her hoof in the air, "I've been grooming you for leadership, you weren't just my student Twilight, you were my apprentice."
Twilight blinked, "was an apprentice?"
Celestia smiled, "yes... that apprenticeship ends here and now... and what comes next well, that's were this 'phone call on the Astral plane' come's in. I want you to live forever Twilight... I want you by side on a permanant basis."
Twilight needed to sit down, she plopped down on her rump as her brain attempted to process the information. "You... want me to be... are you saying that you want... I'm confused, what do you gain from this? An eternal friend? Another sister? An heir?"
Celestia frowned, "you still don't get it..." she said shaking her head, "ever since I first saw you during your magick exam... I knew you were special." she looked off into the ethereal currents of the universe, "at first, it was merely a stutend teacher fascination. I loved how powerful you were becoming, and at such a young age too... the years passed on and that admiration grew; we became close. Very close... I think deep down I began to love you like a mother."
Twilight blushed, "yes I sort of figured that out... but-"
Celestia held up her hoof, "and that love grew into something much stronger. It became pride and respect... and... well it became genuine love."
Twilight tilted her head, "what... do you mean?"
Celestia rolled her eyes, "ugh, for such a smart pony you can be really thick sometimes..."
"HAY! That was uncalled f-mmph?" Twilight's protest was cut off as Celestia planted her lips on Twilight's
Twilight stood in shock, but soon closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss.
A light flashed throughout the Astral plane and Twilight felt her soul change. Well... not so much change as added onto.
Twilight fell back into the physical plane, but something felt different... both physically and spiritually... even mentally!
Her friends exclaimed when they noticed Twilight's wings.
The next few hours were a blur for Twilight her internal psyche tried hard to keep up with the pyschological trauma bombarding it. Her mind was filled with all the knowledge of good an evil, the wisdome of a thousand sages and the voice of an emperor. The will of a dictator and the strength of a Titan. The immortality of one who would never know death... and the power of a true god.
A ceremony was held, Twilight was unable to stay with her friends being that now she was royalty, but she'd learned to deal with it, especially with the prospect of having partial control of an entire nation! Not to mention having the love and adoration of the one pony she respected above all else. Twilight felt a perverse satisfaction with Celestia's love. Almost as if she finally held dominance over the most powerful being in the world; and that thought made her more than a little wet between her haunches...
Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia trotted through the castle; they were discussing the terms of Twilight's Sphere, that is- her divine jurisdiciton. Every god and goddess had one.
So what then... would Twilight be goddess of?
Luna chanced upon them in the hallway, "... Tia... Twilight..." she said mirthlessly.
Twilight smiled awkwardly at her. One of the (dis)advantages of rewinding time was having certain knowledge, and the knowledge that Twilight possessed was that of Luna's affection for her...
Twilight gave Celestia a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room, "I'll just... go out to the gardens for a while."
Celestia gave her a smile in response and watched until she left the room.
Once the door shut, she stared at her sister with a blank expression.
*Sounds of Silence: Simon and Garfunkel modified.*
Twilight looked out to the gardens, her enchanced senses saw the world in a whole to light, she could literally hear colors and see sounds.
As the benign plants around Canterlot's garden made her smile giddily, she held up her hoof, a butterfly landed on it, she smiled and opened her mouth, "hello darkness, my old friend... I've come to talk with you againnnnn..." she lifted her armored hoof coverd in a royal horseshoe high and the butterfly took off into the sky. "because a vision softly creeeeping... left its seeds while I waaaaas sleepiiiiinnngg..."
Up many thousand hooves above the garden, Celestia smiled down at Twilight from her tower's balcony, "she's like an adorable little foal exploring the world for the first time..."
*And the vision that was planteeed in my brain... still remains...*
Celestia leaned her head on the railing.
*Within the souuuuundd...*
Luna trotted up next to her.
*Of silenccceee...*
Luna turned to Celestia with a glare, "thou seems amused with thyself."
*in restless dreams I trot alooooone... Narrow streets of cobblestoooneee...*
Celestia smirked triumphantly back at her sister, "oh yes quite, and why wouldn't I be? My special somepony will now be with me forever, literally."
*'Neath the halo of a streeet lamp... I turned my collar to the coolllld and damp... When my eeeeyes were stabbed by the flash of a neeeon light, that split the night...*
Luna shoved her face in Celestia's "THOU CHEATED! Thy imprinted thyself on Twilight's soul without her knowledge or permission during that little 'ascention to godhood'!"
Celestia flinched at the revelation of truth.
*And touched the sooouuuuunnddddd... of silennnnnnce...*
Celestia shook her head, "there was no other choice, you had your chance, she refused your tutilage and that's all there is too it!" she turned her head away with a harumph.
Luna looked like she was ready to strangle Celestia, "yes... because everything just conviently goes thy way! WELL THE LINE IS DRAWN HERE! We will not allow thee to have this, We will not allow thee to have Twilight!"
*and in the naked light I saw... ten thousand ponies maybe mooooooreee... ponies talking withouuuuut speakinnnnggg... ponies hearing withouuuut listeninggg...*
"IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!" Celestia roared back and the two butted heads with such force that the shockwave cracked the marble around them.
Around Luna daknress festered, around Celestia blinding light coallesced and shone briliatnly. The two elements clashed against oneanother as the two sisters shoved eachother's heads each with their own monstrous brute strength, blood trailed down their foreheads and their eyes shown pure white.
*ponies writing soooongs, that voiceeesss never shared...nopony dared... disturb the soouuuuunnnddddd*
Down below, Twilight's mind finally came to a full rest as it began accepting the sight of the universe in its rawest and most pure form, she looked around and saw all points in time and space not as lines or points on a plane, but as a circle, with each moment and object of mass equidistant from oneanother. She looked forward and smiled deviously as she felt the full extent of her power.
*of silence...*
Then Twilight felt around inside her body, mind, and soul... her power felt... different form that of the demons. This was... well it was natural... it was her power and hers alone.
*"fools", daid I, "you do not know... silence like a cancer growwwwwwsss... hear my words that I miiiight teach youuuu"*
Twilight realized then... she had power... more than that, she had political power.
Twilight's skin began to pale, her teeth began to turn black as sinister smile found its way onto her features.
She... maybe she didn't need to destroy the world just to change it... she had influence now as a Princess...
Twilight's eyes vanished inplace of empty eye sockets.
*But my woooords, like silent raindrops fell... and echoed the wellllllsss...*
Twilight's smile grew so large that her lips split, black blood spurted onto the ground and poisoned the soil, the beatuful flowers around her wilted and died.
*of silence...*
Twilight's body teleported away towards the gates of Tartarus.
"hmhmhmhm... Oh I think I'll like being a Princess... A goddess... ruler of Equestria huh? I could get very used to that..." she trotted towards the gate to Hell, "and I have a few... 'changes' in mind..." she said with a predatory grin as she neared Cerebus.
The hellhound lifted from his sleeping position and growled at the intruder.
Twilight raised her hoof and twisted it, all three of the demon's heads snapped. With a toss of her hoof in the air, the dog was thrown hundreds of yards into the distance.
Twilight's smile grew even wider as she looked at her hoof and began laughing hysterically, "I LOVE BEING A GODDESS!"
*And the ponies bowed and praaayyyyed to the neon god they maaaade*
Twilight's horn glowed and the gates to Hell were ripped open, a hundred million eyes gazed at her form the pits of Tartarus.
With another flash of her horn, a hundred million demons flew into her body and became one with her. But they did not possess her... they became her food, she devoured them as a god devours a sacrifice, their minds and spirits were ripped asunder and their power became one with hers.
A bright light flashed.
Far off in the back mountains of Canterlot, Luna and Celestia stood panting in a giant crater covered in eachother's blood.
Celestia sighed, "that's enough foalish sibling rivalry for one day..." she said as she began to trot off.
*And the sign flashed out iiiits warniiiing... in the words that it waaaas formingggg*
"This isn't over Tia! We won't let you have her all to thyself!" Luna shrieked with a vengence.
Celestia turned around with furrowed brows, "she isn't a 'thing' to be owned Luna... but I wouldn't expect you to understand that... this conversation is over." and with that, she teleported back to the castle.
Luna snorted through her nose, "so thou thinks... hmph... We WILL have Twilight to ourselves... no matter what the cost."
Twilight's body broke and reform as she grew in size to thrice that of Celestia, she stood on two long lanky hooves with pale skin covered in dirt patches, her long humanoid torso stood tall with a giant glyph of her cutie mark covered with an inverted pentagram edthed in to her skin as if by a knife, her long arms held out to the sides palms out and clawed fingers pointing to the sky in a half grasp.
Twilight's long dark violet mane looked as if it were soaked in blood and dripped crimson dropplets onto the ground beneath her. Her eyes were hollow with hellfire burning in the empty sockets with little tongues of flame licking out into the air, her lips spread wide and split at several places, opened up to show black serated teeth and five long slimy tongues hanging out form the side, her horn was twice as long and riddled with holes and kinks, its entire spire was wrethed in pruple flames.
Her tail was no longer equine but instead was more akin to that of a dragon. Six black wings extended from her back spread wide.
*And the sing said, "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls... and tenement halls..."*
Twilight stood not as a Witch, but as something so much more... as a Devil Princess... monsters and abominations surrounding the area saw her and bowed to their unchallenged queen. Twilight threw her head back and roared with such fury as if to intimidate the heavens themselves, "I am the Twilight Sparkle! Master of Tartarus, Princess of demons, AND GODDESS OF HHHEEELLLLLLLLL!"
*And whispered in the sooooooouuuuuuuunds...*
Twilight's head looked back down at the land befor her, "And I'm just getting started!"
*Of silennnnnnnnnnnce...*
To be continued in the sequel, "The Sorceress' Ambition"
I wanna say thanks to all my readers who clinged to the story and gave me encouragement and support, you all really give me the motivation to continue writing, THANK YOU!
Review if you liked!
Bemnal the Fallen out.