WARNINGS: This is total slash, so if you have a problem with it turn back now. AND if you are UNDER 18, naughty, naughty, what the hell are you doing reading this, go watch power-puff girls ;) LOL.
Beta: None. WILL have spelling and grammar mistakes. (Please don't complain as I've just warned you.)
Sex: No more sadly.
A/N: Very short Epilogue.
The bike pulled to a halt on the outskirts of town, its rider turning to glance over his shoulder mournfully. He couldn't' believe it had only been just over two years since he'd sat in that exact same spot, excited about the future that lay ahead of him. So much had changed. Not just the patch that now adorned his back or the ink that covered his skin, he'd changed.
He swallowed back the pain and blinked against the tears. When he'd arrived in Charming, he'd thought it was going to be the beginning of something wonderful, he thought it would be his home, and for a while it had been. He'd had a place to belong, a people who watched out for him, friends and family. - it was hard thinking that a stupid mistake, a moment of distraction had cost him all that. But that wasn't really the worst thing he'd lost over the course of a few days, he'd lost the respect, support and in a small way the love of the man who'd swallowed him whole two plus years ago.
Shaking his head, Kozik glanced at the road in front of him. His destination? Tacoma. Home to face his brother's disapproval again, his only hope was that one day, when all this was laid to rest, he'd return to Charming, and maybe even to Tig.
Shifting beneath the weight of his cut, that had never felt so heavy, he revved the motor, spared a small nod at the leaving sigh, taking a shaky breath Benjamin Kozik set off down the road, away from the pain and hate for Alex Trager.
A/N: Okay, so I know it's a pretty sucky ending, but as I said, supposititious. Lol. Though I kinda always intended to end the story like this. I know it totally goes against my usual up-beat-ness, but then you guy know Kozik returns and that Him & Tiggy have some fun, so it's not all that bad, right.
Now as I've said, I've got my season four DVD's and my mind is already setting up the outline for the season four stories. And at least one will not be happy, but I kinda have to right it. Sorry. I've also got another idea for a story set between this one and Sweet Denial, about Kozik and how he deals with the break-up with Tig. Though which will come first (no pun intended) I'm not sure.
So anyway, that's it from me for now. Hope you enjoyed the ride (pun totally intended) and I also hope to hear from you again. Thank you all so much for sticking with me though-out the story, and to those of you that add this piece to your favourite list, I'm greatly honoured. Now I'm off to figure out the plots for more Tikozi fun, will see you again soon.
Love you all,